Project Management

Top Tips for Successful Project Management in a Post-Covid World

Why you should employ a professional project management company as we face a post covid world 

More than ever, most companies, large and small, national, or international, are under increasing commercial pressure. The reduction in income for many due to the recent pandemic and various levels of lockdowns has meant that budgets have been cut, internal resources reduced and the timescales to complete a project are becoming ever more challenging; yet still, an increase in productivity is demanded.

Today’s businesses cannot always provide the focus and time to deliver projects effectively when the day to day need to concentrate on the supply chain, production issues, and profitability of the business are clearly more important. Businesses are struggling to find the right expertise and skill base at the right stage of a project, and as a consequence, suffer additional and unplanned costs, delays, and technical problems on projects through poor conception, planning, purchasing and project delivery.

One solution to this problem is to employ the services of a professional project management company that has not only management and consultancy expertise, but also knowledge of your sector or industry. These Project Management Companies can ensure that by utilising an outside professional organisation for Project Management services, all the clients’ project objectives are met in full. These companies can provide a great deal of consultancy advice and their core business involves all elements of the project lifecycle from project inception, (including feasibility studies, capital justifications and front-end engineering) right through to the detailed design and construction phases (including the delivery of full turnkey projects). Their extensive experience across a wide range of industries encourages the cross fertilisation of ideas and the adoption of best practice techniques and are widely acknowledged by their clients as the best engineering consultancies solutions.

The utilisation of specialist Project Management companies and their support services provides better initial planning and assessment of opportunities, risks, and threats. It provides a greater opportunity of identifying problem areas while there is still enough time to take appropriate corrective action, allowing flexibility for alternative plans of attack. The successful Project Management service offered by professional consultants concentrates on three primary areas of the process: time, cost, and quality. This approach ensures a joined-up structure for managing all three.

Top Project Management Tips. Our top tips for successfully managing a large project are:

  1. Create a short list of Project Management Companies that specialise in your sector
  2. Make sure you receive expert advice from day 1
  3. Set clear project objectives and a defined scope
  4. Use a structured process for managing risk
  5. Keep a tight control on budgets at all stages of the project
  6. Ensure you carefully manage the communication channels and supply chain relationships
  7. Make sure you deliver the project completed on time and on budget, as originally intended
  8. Throughout all stages of the project, make sure you measure performance through key performance indicators.

Working in collaboration with clients at an early stage, companies such as PM PROjEN, based in the UK, has helped reduce costs, provide a flexible and responsive resource, and given access to new technologies, skills, and the necessary expertise from simple to highly complex projects.

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Source: Free Guest Posting Articles from

Top Tips for Successful Project Management in a Post-Covid World Read More »

Google project management

A project management certificate from GOOGLE for free!!

In nowadays world, it’s important to take advantage of high quality learning and knowledge. Actually, Google provides a very valuable chance to whom interested in project management field and aim to grow with this career path which, increasingly, attract the attention of business owners globally and in all aspects of business management.

In this article we will explain to you how to benefit from such a chance to increase your level of knowledge and get to your C.V. a global certificate presented by Google.

About the program:

It is provided on Coursera website with the partnership of GOOGLE as a provider. The duration of courses estimated to be six months, in while you will study six courses of project management presented by instructors working already at google as project and program managers. This program includes over 140 hours of instruction and hundreds of practice-based assessments which will help you simulate real-world project management scenarios that are critical for success in the workplace.

You can get more information about the program by clicking on this link:

How to get it for free instead of paying 240$:

Google offer this program courses for free for who is not able to pay. However, any body fills the application and send to approval will certainly get the courses for free.


NOTE: It is better to send for approval for course by course not one time for all the program, just to avoid some problems of registration.

Now follow theses steps to get an approval to study as a scholarship;


You will find the title: Google Project Management: Professional Certificate.

This is the title for all the program, ignore it to avoid problems we talked about previously.. just scroll down to get the courses divided in titles from course 1 to course 6.

Look at this figure:

Google project Management


  • 2- Click on course 1: Foundations of Project Management. It leads to this page:

Foundations of Project Management


  • 3- Click on financial aid available beside the yellow rectangle:
Enrolling the free certificate



NOTE: 1- Don’t clock on the yellow rectangle because it is just trial for 1 week.

2 – You will need to create an account on courser, it takes a few minutes.

  • 4- Continue to the application from this box:
Google Project Management Certificate


  • 5- Then, follow the steps to complete the application.

You can start your learning courses exactly 15 days later after receiving the approval. OR, you can start immediately by auditing the course without any certificate and you will be able to pass the quizzes and receive a certificate after the approval is completed.

You can do this by clicking on the yellow rectangle: enroll for free, then at the end of the box click Audit course:

Google Project Management Certificate


Enjoy the courses and best wishes for you in your career.. And leave your comment below to help us improve our blog!!

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A project management certificate from GOOGLE for free!! Read More »

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