Author name: Mahmoud Sawy

Sales Training Programs-What You Must Know Before Enrolling

A good sales training program must be able to teach you effective skills and various sales aspects ranging from advancing a cold lead to closing a sales deal. The skills and techniques that you possess, as a sale representative is a secret to your success. Regardless of whether you are a seasoned player or an amateur, you need to hone your skills and improve it constantly so that you stay on top of the game. You need to master your sales skills and refine them to achieve success.

Sales training program- Essential skills to learn

Before you choose any school for a sales training program, you need to know a few essential skills that you must learn during the course.

Effective communication

In order to thrive as a good salesperson, you must be a great conversationalist. You need to know the tricks of communicating effectively so that you can understand the requirements of your customers and market your products according to their needs. You need to learn specific body languages and different methods to control your voice as these skills can enhance your communication skills. Apart from communicating, you also need to master the skills of listening attentively. A perfect training course will assist you to expand your communication skills with different effective techniques such as how to convey a message, give feedback, frame your views, ask open-ended questions, observe, and being honest. Your training program must include effective communication strategies, which is the key to becoming a successful sales person.

Building relationships and public speaking

Mastering the skills of building a relationship with your prospective customer is a completely new challenge. Networking is a whole new way of expanding your database and opening doors to new opportunities. To hone your relationship building skills, your training program must include following leads, mirroring, and matching, active listening, maintaining existing relationships, and so forth. Speaking to an audience is one of the most significant parts of your job when you are a salesperson. Therefore, public speaking is a skill that can be learned and mastered.

Time management

Effective time management is one of the most essential skills required by a salesperson. When you learn to manage your time effectively, you can spend time on marketing and selling your products. The most effective time management skills that are developed in a good sales training program include tracking time, setting deadlines, planning your day, prioritizing tasks, and so forth.

With so many training courses to hone your sales skills, it is important to pick a course that synchronizes with your field as different courses focus on different fields. You can also choose a training program based on reviews posted on reliable websites. Online sales training courses are great for those who struggle with a hectic schedule.

Cultivate Lasting Symphony Inc.’s business motivation speakers and life coaches offering online life coaching programs, sales training, time management, self-development courses, confidence, and positivity coaching programs for men, women, and teens. To know more, visit

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How to Raise Emotional Intelligence for Increased Sales Performance

Sales and Emotional Intelligence Training for Sales Managers, Sales Professionals, and Entrepreneurs

Research into Emotional Intelligence has shown that there is a strong relationship between this ability and sales performance1. Daniel Goleman then made the concept better known since 1995 with his book by the same name. If you think about it, this makes complete sense. Do you work better when you’re happy, or unhappy? Furthermore, emotional intelligence increases our ability to empathise. This in turn, helps us to understand and sell to our prospects better. Zig Ziglar once said “Selling is essentially a transference of feelings!” Today you’ll learn three ways you can improve your emotional intelligence, which will in turn improve your sales performance.

Emotional Intelligence Tip #1: Put your health first Your emotions will be heavily influenced by the three pillars of health. This includes exercise2, sleep3, and nutrition4. What’s that? You don’t have time for that? That my friend, is exactly why you need to prioritise your health! Think about it – have you ever set out to do sales activities… Only you didn’t? Or, how enthusiastic are you when trying to work after a late night? Your emotional and physical energy levels will directly influence your sales. When your body is deprived of these factors, you simply cannot work at your best. I’ll make my tips for you simple but scientific. Here are three ways you can improve your physical health:

  1. Walk (or jog) outside for 30 minutes a day. You’ll benefit from the physical activity, and the sunlight will also enhance your mood5.
  2. Sleep for 8 hours a day. The reality is that what you do outside of work affects how you perform at work! Because this tip is easier said than done, I highly recommend you check out the book Sleep Smarter for great advice on improving your sleep.
  3. Reduce sugar intake and eat more low GI foods. High GI foods have been correlated with depression and fatigue6. Therefore, you can protect yourself against common negative emotions that naturally arise with sales.

Emotional Intelligence Tip #2: Practice meditation daily Emotional intelligence begins with understanding what you are feeling. By practicing mindfulness on a regular basis, you will more easily identify your emotions. As a result, you will be better positioned to handle those feelings. When practicing mindfulness, listen to your inner-monologue. Are there any negative thoughts or limiting beliefs? Challenge them! Ask yourself questions like “Is there any truth to it?” or “Where did that come from?” If you replace negativity with positivity, you can improve your emotional state and sales performance. By the way, sitting still for more than 3 minutes will probably feel a little uncomfortable! Nowadays, our minds are being constantly stimulated. For this reason, I strongly recommend using an app like Calm or Headspace so you can learn the basics. After one or two weeks of using the program, I recommend you practice mindfulness for 10 minutes a day. Your stress levels will likely drop7 and unlock your potential to sell more.

Emotional Intelligence Tip #3: Empathise through active listening

Empathy is the foundation of emotional intelligence for others. By practicing it, you will better understand other people. With this, you will be better equipped to understand what your prospects are going through, and sell more effectively. To increase empathy, I recommend that you become an expert in active listening. These are the three key components of active listening:

  1. Acknowledgement: Keep eye contact. You can make subtle sound cues like “hmm” or “uh huh” to help your prospect know that you are listening. Nod your head and use other non-verbal body language.
  2. Reflection: Let your prospect know that you understand. You may start your sentences with “So what you are saying is… ” or “Just so I understand… “
  3. Follow-up: Ask related questions to better understand what the prospect is saying. Doing so will demonstrate that you are genuinely interested in what they are saying.


Emotional intelligence is essential for successful sales professionals. The above action steps are simple, but often neglected. I’d like to encourage you to put your health first, practice mindfulness, and empathise more. Doing so will grow your emotional intelligence and subsequent sales performance. Because of the numerous tips provided, choose just one habit to put into practice immediately. You’ll be happy you did!


1 Elizabeth J Rojell Ph.D., Charles E. Pettijohn DBA & R. Stephen Parker DBA (2014) Emotional Intelligence and Dispositional Affectivity as Predictors of Performance in Salespeople, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 14:2, 113-124

2 Edwards, Meghan; Rhodes, Ryan; Loprinzi, Paul (2017) A Randomized Control Intervention Investigating the Effects of Acute Exercise on Emotional Regulation, American Journal of Health Behavior, Volume 41, Number 5, September 2017, pp. 534-543(10)

3 Deliens, G., Gilson, M. & Peigneux, P. Exp Brain Res (2014) 232: 1403. Sleep and the processing of emotions

4 White, D. (2016). Improving Your Emotional Health Through Healthier Eating. Psych Central.

5 An M, Colarelli SM, O’Brien K, Boyajian ME (2016) Why We Need More Nature at Work: Effects of Natural Elements and Sunlight on Employee Mental Health and Work Attitudes. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0155614.

6 Breymeyer KL, Lampe JW, McGregor BA, Neuhouser ML. Subjective Mood and Energy Levels of Healthy Weight and Overweight/Obese Healthy Adults on High-and Low-Glycemic Load Experimental Diets. Appetite. 2016;107:253-259.

7 Jenny Gu; Clara Strauss; Rod Bond; Kate Cavanagh (2014) How do mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction improve mental health and wellbeing? A systematic review and meta-analysis of mediation studies, Clinical Psychology Review, Volume 37, April 2015, Pages 1-12

Sales Ethos provides sales training in Melbourne, Australia. Led by Ben Lai, our vision is to inspire and equip sales consultants and entrepreneurs to sell with purpose, pride, and integrity. Our core belief is that Integrity + Skills = Success, and achieve this by providing startup business coaching, sales coaching, and sales process consulting. Contact us at

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The Importance of Investing in Sales Training in the Service Industry

Investing in sales training is essential if you are going to enjoy success as a business. In the United States, billions are invested in sales training annually. There is a generally held belief that anyone can sell therefore there is little or no investment in sales training in some organizations. There is need for a paradigm shift and change of attitude towards sales training because it is what brings in the revenue. Whether it’s a manufacturer of tangible goods or a provider of an intangible service, sufficient sales must be recorded for the business to continue operating. It means that it would be irresponsible to employ sales people and allow them to “get on with it” on the assumption that they know what they are doing. Let’s explore some reasons why it is important to invest in sales training with a special emphasis on the service industry. As we focus on the service industry we need to broaden our definition of salesperson to include anyone and everyone who is the company’s link to its customers. They interface with the customer and how they handle the customer greatly impacts the customer’s decision to buy.

1. Trained salespeople ensure sales success, goodwill and customer satisfaction because they connect better with customers, are knowledgeable about the company and its products, are confident and believable. This believability makes it easy for the customer particularly for intangible products which you cannot touch, feel, smell etc. People buy you before they buy the product.

2. The business environment is extremely competitive. It is “dog eat dog” out there and there is sometimes little differentiation in terms of the products on offer, for example financial services, hospitality. Therefore, a high calibre sales force can be a source of differentiation and competitive advantage.

3. There are many skills demanded in the modern – day selling situation and there is a need to equip your staff on an ongoing basis, for example with communication skills, information technology skills, problem solving, emotional intelligence and administration skills to name a few. You cannot assume that your team is equipped without investing in them.

4. Salespeople are better able to adjust their way of thinking to the company culture, brand values and project an image aligned to what your brand stands for. I remember when I worked for a certain courier company that was a market leader at the time. We had a sense that sense of pride and confidence in the company’s products instilled in everyone from the courier, the salesperson to the executive. It was a result of constant training.

5. Trained sales people are able to build trust and credibility with customers more easily. Tangible products are generally considered to be easier to sell because you are able to demonstrate the features and benefits and you able to “show and tell”. The customer knows exactly what the product looks like before they buy and it’s easier to compare. What makes a service more challenging to sell is the fact that it is intangible, therefore trust and credibility become very important. Most sales training programmes deal specifically with this subject.

6. Most people will do better if they knew better. I don’t believe anyone sets out to wake up in the morning to go to work to be unproductive. John Maxwell says, “good leaders set up their followers to succeed whilst bad leaders set them up to fail. Deliberate training is important because it’s not everyone with a brilliant resume that will perform on the job. The business has sales targets to achieve therefore training gives one tools to produce good results in perpetuity.

7. The service industry relies heavily on brand image and perceptions. It is important to ensure that all client-facing staff project the right image. I worked at a courier company where the commercial manager who had a strong background in the hospitality industry insisted that whenever sales conferences or any other scheduled sales training workshops or seminars were held, customer service agents, operations staff and even the credit controller who managed customer accounts participated. The results spoke for themselves

8. One of the biggest challenges I faced when in my early years of selling was overcoming objections. Nowadays customers are better equipped with information about products including the ones you are selling. Train and equip your staff to be on the cutting edge in order to overcome objections with skill and close more sales.

9. For new recruits training makes adjusting into the new role, imbibing product knowledge and hitting the ground running smoother.

10. One of the major issues that service – delivery companies need to focus on is giving the customer an enjoyable experience, handling customer complaints as well handling difficult demanding customers, taking corrective action when things go wrong. You are judged on the basis of the perception you create about your product and at the point of consumption, where the customer is either delighted or disappointed. A lot of time, energy and resources need to be deployed to ensure that you win all the time in satisfying your customers.

In conclusion, I believe that training must be on an ongoing basis post the induction that happens when one joins the company. I recommend that training is conducted monthly if possible. Whether it’s a workshop, conference or a Friday afternoon in – house training make it happen. Whilst technology has made it possible to benefit from a plethora of online courses, interactive videos, white papers and eBooks, it is no replacement for the good old training workshop. It’s an opportunity for team – building, bonding between colleagues and time away from the office which is good for the team. Develop a training calendar budget. I highly recommend that you invest in sales training for your team.

Fitzgerald Mujuru is the author of the book Winning Ways- Precept Upon Precept and other titles.He is a sales training faciitator,online publisher and experienced marketer. As a business consultant he has helped in impacting corporates, entrepreneurs, organizations through consulting, strategy facilitation and training. His strengths include sales, marketing, brand building, business strategy, management and equipping leaders for personal and team effectiveness.

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Instead for entire details relevant piece of information in this world of modernized technology Cromacoin

How Cromacoin Functions to Enhance Businesses Productivity?

Instead for entire details relevant piece of information in this world of modernized technology Cromacoin usually operates on wide-spread public ledger known as Blockchain where entire confirmed transactions. Entire ways where users are aware of each transaction avoid stealing and spending the same currency within stipulated time. This process also supports Blockchain as it is trustworthy for an appropriate piece of content. Cromacoin is one of excellent digital currency which has been stepping up to correspond with better digital currencies exchanges.

Where to store your new ICO’s tokens after procure?

There are diversified applications which one should utilize while obtaining new ICO’s tokens some of the vital key elements are visualized below for better appearance:-

• Full Client Satisfaction- It is one of email server which is encountered without dependent upon third-party servers. It also controls whole transaction from start to an end.

• Trivial Clients- The mandatory vital piece of server surely rely upon customer’s satisfaction as everyone acquires access to the network for uppermost transactions.

• Web Clients- It is the opposite of full client resembling which totally dependent upon the third-party server and operate entire transactions instantly.
Where can you find Cromacoin?

In order to get evolved with this cryptocurrency digital exchanges one can firstly purchase Cromacoin from steps involved below:-

• Cryptocurrency Exchanges where one can exchange regular new ICO tokens.

• One can find a seller or just by SING UP process available for procedural module.

• After Signing up Cromacoin is precious for customers for better investment plans.

Input important credentials to obtain freeway service to your account by SIGN UP process.

• It is recommended to utilize a strong elongated password with a mixture of letters, alphabets and other special characters.

• One will be able to find information about the product in our whitepaper which proffers an extreme most reliable piece of information rapidly.

• Get a proper financial report as ICO’s can be started with crowdfunding.

• Companies utilizing ICO at an earlier stage for traditional businesses acquire whitepaper which is the most likely concern.

One needs explanations about Cromacoin just by examining the whitepaper in ICO’s.

• Get a ratio for cryptocurrency along with procedural modules in accordance to digital currency exchanges.

Where are your tokens? Know more from defined information evaluated

Firstly, it is important to bring tokens for your ICO which is associated with your tokens available as per needs and requirements. It can suffer bit of project keeping in mind a trustworthy project which one can send for Cromacoin analyzed. It is suggested to deposit your new ICO tokens where tokens actually bare and help for your new token repeatedly.

• Set up for a coin and participate in ICO to buy tokens.

• The need of wallet which supported tokens for purchase.

• Participate in ICO to buy tokens from Cromacoin.

• Send ETH for a token purchase and one will be tied to private key of wallet.

• Acquire few pieces of information to accomplish with Cromacoin.

• Send ETH address for ICO and proffer tokens constantly.

• Don’t ask for a deposit which wallet supports for a new token or one can access to your New ICO tokens on Blockchain with appropriate security enabled policies.

How to import ICO tokens into a supported wallet?

If one has contract address for token one can import tokens into wallet. Likewise, our wallet has the capability to hold numerous tokens keeping in mind entire terms accuracy, precise along with efficiency which play a vital role to enhance one’s business productivity. Our wallet is encompassed with unique wallet address which is thereby sent just by input for tokens.

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Co-Working Spaces أفضل 12 مكان عمل جماعي في أكتوبر

مساحة عمل مشتركة للأفراد والشركات.

منطقة مشتركة –

حجرات هادئة –

 قاعات تدريب –

غرف اجتماعات –

٩٥ المحور المركزي ، قسم أول ٦ اكتوبر ، الجيزه
مفتوح يوميا يغلق عند الساعه الثانيه عشر ليلا
رقم الهاتف 01030051641
يتم الرد عادةً خلال بضع ساعات

Gemy Co-Working Space
العنوان:  أمام مكتبة كرييشنز، شارع سنتر الأمل ، قسم أول ٦ اكتوبر 

  صفحة فيسبوك

MCQ  Co-Work Space
العنوان:  قسم أول ٦ اكتوبر ،October,
الجيزه 12345
رقم الهاتف:  01117800038

Pandol Co_working spaces
قسم أول ٦ اكتوبر، اول ٦ اكتوبر، unnamed Road الجيزه
قسم أول ٦ اكتوبر XW47+XG
مفتوح يوميا يغلق عند الساعه العاشره مساء
رقم الهاتف 01095679424

Cortex Pandol Co working spaces
العنوان:  عماره 367 -شارع احمد راتب – الحي السابع- المجاوره الاولى الدور الخامس، قسم أول ٦ اكتوبر
قسم أول ٦ اكتوبر XWGV+XJ
مفتوح يوميا بداً من الساعه الحاديه عشر صباحا يغلق عند الساعه الحاديه عشر ونصف مساء
رقم الهاتف:  01118659998

العنوان 78 المعهد / متفرع من السنترال قسم أول ٦ اكتوبر ، الجيزه
مفتوح على مدار 24 ساعه
رقم الهاتف 01094156839

Printing House
العنوان 33 الشهداء ، street , قسم أول ٦ اكتوبر ، الجيزه 12511
قسم أول ٦ اكتوبر XWFW+7R
مفتوح على مدار 24 ساعه
قد تختلف ساعات العمل
رقم الهاتف:  01061347988

They are a co-working space with all facilities you may need in Fardouse City in front of Dream Land Located in 6 October City . We love working in a friendly environment and thus have built one for everyone. We offer a calm mode for you to work or study.

Address : 112 Fardous City, In Front Of Dream Land,3rd Flore 6 October City, Giza Governorate, Egypt


العنوان:   75 المحور المركزي (طريق النصر) ،قسم اول ٦ اكتوبر ، الجيزه
قسم أول ٦ اكتوبر 
مفتوح يوميا يغلق عند الساعه الحاديه عشر مساء
رقم الهاتف:   01114988158

العنوان:   183 مجد المصطفى ،قسم اول ٦ اكتوبر ،الجيزه
المواعيد مفتوح يوميا يغلق عند الساعه الثانيه عشر صباحا ويفتح الساعه العاشره صباحا
قد تختلف ساعات العمل
رقم الهاتف:   01019833199

غِراس هي مساحة عمل مشترك بفكر جديد مختلف لا يرتكز فقط على تقديم خدمة بمقابل، إنما هي مساحة عمل مشترك تهدف إلى خلق بيئة خصبة تنمو فيها الأفكار

لعنوان:   8 رقم 18 ،قسم اول ٦ اكتوبر ، الجيزه
مفتوح يوميا يغلق عند الساعه واحده صباحا
رقم الهاتف:   0238343181

Dashboard Co-working space
العنوان:   8 رقم 18 ،قسم اول ٦ اكتوبر ، الجيزه
مفتوح يوميا يغلق عند الساعه واحده صباحا
رقم الهاتف:   0238343181

Co-Working Spaces أفضل 12 مكان عمل جماعي في أكتوبر Read More »

Time Management – Best Practice

“Time is the scarcest resource of the manager; if it is not managed, nothing else can be managed.”

            __Peter Drucker– Management guru and author (1909-2005)

The quote inserted above takes place at the beginning of the book we are going to talk about today. This book who has the title “TIME MANAGEMENT” – and it is available in PDF file at the end of this article – is one of the most beneficial books I had read ever. Simply because it is easy and direct, you will get the information directly and you will have the chance to practice it in your real life. After reading the 162 pages of this book, certainly you will have a clear vision about the importance of organizing and managing your time, and – as our aim in this article – how to apply this knowledge in the real life.  The book is supplied by facts, summaries, and statics to measure and clarify how far it makes difference between time really managed and time wasted making things not really useful. The book guides the reader also by Self-Assessment Quizzes to measure how far he/she control his/her time. The reader finds also a lot of topics how to keep himself motivated all the time.

After reading this book, you will be able to:

  • Identify your actual time management capacity.
  • Find ways to focus your activities.
  • Set Goals, Objectives, and To Do lists for yourself.
  • Use your time efficiently.
  • How to manage your time in the workplace.

And as a valuable gift from the author, you will find at the end of the book a list of more readings to learn about time management.

And here is the book,, Enjoy!!

If you have read the article support us by a comment describing your feedback to help us improve our blog.. Thank you.

Time Management – Best Practice Read More »

Transcript of Project Management Course by Google – All Files


Thank you for visiting MARS’ Blog, here’s all files of transcript related to videos on our channel ( ) regarding the Full course of Project Management Certificate presented by Google.

Module 1

Module 2

Transcript of Project Management Course by Google – All Files Read More »

Time Management – Best Practice

“Time is the scarcest resource of the manager; if it is not managed, nothing else can be managed.”

            __Peter Drucker– Management guru and author (1909-2005)

The quote inserted above takes place at the beginning of the book we are going to talk about today. This book who has the title “TIME MANAGEMENT” – and it is available in PDF file at the end of this article – is one of the most beneficial books I had read ever. Simply because it is easy and direct, you will get the information directly and you will have the chance to practice it in your real life. After reading the 162 pages of this book, certainly you will have a clear vision about the importance of organizing and managing your time, and – as our aim in this article – how to apply this knowledge in the real life.  The book is supplied by facts, summaries, and statics to measure and clarify how far it makes difference between time really managed and time wasted making things not really useful. The book guides the reader also by Self-Assessment Quizzes to measure how far he/she control his/her time. The reader finds also a lot of topics how to keep himself motivated all the time.

After reading this book, you will be able to:

  • Identify your actual time management capacity.
  • Find ways to focus your activities.
  • Set Goals, Objectives, and To Do lists for yourself.
  • Use your time efficiently.
  • How to manage your time in the workplace.

And as a valuable gift from the author, you will find at the end of the book a list of more readings to learn about time management.

And here is the book,, Enjoy!!

If you have read the article support us by a comment describing your feedback to help us improve our blog.. Thank you.


Time Management – Best Practice Read More »

Call center advisor

Special Tips To Succeed In The Call Center Industry

You are a new hired in a call center and you are assuming it is hard to grow!!

It’ Okay!   All of us had been passed before such moments and it is amazing when you get some assistance to continue following your success.

Today we will provide you with best tips to grow with a call center career path! So, let’s start

1- Test your abilities

Review your ability to do all is required to complete the job under your responsibilities is critical to estimate your future growth, and to stand on solid ground before being engaged with a job with more responsibilities. And that’s exactly your managers looking for. To do that, ask yourself some questions like:  

Am I able to get my target every month?

I there any comments or coaching questions from my manager that are repeatable?

I get how much per cent from my target every month?

And so on..

2- Continuously learn

Learning for any of us is the most vital means to grow by gaining new knowledge, and it must be continuous. Specially in the call center field where is there new every time, you be in touch with all around you to get help and answers for any questions, either about the product you are working on, or for the way to help a customer from the first call. Getting more knowledge have huge befits for you and your reputation.   

3- Get more relations with peers

The relations with your coworkers and peers will eventually help you get help any time. More than help, you will be a trusted member in the group who is able to help and interact; and that’s exactly you need to be promoted for new higher position.

4- Be aware of company  standards

The company you are working for is, like every business on the earth, looking for benefits and you as an employee needs to understand what’s exactly important for this company. By knowing the company standards, you will know what you need to do to be an attractive performer for your management.

5- Take time to rest

Working as a CSR (Customer Service Representative) is likely to be difficult job. You have to handle a lot of things in the same time, and these things require full attention from you. So, it’s important to handle your time as well, Stay focused and take moments of rest.

6- Be organized

Be organized in a call center means be available, and avoid letting yourself overwhelmed  by many tasks. Handle every task on time and go for the next one.

7- Respect the company’s time

Time is critical for any call center because every contract with clients is based on how much time the call center will provide with agents. So, stay always on time, don’t exceed breaks, start your work on time and leave on time. That’s critical for you to get a promotion.

8- Stay focused

Don’t lose your focus for any reason. Any mistake can eventually delay your growth.  You can keep yourself focused by organizing your time between work and time for rest.  

9- Improve yourself and abilities

Show your management and coworkers that you grow and eliminate issues, that you able to ameliorate your capabilities and that you gain more experience day over day.

10- Be patient

Patience will provide you with the power to continue. Don’t give up, and remember, call centers needs huge efforts and hard work to get your dream real in this field.

Don’t forget, read these tips many times and reflect about it, generate more ideas for yourself, and practice it all the time in your work.. Success is not easy, but also it is possible.

See also …

Why do I prefer working in a call center

Here are some amazing videos with links below I collected for you to get more knowledge about the subject.. Enjoy!!

If you have read the article support us by a comment describing your feedback to help us improve our blog.. Thank you.

Special Tips To Succeed In The Call Center Industry Read More »

Google project management

A project management certificate from GOOGLE for free!!

In nowadays world, it’s important to take advantage of high quality learning and knowledge. Actually, Google provides a very valuable chance to whom interested in project management field and aim to grow with this career path which, increasingly, attract the attention of business owners globally and in all aspects of business management.

In this article we will explain to you how to benefit from such a chance to increase your level of knowledge and get to your C.V. a global certificate presented by Google.

About the program:

It is provided on Coursera website with the partnership of GOOGLE as a provider. The duration of courses estimated to be six months, in while you will study six courses of project management presented by instructors working already at google as project and program managers. This program includes over 140 hours of instruction and hundreds of practice-based assessments which will help you simulate real-world project management scenarios that are critical for success in the workplace.

You can get more information about the program by clicking on this link:

How to get it for free instead of paying 240$:

Google offer this program courses for free for who is not able to pay. However, any body fills the application and send to approval will certainly get the courses for free.


NOTE: It is better to send for approval for course by course not one time for all the program, just to avoid some problems of registration.

Now follow theses steps to get an approval to study as a scholarship;


You will find the title: Google Project Management: Professional Certificate.

This is the title for all the program, ignore it to avoid problems we talked about previously.. just scroll down to get the courses divided in titles from course 1 to course 6.

Look at this figure:

Google project Management


  • 2- Click on course 1: Foundations of Project Management. It leads to this page:

Foundations of Project Management


  • 3- Click on financial aid available beside the yellow rectangle:
Enrolling the free certificate



NOTE: 1- Don’t clock on the yellow rectangle because it is just trial for 1 week.

2 – You will need to create an account on courser, it takes a few minutes.

  • 4- Continue to the application from this box:
Google Project Management Certificate


  • 5- Then, follow the steps to complete the application.

You can start your learning courses exactly 15 days later after receiving the approval. OR, you can start immediately by auditing the course without any certificate and you will be able to pass the quizzes and receive a certificate after the approval is completed.

You can do this by clicking on the yellow rectangle: enroll for free, then at the end of the box click Audit course:

Google Project Management Certificate


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A project management certificate from GOOGLE for free!! Read More »

Training to Be Relaxed in Stressful Situations

people, business, meeting

Many of us face things every day that stress us out: overwhelming number of tasks, a big meeting, a project that feels really tough, behind on paying bills, someone is upset at us, there’s a family crisis, the world feels chaotic.

Can we find a way to be relaxed in almost any stressful situation?

Absolutely. It just takes some training. And lots of practice.

Let’s imagine you’re feeling stressed right now, about whatever you need to do, about an interpersonal conflict, about something coming up in the near future …

What is it that’s stressing you out about this? You might start telling me all the details of the situation, or all the things the other person has done wrong … but that’s your narrative about it. The thing that’s stressing you out is the narrative, or how you view the situation or person.

What if you could let go of that view, and just be in this present moment, without the narrative? There can be a feeling of peace and openness. Try it right now.

This is the training. Relax the narrative, loosen your view, and drop into the openness of the present moment. Breathe deeply, and relax your body. Relax the jaw, relax the muscles in your torso. Feel the openness in this moment.

With training, you can do this as you go into a stressful meeting, or enter a chaotic scene, or have a difficult conversation. But start with the easier situations: when you’re on your laptop, or washing a dish. When you’re out for a walk, or talking with a friend.

Breathe, relax, let go of the view and narrative, and find the peaceful openness of the present moment.

Training to Be Relaxed in Stressful Situations Read More »

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