Technical Knowledge

A Copernican Revolution in American Economics!

A Copernican Revolution in American Economics!

$4 TRILLION DOLLARS! On average that’s how much the American economy grows annually. That’s, on average, how much new value is created each year by the American economy. 330 MILLION! That’s the approximate population of the USA in 2021. So, if you divide $4 trillion dollars by 330 million people, you’ll find that, on average, the American economy grows at the rate of $12,000 per person, annually.

With those figures in mind, let’s explore what happens if the Federal Reserve, through local banks, issued $12,000 worth of CAPITAL CREDIT at ZERO PERCENT INTEREST to every man woman and child in the USA, ANNUALLY? My question at this point is, has any money been spent? The answer is NO MONEY HAS BEEN SPENT! All that’s happened is that there’s been $4 trillion dollars of capital credit issued, all of which is just WAITING TO BE SPENT.

Note here that CAPITAL CREDIT is different from CONSUMER CREDIT because it can only be used to purchase wealth producing capital assets (stocks, bonds, land, buildings, machinery, patents, copyrights) that are expected to yield regular, predictable dividends to their owners.

Now suddenly, one person decides to use their capital credit to purchase $12,000 worth of blue-chip stock. At this point $12,000 HAS BEEN SPENT. But it’s INSTANTLY collateralized (secured so neither the local bank or the Fed are at risk) by the value of the rock solid, blue-chip stock that’s been purchased at zero percent interest.

In order to speed up the ownership process, the new owner is also allowed to repay this capital credit loan using PRE-TAX DOLLARS yielded by their stock. In other words, the new loan is automatically collateralized. The owner does not dig into his/her savings account. They don’t put a second mortgage on the family home. They pay the loan off using PRE-TAX, FUTURE EARNINGS/dividends. In investment circles this strategy is called “a Leveraged Buy-Out.”

On average, the loan will pay itself off (it’s self -liquidating) in 3 to 7 years. But the dividends continue to flow, creating a RESIDUAL INCOME for their owner. Multiply this scenario by 10 years and you’ll find that $120,000 has been invested on behalf of the owner by their 10th birthday. By the time they reach college age, over $200,000 will have been invested on their behalf which will provide all the residual income they’ll need to attend college, while incurring NO COLLEGE DEBT. And at retirement, the owner won’t need social security.

To repeat, not one thin dime is spent UNTIL a purchase is consummated. Once that happens the loan is instantly collateralized by the value of the wealth producing asset purchased. Then the self-liquidating loan pays itself off with pre-tax dollars in a predictable amount of time so neither the individual or the government incurs any long-term debt. And to make things even more secure, a small percentage of the purchase price is used to INSURE the entire transaction, just in case the rock solid, blue-chip stock fails to perform as expected and does not pay itself off.

The Biden/Harris Golden Opportunity…

Now if you multiply this scenario by 330 million people annually, you’ll see how the new Biden/Harris administration could lead our economy out of the WORST ECONOMIC CRISIS America has experienced since the stock market crashed in 1929. In the process they would create no government debt, and no individual debt.

Within a decade and a half this strategy, if employed, would gradually eliminate poverty and a myriad of related problems including STRUCTURAL RACISM. It would also systematically democratize the free market economy, create millions of NEW TAXPAYERS who would reduce the tax burden for Americans currently pay taxes, allow the social safety net programs to fade off into the sunset, balance the budget, and possibly even pay off the national debt.

16 Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where does the $4 Trillion dollars come from?

It comes from NEW WEALTH/ VALUE (from a naturally expanding American economy) created (on average) annually. It’s destined to happen! Someone will have access to and will benefit from this predictable, newly created wealth. The EDA suggests the many (as in we the people) should have access to the means required to participate in the ownership side of the economy – NOT just the few.

2. Won’t the EDA be inflationary?

No, it won’t. Notice this strategy does not add one dime to the projected annual growth of the American economy. It’s going to happen anyway. So, the EDA does not dilute or devalue existing currency levels. The only question is, who gets to participate and benefit? Will it be we the people (the many)? Or only the 1% (the few)?

3. Isn’t the EDA socialistic?

No, it’s not. Capitalism is all about PRIVATE OWNERSHIP. Socialism is all about PUBLIC OWNERSHIP. In that light, the EDA is all about private ownership. But it systematically counteracts concentrated wealth/power. It also democratizes our free market economy. In the process it UNDERWRITES POLITICAL DEMOCRACY.

4. Won’t the EDA increase my taxes?

No, it won’t! What it will do is create tens of millions of NEW TAXPAYERS who will in turn help current taxpayers shoulder the tax burden. This will actually REDUCE taxes for most people who currently pay taxes. It even offers the potential of PAYING OFF THE NATIONAL DEBT.

5. Let me calculate.

A family of 4 would receive $48,000 (4 X $1,200) of capital credit annually. And a family of 10 would receive $120,000 (10 X $12,000) of capital credit annually. Right? So, doesn’t the Economic Democracy Act effectively pay for a couple to create lots of kids in order to get lots of money? The short answer is that since the line of credit is non-transferable, parents have no access and do not directly benefit from it. But more importantly, research shows that as income increases childbirth frequency decreases. So, on both counts, the EDA will not encourage the overproduction of children.

6. How is Economic Democracy different from Universal Basic Income?

UBI simple and it’s relatively immediate. That’s its strength. It’s consumer oriented and it remains relatively constant in size over time. It’s also secured/collateralized by increased government debt. UBI is therefore a SHORT-TERM FIX and creates DEPENDENCE on government. In contrast the EDA is more complicated and it requires some time (5 to 7 years) before residual incomes are actually being generated. The EDA is investment oriented, which means it accumulates and grows over time. It is also backed by insured, wealth producing capital assets that collateralize/secure every transaction. By doing so it creates NO long-term debt for either consumers or government. Therefore, the EDA is a LONG-TERM FIX that must be gradually phased as it creates more people who are INDEPENDENT from government.

7. Is Economic Democracy similar to an Employee Stock Ownership Plan/ESOP?

Yes. But instead of covering just those who work for employee-owned companies and who have access to an ESOP, Economic Democracy uses the same strategy to COVER EVERYONE (regardless of age, gender, race, religion), most of whom lack the required means to participate in the (predictably profitable) ownership side of the American economy.

8. Has Economic Democracy been tested in a pilot project to see how it performs in real life?

Yes and No. The basic mechanics of this strategy have been thoroughly tested in the roughly 8000 employee-owned companies that have been created over the past 50 years. As we said in the previous question, the EDA is really just an expansion of the of the ESOP strategy that aims to give all Americans an equal opportunity to participate in and to benefit from the ownership side of the American economy where all the new wealth is being created. However, it has yet to be formally tested in a national setting.

9. What percentage is used in order to calculate an average ROI and payoff potential?

Using very conservative estimates, we chose 15% as the PRE-TAX ROI. Historically, before the recent wild swings and grossly inflated share values of today, a POST-TAX ROI ran in the neighborhood of 9 to 12%. The payback period is calculated by dividing one by the rate of return and rounding up to the nearest integer. Thus 1/.15 = 6.666 (round it up to 7 years).

10. How does Economic Democracy reduce wage slavery in the US?

By giving everyone (as opposed to a few) legitimate access to the ownership side of the US economy (where almost all the new wealth is generated) and creating residual incomes for everyone, Economic Democracy reduces the need for anyone to sell their most productive hours of the day (week, month, year, life) to an employer in exchange for a pay check.

11. How will the EDA impact the bust/boom character of America’s economy?

It effectively eliminates the imbalances that are responsible for the bust/boom dilemma.

12. Does the EDA appeal mostly to conservatives or mostly to liberals?

To be honest this is a strategy that appeals to BOTH SIDES of the isle. It appeals to the fiscally conservative Republican who wants to reign in spending and live within our means. It also appeals to the liberal Democrat who wants a level playing field where everyone has an equal opportunity. And since it systematically promotes independence from government (i.e. freedom) the only people who disapprove of the EDA are autocrats who want to control we the people.

13. Why would the mainstream media fail to inform “we the people” about such a revolutionary economic strategy?

Quite simply, the entire mainstream media (including CNN and MSNBC) is owned and controlled by the one percent. And the one percent prefers to keep “we the people” under control and in the dark about revolutionary ideas that threaten to undermine their concentrated wealthy/power. We’re allowed to see and hear what media owners allow us to see and hear. In other words, America’s mainstream media delivers little more than profitable propaganda that, in the long run, supports concentrated wealth/power.

14. Why doesn’t academia introduce this strategy to all their future economists?

To be honest, most economists have never been introduced to Economic Democracy. They can’t teach what they don’t know. But in the 21st century, academia is largely dependent on corporate funding (i.e. the one percent) for their existence. So even if they are familiar with Economic Democracy, academicians can ill afford to introduce this revolutionary strategy to future economists without risking their own employment in the process. Bureaucrats (conventionalists) hardly ever rock the boat.

15. Who’s the primary proponent of the Economic Democracy Act?

That would be the Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ.ORG), headquartered in Arlington, VA.

16. What are the three big questions that the CESJ wants to ask about any legislation that gets run through Congress?

Who owns it? Who controls it? Who benefits? In the case of the EDA, every individual person in the USA owns and controls wealth producing assets, and benefits from this strategy.

John F Kennedy warned that “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.” The Economic Democracy Act represents the peaceful revolution that will help Americans avoid the inevitable violent revolution.

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Creating a Productive Work Space

Creating a Productive Work Space

Productivity is key when it comes to your work space. No matter where you work, if your work space is not conducive to getting things done, you seem to fall more and more behind. Distractions and interruptions can wreck havoc on your schedule and you won’t accomplish anything until they are removed. How can you create a work space that allows you to be productive at all times? This can be done if you follow some simple tips when setting up your work area.

* Eliminate all distractions. This includes intercoms, cell phones, beepers and the like. Take charge and turn these items off. If you feel you need these items, designate at least a portion of the day to being technology free. These are just distractions that take away from your productivity so you need to remove them for a while. You regain control of your work area which allows you to focus on the tasks that need to be accomplished. Remember to turn them back on when this self imposed quiet period is over though.

* Turn your desk away from the door. By doing so, you will not be distracted by the hub of activity that occurs in other parts of the office. You are trained to notice motion so, when activity occurs within your visual range, you will instinctively look up. Although you may dismiss whatever caught your eye, this is still an interruption. Do this a number of times every day and you can see how productivity is reduced. Move your desk so you are facing a wall and you won’t have this problem. You also won’t be distracted by what is going on outside your office window either!

* Ensure that you clean up your work space every evening before you leave. Clutter has been proven to reduce productivity. When you enter your office in the morning to a clean desk, you will be ready to sit down and get started. The more organized you are, the easier it is to stay on track. This results in more productivity in the long run.

* Focus on one task at a time. Multi-tasking is not helpful as recent studies have shown. Do one thing until it is complete and then move on to the next item. You will find that it tasks you less time to complete jobs which results in overall increased productivity.

By following these simple steps, your productivity will increase and you will notice. Others will also and you may just be promoted or receive a pay raise. Although many say they prefer to work with distractions, most don’t handle these interruptions well. Try these steps and you will see a difference in no time at all.

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Customer Service Improves Sales

Customer Service Improves Sales

Henry Ford said ‘The only foundation of real business is service’. In many companies, the customer service function sits outside of the sales channel as it is seen in some way inferior to sales. Yet customer service is integral to sales success. Without good customer service there will be no repeat sales, and repeat sales are the most profitable revenue any company can generate.

The selling process is not complete merely because the customer has stated that he or she will buy your products or services. Throughout the entire selling process, the maintenance of goodwill is important, but even more so after the purchase. Regardless of your customer’s previous feeling towards your company, the experience they have after they have bought will have a significant impact on future sales. Customer service doesn’t complete the sale; it reignites the sales cycle. A worthwhile maxim to adopt is: ‘a customer cannot be regarded as satisfied until we get their next order.’

Whilst customer service represents the last element in many standard sales processes it could also be argued that it is the first element in a recurring sales process. Ask yourself:

  • Did I ensure that the agreements reached with the customer actually happened?
  • Did I attempt to up-sell?
  • Did I ask for a referral?
  • What records are kept and maintained?
  • What feedback did I get about how the customer benefited from my product/ service?
  • How could customer service be improved?

Why Is Customer Service Important?

There are a number of empirical studies on the value of customer service and the effect of repeat business on the bottom line. Frederick Reicheld and Earl Sasser said that ‘if companies knew how much it really costs to lose a customer, they would be able to make accurate evaluations of investments designed to retain customers’. They found that customers become more profitable over time as increased sales; reduced costs of distribution; referrals; and the opportunity to up-sell all add to the bottom line.

Heskett, Sasser, and Scheslinger collaborated on a training programme to assist managers in understanding the lifetime value of customers and in addition advised on the importance of developing a culture whereby employees are engaged to contribute to the value chain. They postulated that employee satisfaction leads to service value which produces customer satisfaction and which in turn results in profits and growth. It is hardly surprising that happen employees produce happy customers.

What is Customer Service?

Is it just about smiling and being nice to customers? It’s a good place to start but it can’t just be about that.

It is generally accepted that it is very difficult to deliver high standards of customer service. Some say we have not been educated for it – it is not our tradition. This observation is often justified by stating that since late Victorian and early Edwardian times fewer and fewer people have worked in ‘service’. What was a major employment sector in those days has now dwindled to almost nothing.

While this has happened, employment has increased in manufacturing, sales, administration, information technology, and social sciences. Through the years ‘working in service’ came to be regarded as a dead end job that nobody wanted and would only take as a last resort. As a result, the label ‘service’ has almost fallen into disrepute, and many people see giving service as something beneath them that lesser mortals do.

However, the truth is that everybody likes and appreciates good service.

Difference between Good & Poor Service

An often quoted but unattributed statistic is that where people have been asked the question – ‘what would you say was the main difference between somewhere where you received good service and somewhere you received poor service’ – in 70 percent of cases the response has been – ‘the attitude and behaviour of the person delivering the service’. Whether true or not, it seems probable that if we receive poor service from somewhere we are unlikely to buy from that source again.

It is therefore reasonable to assume that good customer service does not involve the quality of the product (unless you have advertised a product as being something it is not) but the quality of the people delivering the product or service, and the experience the customer has of buying your product or service.

It is also reasonable to assume that you yourself know the difference between good and poor service and can put yourself in the customer’s shoes when buying your product or service.

It should be relatively easy to establish a list of thing you have purchased in the last couple of months and determine whether the experience you had of buying was good, bad or indifferent. Obviously a lot of buying and selling these days happens without the interaction of people (e.g. buying on the web) and for the purposes of this exercise perhaps you should record those activities separately. Although it might appear simple, an appraisal of your own experience, coupled with putting yourself in the customer’s shoes should provide you with a wealth of information regarding the difference between good and poor service.

Analysing Good Customer Service

Ask the customer

A simple yet highly effective way of establishing the quality of your customer service is to ask the customer. Attached is an example of a customer service questionnaire used in a car distributor showroom (customer service questionnaire).


You might check out the set of customer service standards as determined by the Institute of Customer Service. In 2007 they conducted some research into what they believe customers wanted. The top ten responses were as follows:

  1. Overall quality of the products/ service
  2. Friendliness of staff
  3. Handling of problems and complaints
  4. Speed of service
  5. Helpfulness of staff
  6. Handling enquiries
  7. Being treated as a valued customer
  8. Competence of staff
  9. Ease of doing business
  10. Being kept informed


In 2004 the Institute of Leadership published the results of a survey with staff regarding the reasons for poor customer service. The top four reasons given were:

  1. 60% of staff believe that the main contributing factor contributing to poor customer service was bad line management
  2. 45% claim that their relationship with their line manager impacted significantly on the service they provide to the customer
  3. 60% felt they were not praised enough for good customer service, and
  4. 10% said they never receive any praise for a job well done


I have defined customer service as being:

A set of business behaviours which seek to provide superior service to existing and prospective customers; build customer loyalty and repeat business; and influence the acquisition of new customers.

The Follow-up of a Sale

A major life insurance company revealed that in nearly 60% of all life insurance lapses, the policy terminated after the second premium payment. The same company pointed out that after a policyholder makes four premium payments, lapses are negligible. The significance of these statistics is that customers must remain convinced that their buying decisions were correct or repeat purchases are likely to stop. You, through the final step in the selling process – the follow up – can influence the satisfaction your customers derive from their purchases.

Consider one of your customers whose purchases have been poor during the past year and are not likely to increase significantly in the future. Also assume that you have one highly profitable account whose purchases amount to nearly 25% of the total volume of your business. What sort of follow-up and service should you provide to each? Naturally the larger, more profitable account would probably receive greater attention on your part.

For all customers, you should analyse how extensive your follow-up should be. For most accounts, an occasional email, letter or telephone call should suffice. For more active customers you might need to make in-person calls every week or so. Customers who have made or are likely to make large purchases at some time in the future certainly deserve the best personal service you can provide.

Many salespeople are fond of quoting the Pareto Principle in regard to sales, saying that around 80% of their customers provide them with only about 20% of the total sales volume in their territories. Conversely, about 80% of total sales volume comes from only 20% of their customers.

Your principal responsibility as a salesperson is to sell products or services profitably. This should be your rule of thumb when servicing accounts. Your time is limited, but time spent with customers is often an investment in greater sales and future profits. Even accounts that are semi-active or lacking in potential might become high volume purchasers if service and follow-up activities can improve their attitudes toward you and your company.

Follow-up activities vary substantially by industry and product. At one extreme, it is unlikely that a Scout selling raffle tickets house to house during his annual fundraising will make any follow-up calls during the year. On the other hand, a retail merchant buying household products for re-sale may require regular assistance from their supplier such as inventory maintenance, merchandise displays, and co-operative advertising programmes that can be part of the follow-up. Even the Scout group will need to deliver the prizes and should publish a list of winners.

Ideas for Follow-up

Thank you communication

You are far more likely to get repeat orders if you develop an amicable relationship with your customers. Any activity that helps to cement this relationship, from a simple ‘thank you’ to hand delivering a substantial order, can benefit both you and your customer. A simple goodwill builder, but one far too frequently overlooked, is sending a thank you letter, card, or email soon after a sales call has been made.

You can develop a few formats and then modify to suit each specific customer and specific occasions such as moving to new premises, or even more personal such as birthdays or recovering from accident/illness. The cost and the time expended are minimal compared to the goodwill that a ‘thank you’ can create.

After-Sales Service & Assistance

Even if the product is not delivered in person, a telephone call or an in-person visit may enable you to help your customer with the proper use of your products. Customers who do not know how to use a purchase may blame you or the product for their frustrations and problems. Besides instructing your customers on the proper use of your products, you may also be able to point out additional uses for the items. Sometimes there may be minor repairs or adjustments resulting from faulty installation that you can correct or arrange service for. In some cases, you may create goodwill just by checking with customers to make certain that their orders were fulfilled and delivered as directed on purchase orders. You might find some of these suggestions regarding follow-up activities useful:

  • Make a follow-up ‘goodwill building’ visit to your customers within a week after delivery of the product to make certain that the order was fulfilled properly.
  • Make certain that the product is satisfactory and is being used properly.
  • Offer suggestions to the customer on ways to make more effective or additional use of the product.
  • Use the follow-up visit as an opportunity to obtain new prospects i.e. ask for referrals.
  • Handle any complaints or misunderstandings as soon as possible and with a positive and courteous attitude.

When you make in-person follow up visits, be sure they are not ‘waste-of-time calls’. Before making the call, ask yourself ‘How is my customer likely to benefit from this call? What do I want to achieve?’

Personal delivery

In some instances, you might be able to develop more satisfied customers by delivering your product in person. For example, life insurance agents frequently deliver policies in-person as soon as the contract is prepared and returned from head office. Five major reasons for this type of in-person delivery are:

  • To review the features of the policy
  • To reassure the client that a wise purchase was made
  • To remind the client when the next premium is due in order to make the sale stay solid
  • To promote the sale of additional life insurance in the future
  • To solicit referred leads.

There is a double reason for after-sale selling. Firstly, the existing buyer is, and always has been, a great referral source. Secondly, some sort of professional friendship is developed which can be a future useful testimonial to a new prospective customer.


Goodwill is a factor related to customer attitudes and sentiments toward you and your company. The loss of goodwill is, in effect, the loss of sales. Goodwill building is not automatic. It requires a deliberate, conscientious, and sincere concern about customer interests and needs over extended periods of time. Virtually every step in the selling process has an influence on goodwill.

Goodwill is not concrete – you cannot put your finger on it or measure it accurately in currency. Nevertheless, goodwill is of significant value since it helps the salesperson in making initial and repeat sales. Furthermore, customers with favourable attitudes towards your company and its products are also excellent sources of referral business.

Keeping Customers Satisfied and Staying Competitive

Getting a prospect to place an order and become a customer is long and arduous. Although the search for prospects to turn into new customers never stops, you should also never stop building good relationships with your present customers. They deserve your follow-up so that they will receive the products or services ordered. A commitment to service is required to keep your present customers buying from you. It is service that builds goodwill. In competitive markets it is not products that are different; it is the after sales service provided that makes the difference.

The Importance of Developing Enthusiastic Customers

Enthusiastic customers are one of your best sources of prospects because they are excited about what they buy and want to share that excitement with others. Because of our natural reserve, that is not something we do lightly, so we always take notice if a colleague or friend speaks highly of a company.

If you deliver what customers want at a fair price, without any problems, they are should be satisfied. Although that is better than being dissatisfied, you need more than this to ensure keeping the customer and increasing sales. You have to develop customer enthusiasm about your products and services. You must deliver more than the customer expects. This breeds enthusiasm, which produces a climate that ensures loyalty and increased sales and recommendations to others. Here are some suggestions for producing and maintaining enthusiastic customers:

  1. Keep in touch: check after delivery to see that things are going well. Check again later and ask for leads on new prospects.
  2. Handle any complaints promptly: problems are inevitable. Do not ignore them. They grow with neglect. Do more than the customer expects in satisfying the complaint.
  3. Be a friend: think of the customer as a friend and do things for them accordingly. Send birthday cards or postcards while you are on holidays. Congratulate him or her on awards or advancement.
  4. Give praise when it is due: look for things for which you can give legitimate praise: something the firm has done awards, increased earnings, and a big order. Congratulate the customer personally for awards, election to an office, and honours. Customers appreciate attention too.
  5. Send prospects to your customers: if your customers are in business, send leads or refer prospects to them. It is human nature to respond in kind to anyone who does us a favour.

The Competition

Learn as much as you can about the competition’s products and services. Study how they bring their products to market, their policies, their pricing levels or strategies, the markets they serve, and their customers. Use this information to carry out a SWOT Analysis described elsewhere in this book.

List the strong selling points of your competitors and next to each list a similar or better customer benefit from your own product or service. Don’t assume that every prospect or customer of yours knows your competitors’ strong points. Emphasise your own customer benefits during the sales call. Don’t mention, or sell, your competitors.

Analyse why prospects or customers are buying from competitors and prepare a detailed plan to convince them that they should be buying from you.

Continually review and reinforce the reasons why your customers are doing business with you.

Continually strive to build a close relationship with your customers so they can be more dependent on you.

Earn the right to ask for more orders based on your commitment to service. Remember: your best customers are probably your competitors’ best prospects. Keep working to keep them satisfied and buying from you.

A competitor’s customers are loyal and satisfied because the products or services they receive fit their organisation and requirements now. These conditions can and do change so customer satisfaction is relative.

Becoming a Preferred Supplier

When competing against established suppliers, you may first have to get on the list of acceptable suppliers. To do so this you must create awareness and then an interest and desire for your products or services.

Consider sending copies of advertisements, newspaper articles, or trade journal reports in which you and/ or your company appears, to your customer. Use testimonial letters and recommendations. This will alert your customer to your acceptance by other companies in the same or similar activities.

Invite members of the customer’s firm to visit your plant, your headquarters, your offices, customer installations, or trade shows.

Suggest that their present suppliers are quoting a fair price; however, with new products and services continually being introduced, inflation, improved efficiency, higher productivity, maybe you can do better.

Ask for a copy of their bid specifications and requirements so you can prepare a proposal and quotation for their review and evaluation.

Suggest that they can determine whether or not what you have proposed will give them more value for money. Offer them:

  • trial orders
  • sample equipment
  • thirty day service evaluation period
  • money back guarantees

These are all part of what it may take for you to become an acceptable supplier. Your creativity as a sales professional will be really challenged by thinking of ways and means to become an acceptable supplier to prospects that are apparently satisfied by their present suppliers.


‘We don’t have problems, we have opportunities.’ A cliché, but very true in the case of complaints. It has been estimated that only one in twenty customers complain when they get bad service. The vast majority just go elsewhere! Worse still, the average person tells nine people about the bad service they received. They tell everyone but you. A complaint is an opportunity in identifying ways of improving your services and hence the goodwill of your customers.

Most of us do not like criticism. Therefore, when people complain to us, whether it is face to face or not we try to defend ourselves. Even if the complaint is directed personally towards us, which it rarely is. In doing so we sometimes resort to attack, only making the situation worse.

The best way to deal with complaints is to: –

  • Acknowledge the complaint
  • Listen carefully for information
  • Do not defend or excuse
  • Empathise with the caller
  • Promise to put investigate it
  • Promise to call back is necessary and do so

All the customer wants to know is: –

  1. That you fully understand their problem
  2. What you are going to do about it

If you deal with people in this way, there is no reason why every communication of this kind should not result in both parties being satisfied.

This positive result is not necessarily dependent upon the issue being fully resolved it is dependent upon responsive and responsible communication.

Remember, when a customer complains, they are giving you a second chance to put it right

When the complaint is received over the telephone:

  • Note down the facts.
  • Summarise your understanding of the facts back to the customer to ensure clarity.
  • Phone the customer back when you said you would.
  • If you have not solved the problem by this time, give a progress report.

Agree a common method for handling complaints in your organisation. Include procedures for complaints that are face to face, by ‘phone and by letter/email. Draw up a complaints form. It should include:

  • Date and time received.
  • Who received it?
  • Department.
  • The details of the customer: name address, telephone number. Make sure that it meets data protection standards on keeping the information (every organisation should have this as a written procedure and ensure that everyone is aware of this).
  • Complaint details.
  • The nature of the complaint.
  • Action to be taken and deadline.
  • Sign off when dealt with, and where appropriate signature of line manager.
  • Build into the process a method for building customer relationships by getting in touch with the customer two weeks after the complaint has been dealt with to confirm that the complaint was dealt with satisfactorily.

Staff need to ensure that they:

  • Don’t take complaints personally or be defensive; this isn’t an attack on their competence.
  • Take responsibility and ownership on behalf of the organisation and explain to the customer that they will do their best to sort it out.
  • understand that bad news spreads
  • don’t get drawn into an argument
  • remain calm and professional

The rule for complaints
A complaint is a customer communicating their dissatisfaction at the service or product that we have provided, it is an important message that tells us where we are going wrong and gives us vital information about our customer’s wants, needs and expectations. You can’t buy this information!

Regaining Lost Customers

All organisations lose customers, some for very genuine reasons such as relocation or closure. Sometimes though, they go either because we do something wrong or a competitor makes a better offer. After losing a customer to a competitor ask yourself:

  • ‘What can I do to get this customer back’?
  • ‘What has to be done to assure myself I do not lose more customers for similar reasons’?

Prepare a list of all the things that could have gone wrong with the account. Next, set up a convenient meeting with your former customer for a frank discussion so you can clarify the position. Consider key areas such as price, delivery, proper handling of warranties or guarantees, and service calls

Say that although you’ve lost this particular piece of business, it is your intention to win it back in the future. You want to gain their support in helping you to identify what went wrong by discussing the problems. Consider the following:

  • Have you kept them abreast of all your new products or services?
  • Have you kept them abreast of important price, personnel or policy changes?
  • Have you visited them on a frequency appropriate for their business activity?
  • Have you considered all the ways of helping them improve their businesses by emphasising products and services that would help them in the marketplace?

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Benefits and Facilities of Co-Working Office Space

Benefits and Facilities of Co-Working Office Space

Locally established entrepreneurs and remote workers alike need a devoted space to play out their work. While outfitting a shared office frequently makes sense for full-time home specialists, it’s not only the work-from-home group that can profit by a pleasantly prepared office space. Regardless of whether you telecommute or require a sorted out space for paying bills, outfitting your office with alluring and utilitarian furniture is more reasonable than you may understand. Utilize these tips to make an appealing, efficient office without spending a fortune.

In the event that you keep taking the budgetary advantages of Co-working workplace, we’ll discover services commonly incorporate committed assistant groups, administrative support, and devoted IT and web infrastructure.

Picking an area is imperative and working in a region of business esteem is dependably a reward. Interesting points while choosing the correct dedicated office are what the gathering zones and shared offices resemble on the grounds that these are the territories your customers and providers will see. Making the right first impression is important.

This ascent popular is fuelled because of the facilities gave by the Co-working office environment provides and the organizations paying just according to their utilization which brings about associations running their tasks in a practical way. Co-working office incorporate gathering rooms, meeting rooms, committed assistant, administrative support, telecom benefit, completely met in-house IT foundation, web availability and significantly more.

Dedicated Co-working space offer comprehensive business bolster bundles and pay-per-utilize courses of action for meeting the workplace space and business focus necessities of an association at sensible rates. By conveying proficient, successful and cost productive office arrangements,Furnished Co-working space stretch out help to business people who are searching for any kind of office bolster.
New companies, little and medium ventures require office spaces with extravagant decorations in sparing and adaptable rent terms. Co-working space the differing need of each customer and give customized business facilities and finish office help.

Benefits of Co-working workplace:
• Located in premium business territories
• High benefit guidelines
• The decision to choose the quantity of seats, seating courses of action, framework prerequisites and different business necessities
• Fully prepared and cooled office spaces
• Flexible permit of business focuses, including administration rates, light, water and office administration
• Flexible occupant, a streamlined application process and business understanding
• State of the craftsmanship voice, Internet and information frameworks
• Calls to devoted numbers replied for customer’s benefit
• High quality, efficient building and gathering zones
• WiFi empowered collective regions (on uncommon demand)
• Meeting and preparing rooms furnished with projectors and other hardware (on exceptional demand)
• 24/7 office help (if required)

Business visionaries need to build their brand reputation and grow their organizations, consequently, outsourcing a Co-working office address is a perfect choice for them. Co-working office space picks up inclination over a customary office from various perspectives. Shared workplaces don’t possess a physical space and mitigate business visionaries from making any major money related cost and venture of time on angles, for example, rentals and related stores, information cabling and Internet availability, security, power, phone, protection and office computerization.

best workplace in Pakistan

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Top 10 Ways to Make Money From Your Phone

Top 10 Ways to Make Money From Your Phone

One best thing about using your phone to earn money is there’re many genuine customer reviews for every app, so you will get a better idea about which is worth your time and legit. Here’re some top 10 ways to make money with your phone:

1- App Bounty – Get Your Rewards

App Bounty awards you for trying out and downloading new applications. You also can make points for spreading out the word and liking them via Facebook and Twitter. Points are redeemed for Amazon gift cards and iTunes, and PS Network Points, Xbox Live, and paid apps free.

2- Swagbucks – Chance to Make More Points

In Swagbucks, you will earn points like SB that is redeemed for the gift cards, sweepstake entries and coupons. This platform is accessed through a laptop or via smartphone app for Android and iPhone!

3- CheckPoints – Watch Videos

They allow you to earn money just by scanning the barcodes, watching videos, taking quizzes, searching on the internet, and completing different offers. CheckPoints is featured on the Mashable and is iPhone and Android compatible.

4- Drop – Point Shopping System

In Drop, you will make points by shopping at an individual store. You just have to connect to your credit card on their safe smartphone app, and whenever you buy in a participating retailer, you will make points.

5- Field Agent – Complete Your Task

Field Agent enables you to earn money by completing different micro tasks, right from checking the shelf availability to display compliance and checking the demo. Field Agent generally works with the brands like Target, Tyson, Hershey’s and is featured on Forbes, CNET, and New York Times.

6- Easy Shift – Time To Make Your Shits

Easy Shift is the micro-task app where you will make money just by completing some shifts. Shifts generally entail checking out prices, seeing if the product is there in stock or clicking photos of the store display. When you’ve successfully done the shift, payment is made by PayPal within 48hours of your submission.

7- Foap – Sell Photos and Earn

Foap helps you earn money just by selling the photos that you take on iPhone. Download the Foap app on your phone and start uploading your picture. When your image gets 5 positive ratings from Foap users – then your photo is published for sale.

8- Embee Mobile – Earn Gift Card

Users can install this app and earn the gift cards from the places like Domino’s Pizza, Amazon, and Dell. Outside the United States, points are traded for the mobile airtime. It is not accessible in all the cities, so you need to install and see if it works in your location.

9- Getaround – Rent Out Your Car

Getaround is the smartphone app that helps you rent your car for short time. Just list your car in their market and download this app. When you are not using the car, people can rent out and unlock the car by using an app.

10- GigWalk – Make Extra Income

GigWalk is the mobile workforce of people using their Android or iPhone to connect and earn the second paycheck when they go about their day.

All apps are not legit so you have to do your hard work and read all the reviews before you install on the phone and enter your details. People are quite cautious when it comes about trying new apps, you can visit [] to get a detailed review of ways to make money.

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4 Advantages of Hiring a Virtual Assistant

4 Advantages of Hiring a Virtual Assistant

First of all, let us try to define what a Virtual Assistant is. For me the simplest definition of a Virtual assistant is someone who delivers administrative support to a certain client remotely. Although the most common task of a VA is any admin jobs, there are also several tasks a VA can do namely; SEO Specialist, Technical Support, Real Estate Manager and many more.

Basically an experienced Virtual Assistant can do almost any online jobs available.
But why does this type of work exist? Is it wise to hire a Virtual Assistant? What are the advantages and disadvantages in getting a VA. I have listed 4 items that I think could give you an advantage in getting a Virtual Assistant.

1. Extra time for Family

Time is something that we cannot ask for more of however we can always manage it. Whether you are a regular employee or a business entrepreneur, you always spend more than 8 hours in the office. Because of this fact, your responsibility to your family is being compromised.

Hiring a VA can greatly save your time as you have now the liberty to delegate your tasks. You then have enough time to spend to the ones that matter most your family.

2. Lessen your Business Cost

This is perfect to businessmen who are just starting up their businesses. Regardless of which field you are into, starting up even a small business can be extremely costly. Not to mention the competition you are going to face. In this digital era, making an online presence is almost a must and acquiring the needed skills can eat up your time.

Getting an SEO Specialist can greatly help your business to be noticed digitally. SEO Specialist can also save your time and money so you won’t have to enrol to any SEO school to acquire the said skill.

3. Focus more on Business Operations

Regardless of how old or how young your business is, you still have certain operations to manage or look into. Not only that, you also need to keep an eye on your finances, clients, suppliers and the like. My suggestion is to get a VA and offer online jobs.

That way you can manage your operations, finances and everything closely. This could also give you an ample time to decide on your next steps towards the success of your business.

4. Limited Software Skills not an issue

Nowadays, there are a lot of new software for businesses that are introduced in the market which you don’t have any idea of manipulating to. These software have only one thing in common and that is to make your work life and operations easier.

The only challenge here is that, you don’t have the luxury of time in learning these tools. Virtual Assistant is always here to do the learning for you. Offer this as an online job to your VA and he will do the rest for you.

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Make The Best Home Business Choices With This Advice

Make The Best Home Business Choices With This Advice

A lot of people think that operating a home business is something that is hard to do, but it’s actually something easy if you apply yourself and learn the information. Look at this article with a careful eye and see what information you can take and use towards your home business goals.

One of the reasons why many people decide to become involved in home business is so that they have more time to spend with their kids. However, as their business grows, they also easily find themselves in situations where their kids impede their ability to work effectively. Just because it is a home business however does not mean that a nanny, babysitter or daycare center is out of the question. Don’t ignore these resources just because of the fact that it is a home business!

Study your competition carefully. Understand their pricing and know where you fit in. Never say negative things about your competition. Have your ever noticed that malls are full of clothing stores that all manage to keep doing business? Competition brings out the best in different businesses and every business has its own unique nuances that draw different customers. Talk up your own business, your products’ features, and how they benefit your customers.

If you already have a degree in business management that is great, but you should still continue to read as much as possible. If you don’t have a degree in this, don’t worry, you will still be able to catch yourself up through self-teaching and even hands on experience. Many of the best business professionals never finished college.

Use an attention-grabbing name for your website domain. There are many different websites and you want to make sure that yours stands out from the rest. A catchy name can be the perfect thing to get traffic to your site, it will be easy for a potential customer to remember and easy for them to access.

Decide if you are going to be involved in every aspect of the business. When starting a new business, having a staff of full time employees might not be financially possible and many of those tasks have to be handled on your own. As the business grows and money flows in, you can think about hiring personnel to call customers, collect receivables and thousands of other tasks that a small business needs to get done.

You should try contacting a local radio station and making a deal with them to barter products for a small bit of airtime. They can use your products for prizes in contests or free giveaways and in turn, they can mention your business as the place where they got these products.

With all of the information you just learned you want to try to do the best of you ability to apply it towards your home business. The thing about being successful in home business is that you want to continue to expand your knowledge and apply it. You should see success in no time.

Kurt Tasche is an internet entrepreneur who writes articles on internet marketing tips, ways to make money online and personal development. You can read more articles like this on his blog at:

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Skills Required to Be a Good Personal Trainer

Skills Required to Be a Good Personal Trainer

Personal Training is now one of the most sought after professions as; fitness industry is increasing at a fast pace.
But becoming a personal trainer requires some very crucial skills, in the presence of which one can become a very successful trainer. Some of these skills are-

Motivation skills

Ask any personal trainer about the skills required in their profession and you will find great motivation skills to be on the topmost position. How are you going to make your client do that last painful rep, without any motivation skills?
There are many people who enroll themselves for the gym and then are not regular enough to get the desired results. So what are the reasons for this laid back behavior? The routine in gym becomes monotonous for many after a certain point of time, so what turns out to be a motivating factor is, the way in which your personal trainer takes your workout plan forward.

Communication Skills

Taking the above point further, how on earth can a personal trainer expect to convey his motivation to his student, if not in possession of some great communication skills. Communication skill not just in oral but also in written format is required in order to make yourself standout from the crowd of Personal trainers.
When you write down the fitness plan for someone they need to be able to understand it well. Good communication skill is required when you are explaining to your client the form and how to do the exercise, which muscles are involved in it and also the benefits one will reap through the exercises.
Many times you need to counsel the prospective clients about the importance of workout and benefits to human body. In cases as such you need to be able provide crisp information in short time. Good communication skill is like your most important tool in such cases.

Great Listening skills

What the client is telling about himself, his health or requirement, needs to be listened properly. This is needed as you have to know your client’s goals so as to be able to create a good program for him.
As every client has different body type and requirement, this skill is a must.

Organisation skills

A personal trainer’s day can be very long taking into consideration the timings at which people want to train. There are different time-slots in which people train. So you need to be extremely organized to be able to plan and execute different workouts daily. The number of clients visiting a gym daily is huge; hence this skill is very important.

Promoting Self

As many trainers work in Gym, one needs to be able to promote oneself as a capable trainer. To be able to mingle with the people in the Gym and create good professional relations with all is very important. Networking and maintaining positive vibes around you is a must as well. Having a satisfied client is the best type of promotion one can do.
Hence we can see that apart from having good core skillsets, a personal trainer also needs these additional skills in order to gain success. This knowledge of being a good personal trainer is imparted in Personal Health management institutes. In Pune Transformnation is one such institute which can help you fulfill the dream of becoming a personal Trainer.


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Why Prioritizing This Metric is Key to Achieving Success for Startups

Why Prioritizing This Metric is Key to Achieving Success for Startups

When starting a new business, entrepreneurs are often advised to focus on growth as the key to success.

Starting a new business is an exciting but challenging journey. Entrepreneurs need to make numerous decisions about their products, services, and operations to ensure their venture is successful. One of the critical areas that startups must consider is the development of software or applications that support their operations. In recent years, software and application development have become essential for startups to succeed in their industries.

Many startups focus primarily on growth, hoping that the rapid increase in revenue will lead to success. However, this focus on growth can distract startups from a crucial metric that is key to achieving long-term success: manual testing services.

Manual testing services refer to the process of manually testing software or applications to identify bugs, errors, and other issues before they are released to the public. This is a crucial step in the development process, as it ensures that the software is functioning correctly and meets the needs of users.

Despite its importance, manual testing is often overlooked or undervalued by startups that are more focused on growth. This can be a mistake, as prioritizing manual testing services can have a significant impact on a startup’s success. Here are just a few reasons why:

Improved User Experience

In today’s digital age, user experience is everything. Consumers have high expectations when it comes to the software and applications they use, and they are quick to abandon anything that doesn’t meet those expectations. By prioritizing manual testing services, startups can ensure that their products are functioning correctly and providing a seamless user experience. This, in turn, can help to build a loyal customer base and increase the likelihood of repeat business.

Reduced Costs

While manual testing services may seem like an additional expense for startups, they can actually help to reduce costs in the long run. By identifying and fixing bugs and errors early on in the development process, startups can avoid costly mistakes that would otherwise require expensive fixes down the line. Additionally, by ensuring that their software is functioning correctly before release, startups can avoid negative feedback and damage to their reputation, which can be even costlier to fix.

Increased Efficiency

Manual testing services can also help startups to work more efficiently. By identifying issues early on, developers can make necessary fixes before they become major problems that require significant time and resources to address. This can help to streamline the development process and reduce the amount of time and money spent on fixing issues after release.

Competitive Advantage

Starting your own Business – Failures to Avoid to ensure your Future Business Success, and Research you Should do NOW if you Haven’t Already.

Finally, prioritizing manual testing services can give startups a competitive advantage in their industry. By ensuring that their software is functioning correctly and providing a seamless user experience, startups can differentiate themselves from their competitors and establish themselves as leaders in their field. This can help to attract new customers and build a strong reputation in the industry.

In conclusion, while growth is an essential metric for startups, it should not be the sole focus. Prioritizing manual testing services can have a significant impact on a startup’s success by improving user experience, reducing costs, increasing efficiency, and providing a competitive advantage. By investing in manual testing services early on in the development process, startups can set themselves up for long-term success in their industry.

To ensure the best possible results, startups should consider partnering with professional manual testing services providers to receive expert assistance in their development process. By partnering with such companies, startups can access a vast pool of experience and knowledge, as well as access to the latest testing tools and techniques, that can significantly enhance their development process. This can help startups to deliver high-quality software products and applications to their customers while saving them time and money in the long run.

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Starting your own Business – Failures to Avoid to ensure your Future Business Success, and Research you Should do NOW if you Haven’t Already.

Starting your own Business – Failures to Avoid to ensure your Future Business Success, and Research you Should do NOW if you Haven’t Already.

Every year thousands of people start a business. With more people stuck in dead end jobs and working for sub-standarpay, it always seems like the next logical step. They strike out with dreams of becoming financially independent, being paid what they’re worth, or being able to work their own hours. The sad news, according to numerous government and independent resources, the odds are stacked against these budding entrepreneurs. In reality, the odds are stacked in favor of failure as most new business start-ups fail inthree years, and many more fail before their second year. What are the problems new entrepreneurs face that cause such catastrophic results?

Biggest Reason for Business Failures – Failure to Plan.

The biggest problem seems to be lack of planning. New business owners fail to complete business or marketing plans. They get so fed up with present jobs, or life styles, they jump into self-employment ventures. They fail investigating local competition or the potential customer market and start business ventures destined for failure. They open shops and go out of business before their second year. Had they taken some time in research, they may have found the local market was too saturated or local business was already struggling to stay operational. They may have found certain barriers to entering their market that would
prevent them finding business success. However, they failed to do that research, and many didn’t formulate business or marketing plans. They lacked a road map taking them to their goals, and combined with the other reasons mentioned, is why
they failed. Without clear plans identifying individual steps to success, how can you become successful? Sadly, most all business failures failed to create road maps.

How to Start a Blog or Niche Website And Make Money

A business plan is critical if you want government funding
or a bank loan, but it’s just as critical if you don’t need
them. The business plan is a report on research into your
chosen business field. By completing it, you find out about
your local market, competition and potential customers, if
your industry is growing or declining, and a host of other
information needed to formulate plans for business success.
While the business plan tells if it is a wise to open your
business, a marketing plan reminds you how to make sales.
The marketing plan lists step-by-step instructions to
increase business sales. One step may build on another,
while some steps are implemented together, but regardless
how these steps work together, it is important to think
about it BEFORE opening your business doors. Without a
clear, step-by-step plan to show where you are, where you
want to be, and how you get there, then chances of realizing your dreams will be slim to nil. How can you sell products or services if you don’t know what kind of people buy them? That is just another thing business and marketing plans help you discover. Without the information, these plans help you find, you will likely fail in your new business. You can find some valuable information for writing business and marketing plans through the Kaufman Foundation’s at If you haven’t written these plans, then I’d suggest taking time to start them now. They will help ensure business success.

Lure of FREE Internet – I should get Information & Tools
for FREE?

With more people flocking to the internet to start a new business, many try accomplishing their self-employment dreams with little financial resources. The internet has become a place where people rely on finding information freely and for no financial investment. In the beginning, it may have started out that way, and free information was abundant, but as more businesses flocked to the net, finding free information is becoming increasingly difficult. Most people depend on search engines to find information, but the businesses learned to exploit search engine vulnerabilities to gain visitors and most times you will only find paid solutions for your information needs. Somewhere, the information IS available freely, but it is going to take time to find it, and sometimes it takes a LARGE amount of time to find it. The question becomes how quickly you want to start your business, and how much time you can spend searching for information? If you want to start quickly, then you need to realize the need to make some financial investments in your information needs. Just be sure to research the company before buying their information. It ensures their information is timely and useful. If paid information is not an option, be prepared to spend some time researching the information. There are various government resources for information searches. A good place to start is
FedStats located at . They have a toolkit including DataFerrett. DataFerrett is a government database-search tool to find different market and demographical information compiled from census information and other government agencies.

Marketing – I Need to Know ALL About it Before I

Another problem stems from ineffective marketing efforts. People spend time looking for marketing materials and ways to self educate about it while failing to take action doing something to try improving their exposure. If I can impart one marketing secret to you, that secret is this: marketing is somewhat a trial and error process. It involves making modifications and doing testing to gauge what is most effective for your market and products or services. Keep in mind marketing works differently for different people too. But in the end, marketing is building trust, integrity, and reputation with potential customers and getting products or
services out into the consumer’s mind. Tracking efforts is important. Without tracking, you will never know what works and what doesn’t work. Be sure to keep marketing effort lists. Include the marketing medium, company, an ad copy, dates and times it ran, and add a tracking code to each one to track the sales made from them. Lets say you run an ad in your local newspaper to gain increased sales. When running the ad, include promotional code or an extension at the end of a phone number to know where the sales are coming from. When someone calls or mails an order, make sure you collect the information from the promotional code, or ask them the phone extension they are calling. Add up the data and it tells you exactly what ads are paying off and which ads might need reworked. To determine what is working and what isn’t, take the cost of the ad divided by the number of
sales and see which one is lower. Lower cost per sale is more effective and better. Depending on your marketing budget, place numerous different ads at once and test your ads quicker to see what brings the best returns for your marketing efforts. Don’t sit there and do nothing while trying to learn everything you can about ad creation and marketing techniques. Write up a few ads and start testing them. The sooner you begin testing the sooner you learn what will work for your market. Without sales, you have no business. Without effective marketing, you have no sales, and therefore will have no business. Don’t let indecision
sink your dreams.

From Brick & Mortar to Online Business Ventures – Doing it Successfully.

The next problem seems to be businesses making the jump to the online arena. Once again, small mom and pop type shops starting on the net with limited budgets take to free hosting services to get a web site online while attempting to increase market share. When done appropriately, this idea can help boost sales, but done incorrectly, it only helps eat away at profit margins and helps ensure failure. When doing business on the internet, nothing beats having your own custom domain. You won’t get that from most free hosting services, and worse, many free hosting services place ads throughout your pages to help recoup costs of free services they provide you. In the business expenses grand scheme, domain name registration is inexpensive. Many hosting
services are also inexpensive. For as little as $10.00 and $20.00 per month, you can have a registered domain, and paid hosting, which allows more flexibility than free hosting services. When I speak of more flexibility, I talk about ability to run automated scripts and possibly sell ad space to other businesses. That’s a critical requirement for membership sites and any business owner wanting automation scripts to make business marketing easier.

Customer Composition & Continuing Education Process – Keeping Educated on Market & Consumer Trends.

Another area where most businesses fail is failure to continue learning about potential customers. Even if you develop good marketing materials, do all the planning, and continue to increase visitor volume, failure to track their demographics and trends can eventually lead to missed trends changing visitor make up, and these trends could make offerings outdated. If that happens, you will watch your sales begin to drop off and any affiliate programs you promote could start to suffer. Keep an eye on web site logs and track visitor clicks, or even better; find ways of gathering visitor data through polls and questionnaires on your web site. Ask them direct questions and watch the feedback. This information is invaluable when tailoring your ads or deciding what affiliate program products and services to promote. Find some free offers on the internet and offer links to them to any visitors taking time filling out your polls or questionnaires. Just ensure the freebies are valuable to your visitors and you will increase chances of gaining direct response information from them. Take for example a scenario where you want to offer another product or service, but that product or service will take some extensive time to implement and produce. By placing polls about the product or service features and asking visitors direct questions about their need or lack of need for it, it could help you avoid wasting time and resources on products or services that aren’t going to sell. That’s just one example of how powerful information is when it comes to your business success. Use common sense, ask questions, and keep your ears and mind open. Through direct response polls and questionnaires, you will ensure future business success.

The Know it all Complex – Refusing to Accept

Another time where businesses fail are when owners think they know everything there is to know about it. Let me tell
you something, time is never ending and always changing. Time marches on, and those choosing not to march with it get eft behind. That is what happens when you think you know it all. Time marches on leaving your business behind, and it fails. No matter if you’re in business for 25 years or are just starting out, there is ALWAYS something to learn from it. Whether it’s learning your visitors’ demographics better, learning which ads draw more attention, or learning new and creative ways to market your business, no matter how much you THINK you know, there is ALWAYS more to learn. Not only does time march on, but people change, and so does the consumer market. Failure to track these changes through online information gathering processes or paid services will surely cause your business to falter and possibly fail. Running a business is a constant learning process. Lean to
continue your adult education and you help ensure your future business stability and success.

Biting off More than you can Handle – Knowing When to say When.

Affiliate Marketing for Beginners

The last reason I will mention in this article is business owners who try doing too much. You can’t be everything to everybody. You have to pick an area that maximizes your talents and downplays your weaknesses. Today, more commonly referred to as niche marketing, is where you learn to fine-tune your marketing target to increase business success and sales. Running a business requires us to wear many hats. There’s the accounting that needs to be done, marketing that always needs improvement and submission to effective advertising mediums, customer service, web site design and promotion, writing content, and the list goes on forever. One-man operations require an almost exhausting amount of time and commitment to get work done that needs done. If you don’t quickly learn your strengths and weaknesses, you soon become so overwhelmed when adding more tasks that you could suffer from shut down. Shutting down won’t accomplish anything, and your business could very easily fail. Be careful of this, as burnout is quite prevalent amongst business owners. By knowing your strengths and carefully evaluating projects before you implement them, you will know when you can still do it yourself, or if you need to think
about hiring some help.

There’s a lot of money to be made in self-employment, but only by taking steps to ensure your business’ future. Educate yourself as much as possible while not being stuck on knowing every detail before you act. It’s better to do something than sit and do nothing while your business begins to falter and fail. But by taking the proper precautions, you could save yourself from falter and possible failures before they happen. The best bet to running a successful business is doing the research, write the plans, create a credible list of information resources for future questions, and track your visitor demographics identifying your customers in as much detail as possible. Through planning for possible problems, you have the answers to fix the problems as they come up while avoiding potential business failure. Remember, failing to plan means planning to fail. Put in the time and research ensuring you know as much as you can about your business and its operations. Know how much it costs to generate a sale and know whom those sales will come from. Find out how much it takes to run a business in your market and the kind of profit you can enjoy. Knowing all this information will help ensure you have proper mishap prevention plans in place ensuring your business future success. Until next article, happy business operations and my wishes for your greater business success and growth in 2023.

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Beat The Competition With These Social Media Marketing Tips

Beat The Competition With These Social Media Marketing Tips

If there is one big change in business advertising and marketing in recent years, it is social media marketing. The opportunities for utilizing social media to increase business are growing every day. The social media tips contained in this article will help your business thrive. Make it as easy as possible for your users to subscribe to your information. Used in tandem with social media marketing, the relatively age-old method of email marketing can be quite effective. Profiles in social media sites often allow you to add various buttons and an RSS feed.

You want them everywhere you can think of, your blog, email, website and anywhere else you can think of. Try to add your links to other profiles as well to encourage multiple sources of traffic for your site. You want to make it as simple as possible for potential customers to subscribe and sign up for your business’s blog. Make sure people can see the button to subscribe to your feed. This will make it easier for followers to leave their information, follow your posts and share your content with friends. Keep it in mind that people still have Internet that is slow, so if the subscribe button can load first it’s recommended to do that. When using social media marketing as a tool for your business, it is crucial that you pay attention to the content that is being posted since it represents your business.

How to Maximize Your Blog Post Reach on Social Media

Mistakes can go viral as easily as good information and quality content. While this may generate a lot of publicity for your business, oftentimes, it is not the publicity that you are seeking. Add a tag when you post on Twitter. Just add in a “#,” followed by a relevant phrase, after you put updates up on your social media accounts. Consider carefully which tags to use and which groups your target audience will most likely subscribe to. When working with social media to promote your business, it’s a great idea to offer some purchasing incentives, but you don’t want to seem overly pushy. No one wants a forced sale. Let customers know about a weekly bonus or extra discount at an expected preset time. Thus, your customer base can get discounts, but will not feel as though they have been bombarded or tricked into something. Develop an honest online presence. You should present yourself as knowledgeable in your chosen field. Never publish any material of a questionable nature. Only post relevant and appropriate videos that are entertaining. This helps generate a great profile that will create lots of profits. Social media should be used as a way to inform readers of the information and services that your company offers. For example, you can post pictures of fund-raising events and interact with your community. Make sure you record what your workers are doing through pictures and writing.

Make use of all things that convey a positive image of your company. Make certain you update your social profiles often. Social network users have become used to regular updates, and a lack of updates could drive your customers away. Aim for updating your content several times weekly. Social media is all about being social, so be ready to speak with your customers. If they have a complaint or a suggestion, open a dialogue with them. It’s common to look over a question or comment, so keep an eye out for them. Include a re-tweet option on every post to your blog. This will make it easy for visitors to share posts with their Twitter followers. This allows your followers to advertise for you without any extra monetary cost to you. Make sure you’re mindful of what you say when you’re on your social media page. You are responsible for everything you publish on these sites and the things you share could give a bad image of your business if you are not careful. In your website content, mention your social media efforts. This can be done with an article or a simple post on your Twitter account.

Thank your fans for showing an interest in your social media site. A post about the results of your social media marketing will be popular and highly-shared. Don’t think results will come right away. It takes time to create a truly winning social media campaign. You have to work on increasing your popularity by having more people follow you on Facebook and Twitter. Once this happens, you will be able to launch some serious marketing campaigns. Talk about your social media marketing campaign via your other marketing tools. When a person or business subscribes to your Twitter feed, return the favor. This helps to maintain a level of credibility with your potential customers. Doing so shows your customers that you respect them and that you don’t feel that you are superior to them. You’re more likely to keep followers by tweeting them and following them back.

Remember what has happened to you in the past. Take advantage of this guidance in order to develop a strong marketing plan and generate more profits going forward. Learn from your mistakes and keep your marketing plan up-to-date by following the latest innovations. See how your competitors are making use of social media to promote their businesses. Find out what’s working for them and what isn’t. This will help your business to thrive and can shield you from falling behind your competition. Help people online and on social media websites so you can look like an expert. If you are able to do this, you can attract consistent business. Look around online for locations where people are asking questions regarding your industry, and help them by providing quality answers. If you continue to do this, it will noticeably increase your customer base over time. If you are the owner of an RSS feed, you should always link all of your sites to it. This will allow your readers and bloggers access to the information on your social media accounts. That makes it more simple for people who know you to follow you wherever you are. It’s a good idea to include a vibrant headline in your content. Your reader makes a first impression based on your headline.

How to Start a Blog or Niche Website And Make Money

You have to catch them quickly and grab their attention so they will continue reading the entire post. Put some real effort into good headlines. Frequently, leave friendly posts and helpful comments on the pages of fellow blogger’s sites. Remember, the key word in social media marketing is “social.” If you’re willing to be social, people are more likely to return the favour. A simple way to become more popular is by starting dialogues with others whose blogs are in the same niche as yours. This strategy can also lead to good networking benefits. Practice patience. You have to earn people’s trust in your products. This will take time. Before long, you’ll have a long list of clients. Get Facebook followers by using your email list to notify them. Perhaps you have already developed your mailing list. You should send them a link to your social media sites. This will enable existing customers easy and complete access to you. One popular social media method is to allow an experienced blogger, who writes about the same product or service you sell, to write guest posts on your blog. Either way, you can generate more traffic. If you are ever invited to guest blog somewhere else, make sure you can get a backlink out of the deal. You should also allow other bloggers to have their own backlinks as well. The followers of that blogger will be more likely to seek info about your site. There are very many ways that you can begin to incorporate social media and Instagram marketing strategy with your business. It is incredible how much social media can help you gain an online presence and find new customers. This article should help you make your business recommended.

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How to Maximize Your Blog Post Reach on Social Media

How to Maximize Your Blog Post Reach on Social Media

Sharing your posts in different ways on various social media platforms can help you engage with different audiences.

Social media marketing is simple. Create valuable content and then share it with as many people as possible. If you do it properly, then people will share your content and it will travel around the world. And if you’re lucky, it will become viral and this will result in millions of likes and shares.

1. Share Useful Content

If you want to expand your reach, you must write and share great blog posts, tips, and tricks that add value to your audience.

If you write content that helps your audience solve a problem they’ve been experiencing or if you create content valuable in their everyday life, they are more likely to subscribe to your blog, as well as follow you and share your post with their followers and fans.

Successful social profiles and blogs share valuable content with their readers. When posting content, always remember to be consistent. You can’t write or share one day and disappear for months. You must be consistent so that readers can remember you and visit your social media platforms to get new updates.

2. Organize Social Media Contests

Social media contests are a great way to reward loyal fans, followers, and readers who have been reading your posts for a while. You can use contests to expand your social media reach too.

Also, you can use social media contests to motivate new readers to share or follow you. It’s a quick and simple way to expand your reach as people will share fun and exciting competitions and challenges on their social profiles, giving you free publicity and more eyes on your blog.

3. Learn How to Maximize Your Marketing

Every social platform has different ways to maximize marketing. Each platform has its strengths and functionality, and the main error people make is posting the same message to every social media platform.

How to Start a Blog or Niche Website And Make Money

This is a huge mistake because every social platform is optimized differently.

For instance, on Twitter people use hashtags to expand their reach but hashtags have little use when posting on Facebook. On Facebook, images work well to grab people’s attention and expand reach. But most marketers overlook this and post tweets with hashtags and link them to their Facebook status. This doesn’t work because they’re posting the least effective type of content on Facebook.

Are you are ready to be a better blogger? Discover 21 different one-a-day tasks and activities for getting more traffic, more prospects, more customers and more sales. Download my free checklist, 21 Days To A Better Blog, at

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How to Start a Blog or Niche Website And Make Money

How to Start a Blog or Niche Website And Make Money

In 2021, due to lockdowns and mandates, more people than ever before began to look for ways to earn money working from home. In particular, many looked at blogging as an online business. The problem though, was that many of them didn’t really know how to make money from a blog. So just how can it be done?

Keep reading and I’ll go through 3 steps that you need to take to become an online blogger.

First, you need to find the right niche to work in. You need to find a “hungry market,” people who are looking for information to read and looking for products to buy.

It also needs to be a niche that you’re interested in because you’ll be writing a lot of blog posts about it.

Once you know what you’ll be blogging about, you then need to create a blog. This is simple to do using all the blogging software available. You can even set up a blog for free through platforms such as Google’s own Blogger service. Blogger has been around for years and is used by many successful bloggers, including me.

Once you’ve set up your blog, fill it with useful content, products to sell, and onsite advertising for extra income. Some bloggers earn thousands this way, selling products online as affiliates, and earning money through PPC advertising.

Once you get enough pages set up, it’s time to market your blog to get as many visitors as possible. And if you have an email subscription box on your blog, you can stay in touch with all those who sign up.

Marketing can be paid for, or can be done for free through social media and article directories. When you’re first starting out, it’s better to use free marketing, although you can go ahead and pay for it if you want to and if you already have the funds. Personally, I’ve never paid for online advertising for any of my website and blogs. Perhaps I’m leaving money on the proverbial table by marketing this way, but my online success over the years has been good without it.

And that’s the 3 steps you need to take. Choose your niche, set up a blog, join an affiliate network to find products to promote, and market your blog in as many places as you can to get thousands visitors. Just make sure you’re marketing in the right places to get the right kind of visitors.

So what are you waiting for?

Get your own money-making blog set up and running today.

Affiliate Marketing for Beginners

About the author: Ruth Barringham is a writer, author, blogger and copywriter. She’s been working online for over 20 years and in her new eBook, Build a Lucrative Niche Website – In A Month, she shows you, step-by-step how to set up your own niche site or blog, and start earning money in a month or less. Everything you need to know is crammed into this information-packed little eBook to get your blog online fast – and free.

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Complete Guide to Tourism Licenses in Dubai 2023

Complete Guide to Tourism Licenses in Dubai 2023

Want to get a Travel Agency license in Dubai? RadiantBiz guides you about the travel agency’s license cost & Steps for opening a tourism company in Dubai.

Dubai Tourism License

Dubai is one of the most popular destinations for tourists. It is known to attract millions of tourists every year. The tourism industry helps in generating a hefty amount of revenue for the emirate and for the country as well. With the growth of the tourism industry, Dubai has become one of the most visited places in the world. This has led to the introduction and high demand for the Dubai Tourism License.

Tourism is regarded as one of the most popular business setup sectors in the UAE. It has been a center of attraction for many travelers and has established itself as the go-to tourist spot throughout the decade. 

What are the types of Dubai Tourism Licenses?

There are 3 types of Tourism licenses available in Dubai-

  • Inbound tour operator license– This allows people to organize trips both in and outside the country 
  • Outbound tour operator license – This allows people to organize trips within the country only and is not allowed to conduct business outside the country.
  • Travel Agent License – This is for those who provide services such as visit visas, tickets, etc. 

What is the process for obtaining a Dubai Tourism Licence?

There are various steps that one needs to follow in order to get atravel agency license in Dubai, these are as follows-

  • Select the appropriate Dubai Tourism License – Select the right type of tourism license for your business setup. There are 3 types of licenses that you can choose from, these are inbound tour operator license, outbound tour operator license, and travel agent license. Choosing the license decides which services can be provided by you legally and also decides the taxes that your business will be required to pay.
  • Choose the jurisdiction- Choose whether you want to open a Mainland or Free Zone company. This will determine the boundaries of your business.
  • Having the required capital- It is necessary to have the required capital for setting up a Dubai tourism business in Dubai. This capital requirement is minimal for getting started and obtaining the business license. 
  • Register your trade name – Select the trade name for your company and register it. Before registration, it is important to ensure that the name selected is appropriate. The names selected should be available for use. It should not be connected to god directly and should not be an abbreviation. It is also essential to ensure that the name does not translate to anything offensive in any language.
  • Submit the documents needed for business license issuance – Submission of documents is one of the most important steps for obtaining a business license in the UAE. The required documents include- 
  • Duly filled application form 
  • Copies of passport
  • Passport photographs 
  • NOC from the civil aviation authority
  • Clean criminal records
  • Get the necessary approvals – Get the necessary approvals to get your license. Submit the license fees and submit the documents to the concerned authorities. Wait for the approval and obtain your tourism business license. 
  • Open your corporate bank account– After all the approvals of the license are obtained, open your corporate bank account and get started with your business. You can choose to set up your account in a local or a global bank according to your needs and requirements. Ensure that the bank you choose offers the best results for you.

What are the benefits of getting a Dubai Tourism Licence?

Setting up a business in the UAE has numerous benefits. However, setting up in the tourism sector can provide the following benefits- 

  • Scenic beauty 
  • Many tourist spots 
  • Tax Haven of the world
  • Business and investment opportunities
  • Flexible visa laws
  • Immense contribution to the GDP

How can RadiantBiz help in getting a Dubai Tourism Licence?

Dynamic Dubai – A whole world in one city

Establishing a travel and tourism business in Dubai is one of the most popular sectors. The growth of the tourism industry guarantees stepping stones for the success of businesses in this sector. People from all over the world visit Dubai for travel, business purposes, and other short-term visits giving the industry a wide range of target audiences. With the ever-growing demand, this place offers the best conditions for your business to flourish. Connectivity makes the region ideal for your ventures. The UAE is additionally the tax haven and investment, the business hub of the world. People from all over the globe dream of setting up their businesses here and growing it manifold.

We at RadiantBiz are determined to help you start your business in Dubai. Whether it is in the tourism sector or one of the other sectors throughout the UAE, RadiantBiz is your one-stop destination for all your business needs. Our experts work diligently to help you reach your dreams. We analyze your needs and want to come up with the best plan possible and give your business wings. We realize your goals, ambitions, and passion to bring you nothing short of the best. Book an appointment with our business setup consultants today to get started with your business today. Scale up your business with RadiantBiz.

Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from

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Best website where you can learn everything for free

Best website where you can learn everything for free

What is Open Culture’s Mission?

Open Culture brings together high-quality cultural & educational media for the worldwide lifelong learning community. Web 2.0 has given us great amounts of intelligent audio and video. It’s all free. It’s all enriching. But it’s also scattered across the web, and not easy to find. Our whole mission is to centralize this content, curate it, and give you access to this high quality content whenever and wherever you want it. Some of our major resource collections include:

Who is Behind Open Culture?

Dan Colman founded Open Culture in 2006.

Colin Marshall hosts and produces Notebook on Cities and Culture and writes for Open Culture regularly.

Josh Jones received his PhD in English at Fordham University and is a co-founder and former managing editor of Guernica / A Magazine of Arts and Politics.

Mike Springer, a journalist living in Cambridge, Massachusetts, writes daily for Open Culture.

Ayun Halliday is a writer and actor. She is best known as the author and illustrator of the long-running zine The East Village Inky.

Eric Oberle provides very generous technical support for the site. Without him, you would be getting 404s instead of regular doses of intelligent media.

How Can I Contact Open Culture?

Feel free to drop us a line at ma**@op*********.com.

Can I Advertise on Open Culture?

Yes. You can immediately place ads on Open Culture by using Google’s Adwords platform. This will give you the ability to target the whole site or specific pages. Find directions on how to target our site here.

Do You Have a Copyright Policy?

Yes and you can find it here.

Do You Have a Privacy Policy?

Yes, read all about it here.

Can I Recommend Materials to List on Open Culture?

Yes. If you would like us to add links to relevant parts of our site, you can suggest materials/links via email and we will be happy to review them. Please read over our editorial guidelines and then let us know where you think your material should be listed, and try to provide all of the information that will help us list your material. For example, if you want us to include a link in one of our podcast directories, please look at the appropriate directory and include all of the information that we typically include in our entries.

Do The Courses Featured Here Give University Credit?

First and foremost, the MOOCs/Online courses appearing on this page sometimes offer students “statements of accomplishment” or “certificates of completion” if they successfully complete a given course. However, most traditional universities won’t give students credit for taking theses online courses, and students typically can’t use these courses as a way to satisfy requirements for a degree. It’s conceivable that some schools will give credit for these classes, but you would really need to check with the registar’s office at your institution.

Second, we should point out (in case it’s not clear) that Open Culture is not the builder/creator of these courses. Our site simply highlights MOOCs/Online Courses created by other educational ventures. You can get more information by reading our MOOC FAQ.

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9 Proven Ways to Reduce Risks for Your Dropshipping Store

9 Proven Ways to Reduce Risks for Your Dropshipping Store

Dropshipping is an attractive retail business strategy for people looking to get high returns for minimal investment. With dropshipping, a middleman takes care of warehousing and storage for you. No need to rent a physical warehouse or set up expensive equipment to run a proper facility.

Dropshipping is an attractive retail business strategy for people looking to get high returns for minimal investment. With dropshipping, a middleman takes care of warehousing and storage for you. No need to rent a physical warehouse or set up expensive equipment to run a proper facility.

Running an online store takes a lot of time, effort, and money. Dropshipping store owners will need all the help they can to grow their business without bloating their expenses. Unfortunately, many beginners fall for costly mistakes that ruin their business. Avoid rookie mistakes with these helpful, risk-reducing tips.How to Reduce Risks for Your Dropshipping Store

1. Triple Check Orders Before Shipping

Customers often order items by mistake and sometimes, they forget to add more items to their basket before checking out. If a customer reaches out to update their order, you must coordinate these changes with your dropshipping partner immediately. You’re on the customer-facing side of the business, so you’re the one who gathers information on what customers need. And as the vendor’s main point of contact, you’re responsible for sharing information with the vendor. Such information includes order changes made outside the selling platform. 

Ignoring order changes and cancellations, even by accident, can be costly. First, you may need to arrange the return of wrong items or shipment of missing items. Both scenarios can take up both your time and money. Second, when these concerns are not addressed properly, you’ll most likely get negative reviews and potentially lose repeat customers. A good way to avoid any of these scenarios is to have a solid tracking system for order amendments. And when there is an oversight in order fulfillment, you must have customer handling guidelines in place. Here’s an example of a step-by-step strategy for when a customer complains about an incorrectly fulfilled order:

  1. Offer an apology.
  2. Explain what must have happened that resulted in the wrong fulfillment.
  3. Compensate customers by fulfilling the correct order. You can also consider offering a small token like a free sample or a small discount for their next purchase.
  4. Track such incidents to monitor how often they happen and how much these mistakes cost you.
  5. Review your customer complaint report regularly to find and close gaps in your operations.

2. Don’t Sell Too Many Products

An amateur move in dropshipping is offering too many things at once. The dropshipping industry is quite competitive; you may be tempted to offer as many products as possible to appeal to more people. While offering a wide selection may seem appealing to sellers, potential customers may find it off-putting. Browsing fatigue is real. It happens when customers scroll and scroll through endless products only to end up not finding anything that interests them. When thinking of what products to add to your portfolio, always remember the paradox of choice — when there are too many options, customers end up stressed, indecisive, and less likely to make a purchase decision.

You can easily avoid this problem by picking a niche and sticking to it. Focusing on a certain product category gives you more focus. You can target a smaller but more engaged and profitable audience. It’s also great for marketing. You’ll be able to learn more about who your target audience is and how to engage with them effectively. Make sure to pick a niche that is not just profitable but something you’re passionate about. Having background knowledge about the niche allows you to curate a list of more appealing products that your target customers will like.

3. Sell Multi-Use, Long-Lasting Products

Sustainability is something we can all contribute to. You can be environmentally responsible and still profit by selling long-lasting products. Many people, especially the eco-conscious crowd, are turning away from single-use products as they make an effort to reduce waste. Many consumers are willing to spend a bit more for something long-lasting rather than buying a cheaper, low-quality alternative. While the world still has a long way to go in banishing single-use items in the name of convenience, you can do your part by offering reusable and long-lasting products.

4. Don’t Fall For Shortcuts, a.k.a Black Hat SEO

There are no shortcuts to success, which also applies to dropshipping businesses. Every business owner wants clients to find their store on the first page of search results as soon as they open up. However, a reputable online presence takes time to build, and this is something that beginners should understand and accept. Search engine optimization (SEO) has been around for a while. Search engines have had more than enough time to recognize dodgy SEO tactics and penalize those who use them. Using Black Hat SEO, or the practice of increasing a site’s rank in search engines through underhanded tactics, can get your store noticed at first — but not for long.

Major search engines like Google have been cracking down on SEO violators, and the penalties are severe. You can either be blocked or suffer from lower search rankings. Common Black Hat SEO strategies include doorway pages, page swapping, keyword stuffing, and invisible text. Don’t fall prey to Black Hat SEO tactics and the promises of agencies that use them. You can build up your online presence slowly, surely, and honestly. There are plenty of skilled SEO specialists out there who can create a solid SEO strategy to help you steadily climb the search rankings.

5. Leverage Influencer Marketing at the Right Time

How to Start a Dropshipping Store

These days, partnering with social media influencers to market products is all the rage. Influencers are individuals with a lot of followers on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube. Their followers highly regard their thoughts and opinions, which is why many brands collaborate with these influencers. Getting the right influencer to mention or highlight your product even in just one post can boost your sales.

While influencer marketing works, using this marketing tactic too early can mean using up your marketing budget with very little returns. For one thing, influencer collaboration is not cheap. The more followers and engagement an influencer has, the more money they will likely charge for every post. The return on investment is not balanced too early in the game, so it’s best to use your initial marketing budget for more cost-effective strategies. Once you’ve already solidified your brand’s identity and online presence, then influencer marketing may be a sensible strategy.

6. Use Quality Packaging

Many online shoppers have had the unfortunate experience due to low-quality packaging. Imagine being excited to unbox their order only to find it damaged in transit. While this is often out of the control of the retailer, there are some things you can do to minimize the risk of damage.

One way to do this is to require your vendor partner to use quality packaging. Make sure the boxes are sturdy, and your packing material is protective. If products are highly breakable, then there should be a “fragile” sticker on the packaging. Make sure that packaging requirements are part of your agreement with your vendor. It may seem costly, but it will save you a lot of trouble and complaints in the long run.

7. Offer a Variety of Payment Options

The way we pay for things has changed drastically in recent years. Various digital payment options are now available and sometimes favored over cash and check payments.

For example, some people prefer to use digital wallets like PayPal or Venmo. Others might want to use their credit or debit card. Some might even want to pay with cryptocurrency. Make sure to offer a variety of payment options for your customers. This way, they can easily checkout and pay in the method that’s most convenient for them.

8. Offer Good Return and Exchange Policies

Another way to keep your customers happy is to offer good return and exchange policies. This shows that you stand behind your products and are willing to make things right if something goes wrong. Your return policy should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. Don’t make your customers go through hoops to return or exchange products. Your policy should be generous enough to give your customers a hassle-free experience.

9. Support Sustainability and Environmental Initiatives

The world of dropshipping is a contributor to global carbon emissions. While you may not be able to avoid having a high carbon footprint, you can do your part in trying to offset them. Support environmental causes that are dedicated to promoting sustainability and offsetting carbon emissions. Plenty of charitable causes are dedicated to planting trees, waste management, food shelters, and other similar causes.

10 Secrets to Boost Sales Performance

Consider involving your customers by allowing them to contribute to your supported charities at checkout. You can also integrate your corporate social responsibility efforts in your communications or on specific product pages. Let your customers know that a portion of the proceeds of a specific product will be donated to a good cause. Doing so will make customers feel good about their purchase and be more aware of your brand’s values.

Hopefully, these dropshipping tips can help you avoid the common risks of running this type of online business. Dropshipping may not be as tricky as other retail business structures, but it comes with its own challenges. The best way to succeed in this industry is to familiarize yourself with such risks and find ways to reduce or, even better, eliminate them. Doing so can help your dropshipping store get through the shaky first few years.9 Proven Ways to Reduce Risks for Your Dropshipping Store

Dropshipping is a retail business strategy that attracts a lot of people. There is an unlimited earning potential despite minimal investment cost. With dropshipping, a middleman takes care of warehousing and storage for you. There is no need to rent a physical warehouse or set up expensive equipment to run a proper facility.

Running an online store takes a lot of time, effort, and money. Dropshipping store owners will need all the help they can to grow their business. Unfortunately, many beginners fall for costly mistakes that ruin their business. Here are tips on avoiding rooking mistakes, mitigating losses, preventing risks, and scaling a dropshipping business effectively. 

Triple Check Orders Before Shipping

Customers often order items by mistake and sometimes, they forget to add more items to their basket before checking out. If a customer reaches out to update their order, you need to coordinate these changes with your dropshipping partner to fulfill the request. Customers are more likely to be dissatisfied or angry if they discover that several goods are missing from their purchase or that some of the canceled items were still delivered. Ignoring order changes and cancellations, even by accident, can be costly. It may result in negative reviews and loss of loyalty from your customers.

Since you’re in charge of sales and marketing, you need to inform the vendor of any order changes made outside the selling platform. A good solution is to create a plan to turn your customer’s negative experience around when this happens and create a process that will allow you to avoid this scenario altogether. For instance, when a customer reaches out to you after an incorrectly fulfilled order, offer them an apology and compensation to make them feel heard and accommodated. To prevent this from happening in the future, make sure you have a solid tracking system for additional order requests.

Don’t Sell Too Many Products

An amateur move in dropshipping is offering too many things at once. With the vast selection of dropshipping suppliers out there, you may be tempted to offer as many products as possible to broaden your target market. While offering a wide variety of items for sale is appealing, potential customers may find it off-putting. Browsing fatigue is real, and it happens when customers scroll and scroll through endless products only to end up not finding anything that interests them. When you’re thinking of what products to sell, always remember the paradox of choice — when there are too many options, customers end up stressed, indecisive, and less likely to make a purchase decision.

To avoid this problem, pick a niche and stick to it. Focusing on a certain product category allows you to cater to a smaller but more engaged audience. It’s also great for marketing because you can target the right customers better. Lastly, pick a niche that you are passionate about. Having some background knowledge about the niche allows you to curate a list of more appealing products that your customers will like.

Sell Multi-Use, Long-Lasting Products

Sustainability is something we can all contribute to. You can be environmentally responsible and still profit by selling long-lasting products. Many people, especially the eco-conscious crowd, are turning away from single-use products as they make an effort to reduce waste. In fact, many people are willing to spend a little bit more for a sustainable product rather than buy a cheap one with poorer quality. While the world still has a long way to go in terms of banishing single-use items in the name of convenience, you can do your part by offering reusable alternatives.

Don’t Fall For Shortcuts, a.k.a Black Hat SEO

There are no shortcuts to success, which also applies to dropshipping businesses. Every business owner wants clients to find their store on the first page of search results as soon as they open up. However, a reputable online presence takes time to build, and this is something that beginners should understand and accept. Search engine optimization (SEO) has been around for a while. Search engines have had more than enough time to recognize dodgy SEO tactics and penalize those who use them. Using Black Hat SEO, or the practice of increasing a site’s rank in search engines through underhanded tactics, can get your store noticed at first — but not for long.

Major search engines like Google have been cracking down on SEO violators, and the penalties are severe: be blocked or have lower search rankings. Common Black Hat SEO strategies include doorway pages, page swapping, keyword stuffing, and invisible text. Instead of falling prey to Black Hat SEO or the incredible promises of agencies that use these tactics, build up your online presence slowly but surely instead. There are plenty of skilled but honest SEO specialists out there who can create a solid SEO strategy to keep your online store steadily climbing the search rankings.

Leverage Influencer Marketing at the Right Time

Partnering with social media influencers to market products is all the rage these days. Influencers are individuals with a lot of followers on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube. Their followers highly regard their thoughts and opinions, which is why many brands collaborate with these influencers. A few seconds of video or even just one picture of the right influencer using, wearing, or buying your product can boost your sales substantially.

While influencer marketing definitely works, using this marketing tactic too early in your business’ lifecycle can lose you a lot of money. For one thing, influencer collaboration is not cheap. The more followers and engagement an influencer has, the more money they will likely charge for every post they make featuring your products. The return on investment is not balanced too early in the game, so use your initial marketing budget for other less costly strategies instead.

Use Quality Packaging

Many online shoppers have had the unfortunate experience of receiving their order only to find that it’s been damaged in transit. While this is often out of the control of the retailer, there are some things you can do to minimize the risk of damage.

One way to do this is to use quality packaging. Make sure your boxes are sturdy and your packing material is protective. You should also include a “fragile” sticker on packages that contain items that are more likely to be damaged.

Offer a Variety of Payment Options

The way we pay for things has changed drastically in recent years. Gone are the days when cash and checks were the only payment options available. Now, there are a variety of digital payment options that cater to different needs.

For example, some people prefer to use digital wallets like PayPal or Venmo. Others might want to use their credit or debit card. Some might even want to pay with cryptocurrency. No matter what your preferred payment method is, make sure you offer it to your customers. The more options they have, the more likely they will find a payment method that works for them.

Offer Good Return and Exchange Policies

Another way to keep your customers happy is to offer good return and exchange policies. This shows that you stand behind your products and are willing to make things right if something goes wrong. Your return policy should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. It should also be generous enough to give your customers a hassle-free experience.

Support Environmental Causes

In the world of dropshipping, there is a lot of carbon footprint involved when products are shipped to different parts of the world. While carbon footprint is inevitable, you can do your part to help offset its effects by supporting environmental causes. Plenty of charitable causes are dedicated to planting trees, waste management, food shelters, and other similar causes.

You can also involve your customers in the goodwill by offering them a chance to contribute to your supported charities at checkout. You can also integrate donations to your store and let your customers know about it by stating that a portion of the sales of a specific product will go to a certain charity.

Hopefully, the dropshipping tips mentioned above give you better insight into the common risks of running this kind of online business. While dropshipping might not be as tricky as other retail business structures, it’s not completely without risk. Familiarizing yourself with these risks and knowing how to prevent them can help your dropshipping store outlast the shaky first few years and reduce risks that could potentially end your business.About the Author: Catherine VanVonno, Ph.D.

Catherine describes herself as a Human Connector, which is quite fitting for the work she does as President and CEO of 20four7VA. She’s an expert in connecting growing businesses with the right remote talent from anywhere in the world. Aside from overseeing the daily business operations and managing the company’s finances, she also engages in resource speaking and writing articles on business growth solutions and impact hiring.

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How to Write an Information Technology (IT) Business Proposal

How to Write an Information Technology (IT) Business Proposal

Learn the basics of a winning IT proposal, such as hardware, software, intranet, product or service sales.  Anyone can slap a price quote together but that isn’t often a winning strategy. You need to show your potential client that you can be trusted to deliver on the services they need.

Like most businesses these days, your information technology (IT) business is no doubt looking for more clients or is tasked with internal projects. To land a new client or get a project accepted, you will need to write a business proposal.

Never written one? Don’t panic—writing a proposal doesn’t have to be a daunting process, and after you’ve written your first proposal, all others will come much easier.

That’s because the goals and structure for any business proposal are the same: 1) introduce yourself, 2) highlight the services you offer, 3) describe the costs, and 4) persuade your prospective client that you are the perfect choice for the project. You can also speed up the proposal writing process by using pre-designed templates and studying sample proposals.

The basic proposal structure is the same whether your business is network cabling, building and hosting websites, coding software, designing hardware, running a data center, optimizing internal processes, doing IT training, or even asking for funding to create or grow an IT business. Here’s the order your proposal sections should follow: 1) introduce yourself, 2) summarize the prospective client’s needs, 3) describe your products, services and costs, and finally, 4) provide information about your organization, your credentials, and your capabilities.

You will want to include details about your particular products, services and business experience that are relevant to your client’s specific project. For example, website designers might need to include information about templates, widgets, or shopping cart technologies; network specialists may want to include specifications for cables and routers they recommend; IT trainers might include lists of courses and certifications offered; and so forth.

The most important idea to keep in mind is that the goal of any proposal is to convince potential clients to award you their contracts, convince your boss to sign-off on your proposed project, or possibly secure funding for a new venture. To persuade them, you must demonstrate that you can deliver the products and services they want. It’s never a good idea to send your clients only a price list; that will not substitute for a real proposal.

Your proposal should be tailored to a specific client and that client’s needs. This means you need to gather information about that client so that you can create a customized proposal to meet that specific client’s requirements. Don’t make the mistake of sending all your prospective clients an identical sales proposal. A proposal targeted to a specific organization or person is much more likely to succeed.

Now, getting back to the basic order described above, begin your proposal with a Cover Letter and a Title Page. In the Cover Letter, write a brief personal introduction and provide all your relevant contact information so the client can easily contact you for more information. The Title Page is exactly what its name indicates: a page with the title of your specific proposal (for example, “Proposal for Website Services for the Birchwood Company”, “Building a Records Management System” or “Plan for Updating MWP Corporation’s Computer Network”).

Next, after this introduction, write the section that describes the needs of the prospective client. In a lengthy proposal for a complex project, you should provide a summary preceding the detailed pages. In proposals to corporations, this summary is usually called an Executive Summary. In complex but less corporate proposals, the summary is usually called a Client Summary. On this summary page and in the detailed pages of this section, describe your client’s needs and goals and discuss the limitations or restrictions that may be associated with the project. Don’t insert your own ideas yet; this section is where you demonstrate that you understand the client’s needs.

In the last section of the proposal, you get the chance to promote your project, products and services. In this section you will include pages that describe precisely what you have to offer and what it will cost. This section should contain some pages with general headings like Services Provided, Benefits, Features, and Cost Summary, but should also incorporate more detailed pages that fully describe your products and services, explain how you can fulfill the client’s needs, and list the associated costs. You might use topics such as Hardware and Software, Equipment, Options, Scalability and so on.

Your specific business will determine the specialized topics and pages you need to include in your proposal. The size and scope of the project will determine how many topics and how much detail will be required.

A website design and hosting company might need to include topics like Project Deliverables, Storyboard, Features, Technical Approach, Production Schedule, Hardware and Software as well as a development and hosting contract.

An IT training company might want pages such as Services Provided, Training Plan, Exercises, Curriculum, Prerequisites, Retraining, Materials and an Outline.

An IT consultant may use the Services Provided, Cost Summary, Project Summary, References, Certifications and Our Clients to start with.

IT sales proposals will use topics such as Products, Services Provided, Customer Service, Benefits, Features, Case Studies, Guarantee, Price List, Requirements and so on.

If you are proposing an internal company project, not only do you need to look good, you need to make sure your boss looks good too. You need them to trust that you will deliver in order to gain their support. Include topics that show you understand every aspect of the project. Make sure you have considered Assumptions, Risk Analysis, Contingency Planning, Accountability, SWOT Analysis and the Expected Results.

A networking cabling, infrastructure or data center project may require topics regarding the Facilities, Site Planning, Infrastructure, Security Plan, Expansion Plan, Storage, Location Analysis, Diagrams, Blueprints, Equipment, and so on.

Hardware and software designers might include Documentation Requirements, Specifications, Technical Approach, Project Management, Standards Compliance, System Requirements, Interface Requirements and Certifications. Hardware designers in particular may also need topics such as Manufacturing, Engineering, Production Plan, Capacity, Resources and Resource Allocation.

An IT project for the government can be even more complex as you will have an RFP with rules that must be adhered to. In this situation make sure to use the Compliance Matrix, RFP Cross Reference, government grant/contract Cover Sheet and any other topics that are specifically required by the RFP.

A business seeking funding will want to include pages such as a Competitive Analysis, Industry Trends, Market and Audience, Marketing Plan, Insurance, Liability, Disaster Recovery Plan, Time Line, Funding Request, Services Provided, Products, Company Operations, Income Projection, Sources of Funds, Uses of Funds, Personnel, Legal Structure and any other topics required by the lender. Funding or investment proposals also require a number of financials such as your Cash Flow Analysis, Balance Sheet, Revenue, Profit Margin, Profit and Loss Statement, Operating Costs, and so on.

In this final proposal section, be sure to provide pages describing your organization (About Us or Company History), as well as pages that explain your skills and experience or provide information from other clients. These pages are the Our Clients, Personnel, References, Testimonials, Qualifications and Capabilities – whatever you need to instill trust in the prospective client that you can deliver the goods and services they’re looking for.

So there you have it: all the basic steps for creating your proposal. Now for the finishing touches. After you have inserted all the words and data in your proposal, spend a bit of time making it visually appealing. Add your company logo, choose different fonts or use custom bullets, or consider using colored page borders. Don’t go overboard, though; you want to match the style of your proposal to the style of your business.

Don’t send your proposal out before you spell-check and proof every page. If possible, have someone outside of the project or organization do the final proofreading pass. It’s too easy to miss mistakes in familiar information.

You can see now how IT business proposals can vary widely in content because of the variety of IT businesses and the variety of projects for which the proposals are tailored. Your company’s proposal content will be different from anyone else’s. But you can also see that all IT proposals will have similar formats and follow the same basic structure.

To speed up the proposal writing process, you can use the pre-designed templates in a proposal kit. They contain easy-to-understand instructions and suggestions and examples that will guide you to provide appropriate content. It includes many sample business proposals for all sorts of IT businesses, too; these can give you a head start on creating your own winning proposals.

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Proposal Editing: The Key Step to Selling in Your Proposal

Proposal Editing: The Key Step to Selling in Your Proposal

This article highlights the most effective steps to see your proposal to federal government agencies.  

Today, we bring you an article by our Proposal Manager and writer, Erin Hoefer, who supports our clients on consulting engagements. She discusses her take on proposal editing, self-editing, and editing others’ work:

Proposal managers often get to wear different hats. I am stating the obvious, I know. We do not always get to stand back and orchestrate the overall effort of a winning proposal. Often we have to also get down in the trenches and perform last-minute capture management, fill out pricing and contractual forms, write the technical sections when the Subject Matter Experts are unavailable, and dare I say we even have to edit the proposal after we have written most of it ourselves.

Editing begins early in the proposal writing process and continues throughout the lifecycle, but no matter what stage you are pulled in to edit, it is a distinct task in a proposal’s lifecycle that requires a specific skill set. Editing includes cutting and strengthening text for readability and impact, bringing consistency to diverse materials, achieving a “single voice” in a proposal, and even making your writing sing.

At the very least, as a good proposal editor, you will:

  • Work to a proposal-specific or company style guide to ensure consistent use of words.
  • Strengthen messages and remove ambiguity missed by the proposal team through familiarity.
  • Reduce word count—we all tend to use unnecessary words and phrases.
  • Identify and correct errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

It does not matter what you choose to edit first. It may make sense to one editor to review for punctuation and spelling first, and then dig deeper into the message, but there is no right order for editing. It is up to the individual.Editing your own proposal writing

If you are anything like me, you will repeatedly fall in love with your own writing (I am having a love fest with this piece right now). It is easy to fall into this trap, since writing is hard work. It does not matter what type of writing you are doing, it takes a serious effort to get the right words onto the screen in a coherent fashion. When we spend so much time learning about our clients with the final mission of winning business for them, we inevitably begin to feel passionate about the proposal and its potential outcome. We struggle for the right words, then struggle more to arrange them into the right messages, and finally, present a winning proposal that we know (or think we know) needs very little editing. Therefore, it is not surprising we love our writing more than Angelina Jolie loves to fill out adoption papers—so much time has been invested.

But snap out of it lovers! There is a reason the great proposal writers and editors use the various color reviews (and depending on the size and importance of the proposal, there may be a review for every color in the rainbow). You must be objective about your own work. How do you do that?

Here are a few ways to detach yourself or develop objectivity to your own writing:

  • Step away from the piece for at least one full day (that is 24 hours in proposal writer time). Having a fresh look at the writing will help you see what you could not see when you were buried in the words.
  • Do it in an alternative format: if you were working in Word, look at your text in PDF. You will see different things. Never skip a hard copy review of your proposal.
  • Read it aloud. You know how in your head you are a great singer, but when you actually sing out loud, it sounds surprisingly different? Or is that just me? This exercise can also work on your writing. No matter how great a writer you are, your ears are better at picking up things such as incomplete sentences, vague thoughts, or misplaced points when you read it out loud. This is also a key step in the Read Out Loud review prior to your Gold Team Review.
  • Record yourself. Read it out loud again, but this time, use your computer or smart phone to record it. You will hear yourself differently, but more importantly, any inconsistencies or structural errors will be noted sooner than if re-reading the piece in your head.

Editing Someone Else’s Writing

Make no mistake about it. As much as proposal writers love their own words, nothing trumps the opportunity to alter someone else’s work. It is not because the hard work has already been done. No, it is because it is easier for most of us to edit than to come up with the first draft, however bad it may be.

In reality, editing someone else’s work is a bit of a burden. I know how painstakingly difficult it can be to get all the right words in a proposal. How do I tell the writer to remove a whole paragraph? I do not want to make them upset enough to never want to work with me again. However, the opportunity to edit someone else’s work also brings a two-way street of education. I must be prepared to explain every edit, and at the same time, the writer must be able explain why a particular section or sentence must stay. This often requires team work—give and take.

Below is a simple editing checklist from OST Global Solutions that I use for all proposal pieces, whether my own or someone else’s:

  • Review content. Cover areas such as compliance, accuracy, consistency, missing information, redundancy, win_themes, and acronyms.
  • Review for length and structure. This includes proper paragraph order, flow, and paragraph and section length.
  • Edit and review every sentence and word. Look for passive and active voice, word use, tone, style, and a variety of other issues related to the piece.
  • Look over the basic mechanics such as spelling, typos, punctuation, capitalization, use of pronouns, subject-verb agreement, and verb tense throughout the document.

In conclusion, whether you edit your own beautiful masterpiece or someone else’s, you can never underestimate the power of making yourself detached and objective. Build the time into your proposal schedule if you are the writer. Estimate a proper amount of time if you are editing someone else’s writing. Cover the basics of editing and dig deep to ensure the proposal communicates the message intended, and that the proposal will sell.

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How to Start a Dropshipping Store

How to Start a Dropshipping Store

The latest statistics gives a figure that there are around 310 million active customers in Amazon and probably you may be one among them!!

We are quite acquainted with the boom of e-commerce and how massive impact it has made to our lifestyle. With the rise in ecommerce has also given a rise to the number of people who wants to start an online ecommerce business. I randomly asked my friends about what do they want to do in the future. And to my surprise, so many of them said they want to establish business of their own. Entrepreneurship is the gravitating career for most youngsters. But there is one constraint in starting a business all of a sudden. You need to have a good investment support. Capital is the most important investment for any business to start. What if you don’t need to spend any money for your business and still make profit?

DropShipping is not a new term or concept in ecommerce but seldom people know how to start a DropShipping business. More than being a business, it is a service. In a DropShipping business, you don’t need to do a lot of capital expenditure and even don’t need to setup a physical store. The internet does the job!

It is a retail fulfilment method where the seller doesn’t keep his products in a store or inventory. Basically, the seller sells his product from an online store and buyers simply buy them. But the main tasks of the business are actually done by a third party system. Among all the positive aspects of this model of ecommerce, the main perks of DropShipping are

Minimum capital investment required
No hurdle in setting up a store
Risk margin is lower
You can set your own price for the products you sell
Let us look at the essential steps you need to know before setting up a DropShipping store in 5 simple steps

The Drop-shipping Concept

Find out about your interest

This is the first thing you need to find out for starting your business. Figure out what exactly do you want your business to do for you, what are the products you want to sell
Research on your customer base and see what are the products that can give you higher profits when invested upon
Figure out who are your competitors in this run and how they are dealing with the business to make profit
The first step is all your homework that you need to do before moving to the next step in the run.

Find a suitable Drop Shipping supplier

The drop shipping supplier is basically the hero behind the scene. Because the drop shipping supplier is the one who will deal with all the physical tasks of the business such as packing, shipping and delivering.

It is therefore essential to get in touch of a reliable supplier who can synchronise with the products you want to sell. Be sure to get the following things clear with the supplier…

How long it takes to ship the order ?
What kind of tracking systems they prefer?
If they offer a warranty on their products. If yes, for how long

Get a sales tax ID

We all know what sales tax means. It is the tax levied on all sales of physical goods to consumers. Though having a sales tax ID for an eBay seller is not mandatory, there are certain suppliers who prefer sellers with a sales tax ID.

Well, getting a sales tax id is easy as well as cheap!

Just Google your “Country name”+ “sales tax ID” and you would be sorted!

Sort your Platform

Once you are done with the prerequisites given in the above steps, you need to figure out which platforms do you want to use for selling your products.

eBay is the most used and easy ecommerce platform for beginners to start off.
Amazon is the world’s largest ecommerce site for selling and buying products
Bonanza and Ruby Lane are also ecommerce stores that help in hoisting your product
If not any of these platforms, you can even design your own ecommerce store with platforms like Shopify
Market and Promote!

Imagine you got an awesome business idea and even setup an online store but no one knows about it! Nothing can be saddening than this. You need to bring out the savvy marketing analyst and start marketing your product

Start various campaigning on social media platforms

Use the power of emails and promote by sending bulk emails to target customers
Create discount coupons because discount fascinate people more than chocolates and ice creams
With these few basic information on how to start a DropShipping store, you are ready to fly high into the ecommerce sky!!

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7 Tips for Staging a Successful Live Event

7 Tips for Staging a Successful Live Event

In this age of online connections, live events continue to be an essential part of brand and business-building. Hosting a live event gives your brand and business the opportunity to stand out from your competitors. In this way you can have a deeper and more meaningful brand-building effect on your consumers that is more effective than indirect and media-centered marketing efforts.

Yet, with so many groundbreaking events happening all over the world, businesses and events professionals need to increase their efforts to make sure the event they stage will be engaging for their target audience and deliver their target objectives.

The live event industry is booming, so much so that the US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the event industry will grow by 44% from 2010 to 2020, exceeding most growth predictions for other industries. Even so, there continues to be a lot at stake when organizing a live event. They are very expensive to put on and necessitate a substantial amount of planning – even if they only last a weekend.

Here are the tried and tested best practices for staging a successful live event.


Audio is the number one component when it comes to staging a successful live event. No matter what size, or type of event, the top event companies know that you must always strive for great audio; otherwise, you will lose the interest and attention of your audience.

More often than not, microphones will be part of the setup, so plan to test each and every one of them early enough that your audio engineers have time to deal with any problems that may arise, paying special attention to wireless frequency interference.

Additionally, get in the habit of using fresh batteries for wireless microphones for every single event. If you are utilizing a webcast audio feed, make sure it is clean and audible.

All Eyes On You: The Art of Delivering the Perfect Presentation

If your event is going to include remote presenters, schedule a test round with each of them, as most won’t be using a high-tech setup and, instead will be using a basic headset microphone or even a telephone connection.


In the past few years, live video has proven itself to be the dominant form of marketing, and when used correctly at events, increases audience engagement. Live video at events offers brands and businesses the opportunity to tap into this engaging tool, bringing you and your customers together.

Just like in a TED Talk video, plan to have multiple camera angles to create a cinematic experience. Capturing raw moments and different perspectives helps everyone feel closer to the action.

The power of video is elevated by the fact that you can stream your events to audiences around the world, enlarging the live audience and furthering the results of the event you are staging. Filming any speakers, panels, or performers can later be turned into content (such as webinars) to promote your next event.


In addition to the power of audio, visuals add an extra component to the story you are telling. The level and intricacy of the visuals are going to vary based on your brand’s aesthetics and the nature of the event; however, in all cases, some form of visuals should be used.

Motion backgrounds are a fantastic way of adding an extra dimension, as the subtle movement lightly enhances everything else that is occurring on stage. For a more extreme visual experience, LED lighting rental is the way to go.

Another idea is to incorporate your brand or business’s logo into the look of the event. All in all, you want the space that your event occupies to turn into an immersive environment.

Processing Fees

When selling tickets for your event, you may encounter ticket or credit card processing fees. Depending on the company, these can vary from 2.5-3.5% and may have an additional flat per-ticket fee.

Make sure that you are building these extra charges into the price, instead of adding them on at the end. Psychologically, customers would rather see a slightly higher ticket price than have a load of additional fees added at the end.


Selecting a location and venue for your event is a question that may require a lot of brainstorming. First, take into consideration the niche your event falls under and what (if any) characteristics your venue should have for that niche.

Once you have selected a venue, don’t solely focus on the positives, but also consider its limitations. Ask about power capabilities, if certain things will set off the smoke alarms, the weight capacity of the ceiling, etc. – go over all the small things that could potentially turn into big problems.

In the days and weeks leading up to the event, make sure the core team members know their way around the venue. When everyone is running around trying to get everything in place, knowing the quickest routes from A to B will feel like a blessing.

Wherever you decide to host your event, make sure that there are plenty of charging stations. You want everyone to be tweeting your event #hashtag all day long!


When dealing with product and service suppliers, the most important tip of all is to hire the right attitude. You want to ensure that the people you are going to be working with are the creme de la creme of the industry.

Organizing and hosting these events can get slightly messy and intensely stressful, which can only be made worse if the people who are in charge of your audio, lighting, stage and rigging have not been listening and can’t remember what to do. A good, energetic, motivated attitude goes a long way.

How Do You Scale Up Your Business Using Technology?

Don’t forget to make sure you are rewarding your crew with good food! It is amazing how much more motivated people can get when the reward for hard work is a tasty snack or meal.


After your live event has wrapped up, make sure to ask attendees to provide you with post-conference feedback. This is the key to ensuring that the next event runs more smoothly and is more impressive than the last one. If you don’t ask, then you may never know that the chairs were uncomfortable, that too many panels overlapped, or that the coffee machine was never full.

Pro Tip:

 As you will probably need to sleep for three days once the event is over, prep your post-event emails and surveys before the event even starts. Check that all the links are working and leave space for pictures that you can add from the event before you hit send.

By hosting a successful and engaging live event, potential customers can begin to develop a relationship with you, increasing the chances of them purchasing from you in the future.

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