
How to Write an Information Technology (IT) Business Proposal

How to Write an Information Technology (IT) Business Proposal

Learn the basics of a winning IT proposal, such as hardware, software, intranet, product or service sales.  Anyone can slap a price quote together but that isn’t often a winning strategy. You need to show your potential client that you can be trusted to deliver on the services they need.

Like most businesses these days, your information technology (IT) business is no doubt looking for more clients or is tasked with internal projects. To land a new client or get a project accepted, you will need to write a business proposal.

Never written one? Don’t panic—writing a proposal doesn’t have to be a daunting process, and after you’ve written your first proposal, all others will come much easier.

That’s because the goals and structure for any business proposal are the same: 1) introduce yourself, 2) highlight the services you offer, 3) describe the costs, and 4) persuade your prospective client that you are the perfect choice for the project. You can also speed up the proposal writing process by using pre-designed templates and studying sample proposals.

The basic proposal structure is the same whether your business is network cabling, building and hosting websites, coding software, designing hardware, running a data center, optimizing internal processes, doing IT training, or even asking for funding to create or grow an IT business. Here’s the order your proposal sections should follow: 1) introduce yourself, 2) summarize the prospective client’s needs, 3) describe your products, services and costs, and finally, 4) provide information about your organization, your credentials, and your capabilities.

You will want to include details about your particular products, services and business experience that are relevant to your client’s specific project. For example, website designers might need to include information about templates, widgets, or shopping cart technologies; network specialists may want to include specifications for cables and routers they recommend; IT trainers might include lists of courses and certifications offered; and so forth.

The most important idea to keep in mind is that the goal of any proposal is to convince potential clients to award you their contracts, convince your boss to sign-off on your proposed project, or possibly secure funding for a new venture. To persuade them, you must demonstrate that you can deliver the products and services they want. It’s never a good idea to send your clients only a price list; that will not substitute for a real proposal.

Your proposal should be tailored to a specific client and that client’s needs. This means you need to gather information about that client so that you can create a customized proposal to meet that specific client’s requirements. Don’t make the mistake of sending all your prospective clients an identical sales proposal. A proposal targeted to a specific organization or person is much more likely to succeed.

Now, getting back to the basic order described above, begin your proposal with a Cover Letter and a Title Page. In the Cover Letter, write a brief personal introduction and provide all your relevant contact information so the client can easily contact you for more information. The Title Page is exactly what its name indicates: a page with the title of your specific proposal (for example, “Proposal for Website Services for the Birchwood Company”, “Building a Records Management System” or “Plan for Updating MWP Corporation’s Computer Network”).

Next, after this introduction, write the section that describes the needs of the prospective client. In a lengthy proposal for a complex project, you should provide a summary preceding the detailed pages. In proposals to corporations, this summary is usually called an Executive Summary. In complex but less corporate proposals, the summary is usually called a Client Summary. On this summary page and in the detailed pages of this section, describe your client’s needs and goals and discuss the limitations or restrictions that may be associated with the project. Don’t insert your own ideas yet; this section is where you demonstrate that you understand the client’s needs.

In the last section of the proposal, you get the chance to promote your project, products and services. In this section you will include pages that describe precisely what you have to offer and what it will cost. This section should contain some pages with general headings like Services Provided, Benefits, Features, and Cost Summary, but should also incorporate more detailed pages that fully describe your products and services, explain how you can fulfill the client’s needs, and list the associated costs. You might use topics such as Hardware and Software, Equipment, Options, Scalability and so on.

Your specific business will determine the specialized topics and pages you need to include in your proposal. The size and scope of the project will determine how many topics and how much detail will be required.

A website design and hosting company might need to include topics like Project Deliverables, Storyboard, Features, Technical Approach, Production Schedule, Hardware and Software as well as a development and hosting contract.

An IT training company might want pages such as Services Provided, Training Plan, Exercises, Curriculum, Prerequisites, Retraining, Materials and an Outline.

An IT consultant may use the Services Provided, Cost Summary, Project Summary, References, Certifications and Our Clients to start with.

IT sales proposals will use topics such as Products, Services Provided, Customer Service, Benefits, Features, Case Studies, Guarantee, Price List, Requirements and so on.

If you are proposing an internal company project, not only do you need to look good, you need to make sure your boss looks good too. You need them to trust that you will deliver in order to gain their support. Include topics that show you understand every aspect of the project. Make sure you have considered Assumptions, Risk Analysis, Contingency Planning, Accountability, SWOT Analysis and the Expected Results.

A networking cabling, infrastructure or data center project may require topics regarding the Facilities, Site Planning, Infrastructure, Security Plan, Expansion Plan, Storage, Location Analysis, Diagrams, Blueprints, Equipment, and so on.

Hardware and software designers might include Documentation Requirements, Specifications, Technical Approach, Project Management, Standards Compliance, System Requirements, Interface Requirements and Certifications. Hardware designers in particular may also need topics such as Manufacturing, Engineering, Production Plan, Capacity, Resources and Resource Allocation.

An IT project for the government can be even more complex as you will have an RFP with rules that must be adhered to. In this situation make sure to use the Compliance Matrix, RFP Cross Reference, government grant/contract Cover Sheet and any other topics that are specifically required by the RFP.

A business seeking funding will want to include pages such as a Competitive Analysis, Industry Trends, Market and Audience, Marketing Plan, Insurance, Liability, Disaster Recovery Plan, Time Line, Funding Request, Services Provided, Products, Company Operations, Income Projection, Sources of Funds, Uses of Funds, Personnel, Legal Structure and any other topics required by the lender. Funding or investment proposals also require a number of financials such as your Cash Flow Analysis, Balance Sheet, Revenue, Profit Margin, Profit and Loss Statement, Operating Costs, and so on.

In this final proposal section, be sure to provide pages describing your organization (About Us or Company History), as well as pages that explain your skills and experience or provide information from other clients. These pages are the Our Clients, Personnel, References, Testimonials, Qualifications and Capabilities – whatever you need to instill trust in the prospective client that you can deliver the goods and services they’re looking for.

So there you have it: all the basic steps for creating your proposal. Now for the finishing touches. After you have inserted all the words and data in your proposal, spend a bit of time making it visually appealing. Add your company logo, choose different fonts or use custom bullets, or consider using colored page borders. Don’t go overboard, though; you want to match the style of your proposal to the style of your business.

Don’t send your proposal out before you spell-check and proof every page. If possible, have someone outside of the project or organization do the final proofreading pass. It’s too easy to miss mistakes in familiar information.

You can see now how IT business proposals can vary widely in content because of the variety of IT businesses and the variety of projects for which the proposals are tailored. Your company’s proposal content will be different from anyone else’s. But you can also see that all IT proposals will have similar formats and follow the same basic structure.

To speed up the proposal writing process, you can use the pre-designed templates in a proposal kit. They contain easy-to-understand instructions and suggestions and examples that will guide you to provide appropriate content. It includes many sample business proposals for all sorts of IT businesses, too; these can give you a head start on creating your own winning proposals.

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Proposal Editing: The Key Step to Selling in Your Proposal

Proposal Editing: The Key Step to Selling in Your Proposal

This article highlights the most effective steps to see your proposal to federal government agencies.  

Today, we bring you an article by our Proposal Manager and writer, Erin Hoefer, who supports our clients on consulting engagements. She discusses her take on proposal editing, self-editing, and editing others’ work:

Proposal managers often get to wear different hats. I am stating the obvious, I know. We do not always get to stand back and orchestrate the overall effort of a winning proposal. Often we have to also get down in the trenches and perform last-minute capture management, fill out pricing and contractual forms, write the technical sections when the Subject Matter Experts are unavailable, and dare I say we even have to edit the proposal after we have written most of it ourselves.

Editing begins early in the proposal writing process and continues throughout the lifecycle, but no matter what stage you are pulled in to edit, it is a distinct task in a proposal’s lifecycle that requires a specific skill set. Editing includes cutting and strengthening text for readability and impact, bringing consistency to diverse materials, achieving a “single voice” in a proposal, and even making your writing sing.

At the very least, as a good proposal editor, you will:

  • Work to a proposal-specific or company style guide to ensure consistent use of words.
  • Strengthen messages and remove ambiguity missed by the proposal team through familiarity.
  • Reduce word count—we all tend to use unnecessary words and phrases.
  • Identify and correct errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

It does not matter what you choose to edit first. It may make sense to one editor to review for punctuation and spelling first, and then dig deeper into the message, but there is no right order for editing. It is up to the individual.Editing your own proposal writing

If you are anything like me, you will repeatedly fall in love with your own writing (I am having a love fest with this piece right now). It is easy to fall into this trap, since writing is hard work. It does not matter what type of writing you are doing, it takes a serious effort to get the right words onto the screen in a coherent fashion. When we spend so much time learning about our clients with the final mission of winning business for them, we inevitably begin to feel passionate about the proposal and its potential outcome. We struggle for the right words, then struggle more to arrange them into the right messages, and finally, present a winning proposal that we know (or think we know) needs very little editing. Therefore, it is not surprising we love our writing more than Angelina Jolie loves to fill out adoption papers—so much time has been invested.

But snap out of it lovers! There is a reason the great proposal writers and editors use the various color reviews (and depending on the size and importance of the proposal, there may be a review for every color in the rainbow). You must be objective about your own work. How do you do that?

Here are a few ways to detach yourself or develop objectivity to your own writing:

  • Step away from the piece for at least one full day (that is 24 hours in proposal writer time). Having a fresh look at the writing will help you see what you could not see when you were buried in the words.
  • Do it in an alternative format: if you were working in Word, look at your text in PDF. You will see different things. Never skip a hard copy review of your proposal.
  • Read it aloud. You know how in your head you are a great singer, but when you actually sing out loud, it sounds surprisingly different? Or is that just me? This exercise can also work on your writing. No matter how great a writer you are, your ears are better at picking up things such as incomplete sentences, vague thoughts, or misplaced points when you read it out loud. This is also a key step in the Read Out Loud review prior to your Gold Team Review.
  • Record yourself. Read it out loud again, but this time, use your computer or smart phone to record it. You will hear yourself differently, but more importantly, any inconsistencies or structural errors will be noted sooner than if re-reading the piece in your head.

Editing Someone Else’s Writing

Make no mistake about it. As much as proposal writers love their own words, nothing trumps the opportunity to alter someone else’s work. It is not because the hard work has already been done. No, it is because it is easier for most of us to edit than to come up with the first draft, however bad it may be.

In reality, editing someone else’s work is a bit of a burden. I know how painstakingly difficult it can be to get all the right words in a proposal. How do I tell the writer to remove a whole paragraph? I do not want to make them upset enough to never want to work with me again. However, the opportunity to edit someone else’s work also brings a two-way street of education. I must be prepared to explain every edit, and at the same time, the writer must be able explain why a particular section or sentence must stay. This often requires team work—give and take.

Below is a simple editing checklist from OST Global Solutions that I use for all proposal pieces, whether my own or someone else’s:

  • Review content. Cover areas such as compliance, accuracy, consistency, missing information, redundancy, win_themes, and acronyms.
  • Review for length and structure. This includes proper paragraph order, flow, and paragraph and section length.
  • Edit and review every sentence and word. Look for passive and active voice, word use, tone, style, and a variety of other issues related to the piece.
  • Look over the basic mechanics such as spelling, typos, punctuation, capitalization, use of pronouns, subject-verb agreement, and verb tense throughout the document.

In conclusion, whether you edit your own beautiful masterpiece or someone else’s, you can never underestimate the power of making yourself detached and objective. Build the time into your proposal schedule if you are the writer. Estimate a proper amount of time if you are editing someone else’s writing. Cover the basics of editing and dig deep to ensure the proposal communicates the message intended, and that the proposal will sell.

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How to Start a Dropshipping Store

How to Start a Dropshipping Store

The latest statistics gives a figure that there are around 310 million active customers in Amazon and probably you may be one among them!!

We are quite acquainted with the boom of e-commerce and how massive impact it has made to our lifestyle. With the rise in ecommerce has also given a rise to the number of people who wants to start an online ecommerce business. I randomly asked my friends about what do they want to do in the future. And to my surprise, so many of them said they want to establish business of their own. Entrepreneurship is the gravitating career for most youngsters. But there is one constraint in starting a business all of a sudden. You need to have a good investment support. Capital is the most important investment for any business to start. What if you don’t need to spend any money for your business and still make profit?

DropShipping is not a new term or concept in ecommerce but seldom people know how to start a DropShipping business. More than being a business, it is a service. In a DropShipping business, you don’t need to do a lot of capital expenditure and even don’t need to setup a physical store. The internet does the job!

It is a retail fulfilment method where the seller doesn’t keep his products in a store or inventory. Basically, the seller sells his product from an online store and buyers simply buy them. But the main tasks of the business are actually done by a third party system. Among all the positive aspects of this model of ecommerce, the main perks of DropShipping are

Minimum capital investment required
No hurdle in setting up a store
Risk margin is lower
You can set your own price for the products you sell
Let us look at the essential steps you need to know before setting up a DropShipping store in 5 simple steps

The Drop-shipping Concept

Find out about your interest

This is the first thing you need to find out for starting your business. Figure out what exactly do you want your business to do for you, what are the products you want to sell
Research on your customer base and see what are the products that can give you higher profits when invested upon
Figure out who are your competitors in this run and how they are dealing with the business to make profit
The first step is all your homework that you need to do before moving to the next step in the run.

Find a suitable Drop Shipping supplier

The drop shipping supplier is basically the hero behind the scene. Because the drop shipping supplier is the one who will deal with all the physical tasks of the business such as packing, shipping and delivering.

It is therefore essential to get in touch of a reliable supplier who can synchronise with the products you want to sell. Be sure to get the following things clear with the supplier…

How long it takes to ship the order ?
What kind of tracking systems they prefer?
If they offer a warranty on their products. If yes, for how long

Get a sales tax ID

We all know what sales tax means. It is the tax levied on all sales of physical goods to consumers. Though having a sales tax ID for an eBay seller is not mandatory, there are certain suppliers who prefer sellers with a sales tax ID.

Well, getting a sales tax id is easy as well as cheap!

Just Google your “Country name”+ “sales tax ID” and you would be sorted!

Sort your Platform

Once you are done with the prerequisites given in the above steps, you need to figure out which platforms do you want to use for selling your products.

eBay is the most used and easy ecommerce platform for beginners to start off.
Amazon is the world’s largest ecommerce site for selling and buying products
Bonanza and Ruby Lane are also ecommerce stores that help in hoisting your product
If not any of these platforms, you can even design your own ecommerce store with platforms like Shopify
Market and Promote!

Imagine you got an awesome business idea and even setup an online store but no one knows about it! Nothing can be saddening than this. You need to bring out the savvy marketing analyst and start marketing your product

Start various campaigning on social media platforms

Use the power of emails and promote by sending bulk emails to target customers
Create discount coupons because discount fascinate people more than chocolates and ice creams
With these few basic information on how to start a DropShipping store, you are ready to fly high into the ecommerce sky!!

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7 Tips for Staging a Successful Live Event

7 Tips for Staging a Successful Live Event

In this age of online connections, live events continue to be an essential part of brand and business-building. Hosting a live event gives your brand and business the opportunity to stand out from your competitors. In this way you can have a deeper and more meaningful brand-building effect on your consumers that is more effective than indirect and media-centered marketing efforts.

Yet, with so many groundbreaking events happening all over the world, businesses and events professionals need to increase their efforts to make sure the event they stage will be engaging for their target audience and deliver their target objectives.

The live event industry is booming, so much so that the US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that the event industry will grow by 44% from 2010 to 2020, exceeding most growth predictions for other industries. Even so, there continues to be a lot at stake when organizing a live event. They are very expensive to put on and necessitate a substantial amount of planning – even if they only last a weekend.

Here are the tried and tested best practices for staging a successful live event.


Audio is the number one component when it comes to staging a successful live event. No matter what size, or type of event, the top event companies know that you must always strive for great audio; otherwise, you will lose the interest and attention of your audience.

More often than not, microphones will be part of the setup, so plan to test each and every one of them early enough that your audio engineers have time to deal with any problems that may arise, paying special attention to wireless frequency interference.

Additionally, get in the habit of using fresh batteries for wireless microphones for every single event. If you are utilizing a webcast audio feed, make sure it is clean and audible.

All Eyes On You: The Art of Delivering the Perfect Presentation

If your event is going to include remote presenters, schedule a test round with each of them, as most won’t be using a high-tech setup and, instead will be using a basic headset microphone or even a telephone connection.


In the past few years, live video has proven itself to be the dominant form of marketing, and when used correctly at events, increases audience engagement. Live video at events offers brands and businesses the opportunity to tap into this engaging tool, bringing you and your customers together.

Just like in a TED Talk video, plan to have multiple camera angles to create a cinematic experience. Capturing raw moments and different perspectives helps everyone feel closer to the action.

The power of video is elevated by the fact that you can stream your events to audiences around the world, enlarging the live audience and furthering the results of the event you are staging. Filming any speakers, panels, or performers can later be turned into content (such as webinars) to promote your next event.


In addition to the power of audio, visuals add an extra component to the story you are telling. The level and intricacy of the visuals are going to vary based on your brand’s aesthetics and the nature of the event; however, in all cases, some form of visuals should be used.

Motion backgrounds are a fantastic way of adding an extra dimension, as the subtle movement lightly enhances everything else that is occurring on stage. For a more extreme visual experience, LED lighting rental is the way to go.

Another idea is to incorporate your brand or business’s logo into the look of the event. All in all, you want the space that your event occupies to turn into an immersive environment.

Processing Fees

When selling tickets for your event, you may encounter ticket or credit card processing fees. Depending on the company, these can vary from 2.5-3.5% and may have an additional flat per-ticket fee.

Make sure that you are building these extra charges into the price, instead of adding them on at the end. Psychologically, customers would rather see a slightly higher ticket price than have a load of additional fees added at the end.


Selecting a location and venue for your event is a question that may require a lot of brainstorming. First, take into consideration the niche your event falls under and what (if any) characteristics your venue should have for that niche.

Once you have selected a venue, don’t solely focus on the positives, but also consider its limitations. Ask about power capabilities, if certain things will set off the smoke alarms, the weight capacity of the ceiling, etc. – go over all the small things that could potentially turn into big problems.

In the days and weeks leading up to the event, make sure the core team members know their way around the venue. When everyone is running around trying to get everything in place, knowing the quickest routes from A to B will feel like a blessing.

Wherever you decide to host your event, make sure that there are plenty of charging stations. You want everyone to be tweeting your event #hashtag all day long!


When dealing with product and service suppliers, the most important tip of all is to hire the right attitude. You want to ensure that the people you are going to be working with are the creme de la creme of the industry.

Organizing and hosting these events can get slightly messy and intensely stressful, which can only be made worse if the people who are in charge of your audio, lighting, stage and rigging have not been listening and can’t remember what to do. A good, energetic, motivated attitude goes a long way.

How Do You Scale Up Your Business Using Technology?

Don’t forget to make sure you are rewarding your crew with good food! It is amazing how much more motivated people can get when the reward for hard work is a tasty snack or meal.


After your live event has wrapped up, make sure to ask attendees to provide you with post-conference feedback. This is the key to ensuring that the next event runs more smoothly and is more impressive than the last one. If you don’t ask, then you may never know that the chairs were uncomfortable, that too many panels overlapped, or that the coffee machine was never full.

Pro Tip:

 As you will probably need to sleep for three days once the event is over, prep your post-event emails and surveys before the event even starts. Check that all the links are working and leave space for pictures that you can add from the event before you hit send.

By hosting a successful and engaging live event, potential customers can begin to develop a relationship with you, increasing the chances of them purchasing from you in the future.

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All Eyes On You: The Art of Delivering the Perfect Presentation

All Eyes On You: The Art of Delivering the Perfect Presentation

When you give a presentation, you need to remember that effective communication is tied up in the use of your voice and body language far more than in the content of what you are saying.

Some studies have found that body language accounts for 55% of what we take away with us when we have sat through a presentation.

Body language leaves a lasting impression, so you must get it right when giving a presentation.

Being under scrutiny and having everyone’s eyes on you can be an uncomfortable experience. The first lesson in body language is that you must not let that show on the outside no matter how you feel inside.

You can do this by “acting” as though you are a confident speaker who has spoken in front of large audiences many times. Visualise how a confident speaker looks on stage or in a boardroom. Now visualise yourself doing that.

You can also watch TED talks on YouTube and analyse what the best presenters do. If you can harness even a small amount of the persona and charisma these people have, you’ll be making giant steps in your presentation skills.


Firstly you need to get the content right. Consider what needs to be included in the presentation and keep it simple. Work all the hot topics in and ensure that you have evidence and examples as required.

Before your presentation, you must practice, practice, practice! Not just once, but many times. The more practice you do, the more confident you will feel about the content. Once you know the content inside out, you can start to think about how you will present it.

How to Get Banking Job

You need it to look as natural as possible even though you have rehearsed to death when you present. It may not sound logical, but you will look more natural when you have taken the time to go over and over the presentation in rehearsal.


Throughout the presentation, you need to be dynamic and energetic. You must sound enthusiastic, like you care about what you’re saying and the product or service you are offering.

If you don’t care, why should anyone else? Your body language should reflect this energy. Your head should be up, your eyes shining, your gestures should be high, and perhaps your fist will be clenched when you talk about winning or victory, or you might gesture at your heart if something means a lot to you or your company. Don’t remain rooted to the spot; move around from time to time when you change slide or topic. Inject energy into the room. No movement will lead to the audience’s thoughts drifting off.


When you are in front of your audience, you need to be perfectly balanced and grounded if you are standing still. Plant both feet on the floor and pull up your spine. Tuck your pelvis in and pull your shoulders down and back.

Do not be tempted to put your weight through one hip as your audience will subconsciously perceive you as slovenly lacking in backbone. Do not fold your arms or cross your legs, as you will appear defensive. Try not to sway as the audience may think you’re a little unbalanced and not trust what you say! It’s difficult when you’re nervous but try to keep your body open and facing the audience as though you are upright and honest with nothing to hide. This will help project confidence.

Interacting with your Visuals

Turning your back on the audience is a no-no, and you need to avoid it as far as possible. If you have slides of some description, point at them from time to time, acknowledge the content or explain graphs and diagrams but do not read from them.

Your audience can read and have already read the slide within two seconds of it going on the screen. Instead, use visuals that will hold their attention while you present confidently, facing your audience and making eye contact. You have rehearsed so much you don’t need to read off the screen anyway, do you?


It’s a fact that the way you move, gesture and use facial expressions all help to convey meaning to your audience. If you say one thing, but your body language says something else, your audience will get confused. Their subconscious mind reads a presenter’s body language to understand what is being said. Precise gestures and facial expressions will aid the audience’s understanding.

How Do You Scale Up Your Business Using Technology?

Moving is good. It demonstrates confidence and can show that you are thoughtful and dynamic. Step closer to your audience from time to time but don’t get in their faces too much, or you’ll intimidate them.

Make sure your gestures are powerful; otherwise, there is no point in using them. If you keep your arms locked into your sides or only motion with your hands and wrists, you will appear uptight to your audience, so relax your shoulders and let the movement flow through your arms naturally.

As a rule of thumb, the larger the audience, the more expansive your gestures should be. In front of an intimate board meeting, you can keep your hands quite close to your body at chest height. In front of a large audience you need to move your shoulders and upper arms too. If you have to raise your voice, then raise your gestures.

Not sure you can pull it off? Of course, you can! You don’t have to make a windmill impression; you only need to gesture on certain words or phrases if you wish-practice in private. Try saying ‘increase’ or ‘increased profits’ with a gesture. Try saying ‘amazing’ or ‘we’ll get results this way. It isn’t about turning cartwheels; it’s about your audience perceiving you as engaging, interested and interesting.

First Impressions Count!

From the moment you appear in the room or on the stage, you need to take ownership and make a positive impression. Shuffling towards a lectern or fiddling with the equipment will not instil much confidence among the audience. Instead, walk-on in front of them, head held high, shoulders back, making eye contact, and smiling with your eyes as well as your face. Greet everyone. Take a moment to compose yourself, take a deep breath, and then launch in with your opening statement.

Own the stage and fake your confidence. Within no time at all, you won’t ever have to pretend again!

Pamela Wigglesworth, CSP is an international marketing consultant, speaker and the CEO of Experiential Hands-on Learning based in Asia. She is the author of The 50-60 Something Start-up Entrepreneur and works with organizations across multiple industries to help them increase brand awareness, increase leads and ultimately increase sales.

To learn more about Pamela, visit the Experiential website at or email her at

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How Do You Scale Up Your Business Using Technology?

How Do You Scale Up Your Business Using Technology?

Scaling a business is not an easy task. Between keeping past clients happy, converting new leads and ensuring you have the right team on board, scaling a company involves focusing on many things. And, if you look away for a minute, your development can slip.

Scale your business the smart way by using technology. Using technology isn’t even optional these days. No matter the size of your company, how many clients you have or how much you want to grow, there’s someone looking to take your business.

And, if your competitors are using software, apps, and tools you’re ignoring, they’ll have an easy time getting ahead. By using the right tools, you can track where you are, where you’re going and the areas in your business that are lagging.

Technology improves customer experience

Customers are the main drivers of your company, so it’s crucial to do everything to offer them a positive experience when they interact with your firm. Consider offering Wi-Fi so that your customers can browse while they’re in your shop.

By using chatbots, you can improve customer-service response time. Chatbots can answer a big percentage of your clients’ queries. And, they can direct clients to customer service agents if the questions need human intervention. They can also help to keep your clients engaged. For instance, they can prompt customers to view or write a product review, and encourage them to view tutorials.

Automate daily tasks with machine learning

Machine learning can help your company to reduce the need for employees performing repetitive tasks such as purchasing and billing operations. You can use software and apps to handle most of these duties. Automation will do these tasks quickly and accurately, and this will free up your employees’ time to do jobs that demand critical and creative thinking.

Automation and integrating operational processes helps businesses achieve end-to-end visibility, and it enables teams to scale speed while delivering excellent service to customers.

Releasing data for future growth

Investing in the right technology and integrating business processes will make your company responsive enough to compete with bigger competitors and deliver sustainable growth.

By using a cloud-based business management system, you’ll have full oversight of your company operations and easy access to data to make insightful decisions on how and where to grow the firm.

Use technology to streamline onboarding

As your company grows, your human-resource department will use technology solutions to smooth the onboarding process. Software and apps enable new members to complete paperwork and make introductions before they arrive for their first day of work.

Also, onboarding apps provide new employees with detailed information of the company’s culture and they assist them to set goals for their first 90 days. This helps to ensure an employee is ready for their first day of work and it prepares them to help the company grow.

Putting automatic systems like streamlining, outsourcing and automation to work in your business can make it more efficient and productive. To discover more on how to effectively reduce the amount of time you work on your business, while simultaneously building your business reach and productivity, download the free checklist Work Smarter with Business Systems & Automation at

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How to Get Banking Job

How to Get Banking Job

People often dream of getting a nice post and a banking job is one such exception. The banking sector is considered as the biggest occupation market on the global platform. You can look around for all types of short and long term jobs within banking sectors.

  • Position in the banking sector can be a rewarding and high paying job type.
  • One major advantage is that the banking sector offers jobs for multiple positions ranging from peon to managerial posts.
  • To get a nice position in banks, you may also need to appear for certain competitive exams.
  • Banking occupations are always long term job positions with regular promotions for employees.

There are certain steps that you may have to consider so you can get selected for any banking sector-job position.

The right set of qualifications

When coming to the selection process, candidates need to hold the right set of qualifications you have the benefit to apply for multiple job positions like cashier, managerial, teller, or peon. For each job position, you may need to hold a distinct set of qualifications.

High position banking jobs that are at management positions may also require candidates to appear for nation-wide competitive exams. In general, these exams are conducted at the national level.

Get relevant degree certificates

For most banking jobs candidates are also expected to hold the right set of degrees. The degrees have to be in selected subjects as not all subjects are important for banking jobs. You need expertise in maths and commerce related subjects.

5 Music Funding Secrets – How Can I Fund My Music Projects Without Working a Regular Job?

For certain specific job positions, it is also important for the candidates to qualify for special courses. You can opt for a charted accounts course or management course in finance and banking.

Always opt for competitive exams first

The banking job industry is always considered as very much rewarding for candidates. If you wish to get a high position job within the banking sector then candidates should always select to opt for competitive banking exams.

This is one of the most crucial steps towards taking your high salaried good-job position in banks. Without competitive exams, you may not be able to move to a higher banking job position.

Prepare your best resume

Banking sector jobs are not like any regular sales jobs. Your resume preparation has to be specifically based on the job position you are applying for. You may have to focus on building your very powerful job resume.

All essential qualifications and degrees have to be highlighted for a specific job position. So if you are focusing on joining as a cashier position, then you will have to highlight your mathematical skills. For managerial positions, you may have to highlight your management skills.

Locate jobs at right place

Banking sector jobs may certainly be published only in selected places and media. Candidates need to look around for jobs in the right place. In most cases, the job requirements for banking sectors are regularly published online and in print media.

Searching the position in the right place and at the right time is more important for candidates. To get the best banking job you have to always be prepared in advance.

Get free job alert [] at only job site. We are providing all job alerts and ideas that how to get Sarkari Naukari [] in India.

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How to Draw Buyers Closer You

How to Draw Buyers Closer You

Every salesperson wants to have a relationship with a buyer that cannot be duplicated by their competitors. Salespeople try numerous strategies, few work effectively, until now.
Research into neuroscience has provided great insight into how our brain functions. As salespeople we need to know what this means in a sales context. Sales will change the relationship between yourself and the buyer because it is based on biology and not psychology.

Our brains are most comfortable when operating in autopilot. We also feel relaxed when in this state. Repeated conscious thoughts and actions are not stored in our conscious mind but transferred to our subconscious where autopilot happens. Example, have you ended up at an address you normally go to, but on the day planned to be somewhere else? Your subconscious mind took you there whilst you were preoccupied with other conscious thoughts.
To save energy our brain uses shortcuts to make decisions to solve problems quickly. If the buyer perceives you to be the same as your competitors they will switch to autopilot. If a buyer cannot see anything new, intriguing or different in you, or the product/service or the organisation their brain will go into the default mode. This means they will emotionally detach and will more than likely give you a price objection to create differentiation between you and your competitors.
As salespeople we need to be aware of three components of the brain:

The Primal Brain

This is the most primitive part of the brain and is in control of our instinctive and automatic self-preserving behaviors. The thinking rational brain, the neocortex, shuts down when the primal brain is dominate. It is driven by the fight or flight or freeze response to a threat either perceived or real. In sales this could be disguised as an objection such as “I will think about it.”

The Mammalian Brain

Also known as the Limbic system it is the center of emotions and learning and where ‘gut’ feelings come from, trust and loyalty. The system evaluates everything as either pleasure or pain. Sales presentations need to focus on the ‘why’ and ‘how’ to connect to the mammalian brain.

The Neocortex

The neocortex is associated with high order brain functions such rational and conscious logical thinking and language. Salespeople who provide an overly structured features and benefits presentation focus on the ‘what.’ This triggers the neocortex resulting in an emotionally disengaged buyer.

What to do?

Do your homework to uncover information so your presentation disrupts the buyer’s pattern of thinking. Focus on the new, intriguing or different using ‘why’ and ‘how’ in your presentation. When you do you will have a fully engaged buyer who will feel closer to you and open up about a problem they want solved.

If you have any issues selling whether new of a sales veteran fell comfortable to contact me. Any discussion is confidential. Please to be of service.

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Account Based Marketing - Why Businesses Should Consider It

Account Based Marketing – Why Businesses Should Consider It


Account-based marketing or ABM has been around for a very long time, but it is only now that people are really paying attention to it and implementing it closely and more consciously as part of their marketing campaign. It involves taking your resources and placing them all on a set of targeted accounts within the market. The business strategy uses campaigns that have been personalized to engage each account individually. These campaigns are developed by looking at the specific needs and wants of an account.

Many people across the industry consider account-based marketing revolutionary and cutting edge. This is because the strategy looks at marketing holistically, as a whole, whereas older techniques focus too heavily on lead generation. A key attribute within account-based marketing looks at wagering and taking advantage of larger accounts. This means that you’re looking at trying to up-sell and cross-sell your larger accounts to get more value out of them, rather than spending time in the seemingly endless and tiresome loop of lead generation.

Account based marketing offers benefits both for the business and its customers. This is also one of the reasons why people are drawn to it.

1. Personalized and customized marketing experience.

Understanding your customers better gives you a leg up on the competition and allows you to strengthen your business relationship with that customer. The personalized marketing campaign could lead to better and more sales. A large part of account-based marketing is the personalization of marketing techniques to larger accounts. By figuring out the customer’s expectations, wants, and needs, you can tailor the marketing campaign specifically to and for them.

2. More realistic ROI expectations

Account-based marketing is known for giving higher returns than any other marketing strategy. It offers the highest return on investment (ROI) than any other B2B marketing strategy. The new strategy gives more precise measurements of the ROI that a company can expect. In turn, it allows companies to get a better grip on how their customers are responding to certain advertising techniques. This means that they have more control over what tactics are working as well as those that aren’t working.

3. Strategic use of available, fewer or limited resources

The account-based marketing approach focuses on a smaller number of accounts at a given time. Because they’re working with fewer accounts, they are more likely to bring those accounts to the final sales process. You’re actually going to be bringing more with fewer resources. This also frees up resources that used to be spent on funneling numerous companies. So, companies who use account-based marketing tactics can use these now free resources to complete and focus on other tasks.

4. Shorten sales timeline significantly

With your sales and marketing teams are working together to align and move accounts through the sales pipeline, you’ll find that the sales cycle shortens significantly. Your teams don’t have to juggle multiple moving parts separately. Rather, you’re streamlining the process and making it easier for everyone to keep up with the leads and customers that your business currently has. This also makes it easier to cater to these specific customers, making sure their concerns are addressed appropriately and in a timely manner. They don’t get lost in the noise.

5. Better, more effective and efficient marketing and sales alignment

Marketing teams and sales teams are more likely to and should work together to accomplish goals and sales together. By bringing these entities together, they can work on important tasks as a team rather than individually:

  • Identify accounts that you want to target
  • Create customized/personalized marketing campaigns for those targeted accounts.
  • Aligning accounts and moving them along the sales cycle as a team
  • Having an account-based marketing approach will take your lead conversion method to a new level. If your marketing and sales teams are still separated, you likely run into a lot of issues when it comes to successfully converting leads into sales.

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5 Music Funding Secrets - How Can I Fund My Music Projects Without Working a Regular Job?

5 Music Funding Secrets – How Can I Fund My Music Projects Without Working a Regular Job?

The phrase “starving artist” has become a cliché because it’s often true. Indeed, it can take a long time before an independent artist starts earning enough from their music to make a living. Musicians often find themselves in the proverbial “catch-22” of having to take a regular job to fund their music but then not having enough time or energy left at the end of the day to pursue their musical endeavors. The good news is, there is a way! There are music funding “secrets” any artist can use to start earning passive income to fund their music projects.

Secret #1:

 You need a system that does the heavy lifting for you. Think of the word SYSTEM as an acronym for “Saves You Some Time, Energy, and Money“. That’s because a good system, once setup, will continue to do the work for you while you focus on your music. To succeed in making money online as a musician, you need to make use of a special type of system known as a “funnel“. You may have heard this term before and scratched your head wondering what it is. A funnel is simply a system that collects the contact information (an email and/or phone number) of someone interested in whatever you’re offering and then “funnels” them through a follow-up sequence. Funnels are always used by the top online marketing gurus because they are proven to work.

Secret #2:

 Your funnel system should initially focus on affiliate programs where you don’t have to provide any product or services. You merely recommend certain tools to others like yourself who will benefit from them just as you have. In turn for your recommendation, you earn a commission. However, you can’t just pick any old’ affiliate program to plug into your funnel. This is one of the biggest secrets of all to make money online as a musician. You need to be selective and focus your efforts on promoting high quality tools that will pay you recurring monthly income. Did you catch that? It’s crucial and bears repeating: the secret to music funding is in recommending tools that will not only benefit other musicians, but also earn you recurring income month after month. You don’t want to be spending your time chasing new sales each month. You need to be able to keep earning from your funnel system’s referrals month after month, year after year. Recurring monthly income is the key!

Secret #3:

 You need a funnel system that will automatically follow-up for you with those whom have entered your funnel system Again, you can simply use email or, for added punch, also utilize SMS text messaging which gets much higher open rates. Are you starting to see how, once setup, your system will be doing all the heavy lifting for you? That’s the magical leverage of having a funnel system!

Secret #4:

 Your system should provide training on how to use the tools you promote. While setting up a funnel is something just about anybody can do, it can be helpful to have step-by-step training videos to make the process easier, especially for those who are less technically adept.

Secret #5:

You can then leverage your music funding funnel and the skills you’ve learned from it to create other funnels for promoting your own music, merchandise, virtual or live concerts, “pre-saves” on streaming platforms like Spotify, and on and on it goes! Just like with your music funding system, you can create a sequence of follow-up emails and SMS messages to engage your new potential fans and lead them back to your music, video, social media profile, merchandise offer, or whatever else you want them to check out.

Having a music funding system is the ideal way to support yourself as an indie artist and answer the question “How to fund my music without trading hours for checks?” It’s a great solution to generating income from home so you don’t have to take a job that drains you of the time and energy needed for your music projects. Then, when you’re ready to promote your next song or album, your system will be there for you to do that as well!

To get your own FREE ready-to-go funnel system that provides passive recurring income to fund your music, visit

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Is Bitcoin Safe? t is reported that the Bitcoin is rolling into forbidden grounds as it creates a spate of controversy among the "high" society and savvy digital investors.

Is Bitcoin Safe?

It is reported that the Bitcoin is rolling into forbidden grounds as it creates a spate of controversy among the “high” society and savvy digital investors. These digital marketers try to gain their share of the billion-dollar-a-day digital pie while corporate society seeks to curtail the spiral hike in the value of what seems to be a “monetary menace”. Some who strive on exploiting the poor and vulnerable are not having this as they try to inoculate the masses in an attempt to put down this growing “digital monster.”

These seemingly corporate crooks continue to put a choke-hold on how the less fortunate spend their money as they try to build financial cartels worldwide but thanks to digital technology, Bitcoins have revolutionized money control in the 21st!

The Cons

Despite the growth of digital currencies such as Bitcoins, it would be remiss of me to not disclose the cons of these virtual currencies. Due to the fact that their digital footprints are encrypted, they cannot be traced online. Although one has the pleasure of privacy and security when trading, it provides another gateway to hide and conduct illicit transactions.

When this happens, drug dealers, terrorist and other suspected culprits, will continue to conduct their illicit trade without detection when using Bitcoins.

The Pros

However, amidst the monetary mayhem, Bitcoins offer anyone tremendous investment opportunities and growth potential. No one controls virtual currency as it can be accessed by the public in cyberspace and the value continues to appreciate while the society stumbles on the debris of inflation.

An ordinary man on the streets can buy, save, trade, invest and increase his chances of becoming financially successful without the interference of government restrictions, controls, and fiduciary regulations; hence spiral inflations become things of the past.

Many truly believe the number 1 problem in our society is establishing financial monopolies. When one corporation decides to control foreign exchange, gold, and fuel, it uses its power to dictate how money should be spent.

Regulations set by large and wealthy multi-corporations are only geared to add more wealth and power to their portfolio rather than benefiting borrowers who seek financial help. In addition, the ones at the top try to drain the swamp so others can depend on them while they can become wealthier but they can’t control digital currency!

The Brighter Side of the Coin

Time has come to open the eyes of the world and that is what Bitcoin is all about. The ones who try to control the world are threatened by this Frankenstein but I doubt they can stop it or call the shots. Currently, 1 Bitcoin values $844099.07 Jamaican Dollar or $6895.80 US Dollar. The cost for 1 Bitcoin in 2009 was.05 USD!

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Benefits of Administrative and Virtual Assistant Services Outsourcing is still widely regarded as important for achieving business goals and strategies, but many people now arrange outsourcing that does not achieve the expected benefits. This

Benefits of Administrative and Virtual Assistant Services

Outsourcing is still widely regarded as important for achieving business goals and strategies, but many people now arrange outsourcing that does not achieve the expected benefits. This article examines the outsourcing aspect from the client’s perspective. These aspects are often overlooked or underestimated, but they are important to provide the value you need for the duration of your contract.

With outsourcing expert virtual assistant services, your business can reach the pinnacle of success. It’s like getting professional service at a lower price. Virtual assistants are people who have the ability to perform administrative tasks and perform client-specific tasks. You can perform a wide range of tasks, from simple management tasks to complex customer reports. Without a doubt, this is one of the most important factors that can improve your business productivity.

There are many benefits to having an online assistant. You can let them take care of your long work, so you can focus your time on more important business work. As with any business, revenue is always your primary concern as it keeps you in business. With the help of an online assistant, this is no longer a problem.

Here’s why you need to appreciate your virtual assistants and management services even more:

1. Improve your business productivity.

Business success depends on the revenue generated. Capital is the cause of running a business, and online assistants play an important role in business returns. By outsourcing some of your work to them, you have the talent to tackle income-generating tasks for your business. In this way, you can emphasize that you are improving the profits of your business with less stress..

2. Do Things in Less Time-Assistants are obedient to the outsourcing industry.

They have dedicated training pieces in the areas they have decided to undertake. From this point of view, they appeal to experts in various fields. You never trust their efficiency in performing the various tasks assigned to them. Providing instructions on a regular basis and performing tasks on a regular basis will definitely save you time.

3. Virtual assistants are a lucrative option-you can save a lot of money with virtual assistants.

You don’t have to worry about the office and tools to get it working, as it actually works for you. You can reduce costs because you are not responsible for the interests of your assistant employees.

Are you a small business provider who always quits your business because of so much luxury? Time to shout for help. Hire a virtual assistant now

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It Is Time to Take a Fresh Look at LinkedIn

It Is Time to Take a Fresh Look at LinkedIn

LinkedIn has many wonderful attributes and a ton of capabilities and possibilities. You may have a LinkedIn account but, perhaps, you are not leveraging it as much as you can or should be. If you haven’t done so already, the first thing that you should do is to make sure that your LinkedIn profile is complete. Undoubtedly, people will check out your profile and you want to make sure that they are able to get to know you through your profile, want to connect with you, and interact and engage.

Leveraging LinkedIn to Manage Your Clients

You may consider your LinkedIn profile a detailed business card. Well, you are correct to a point. However, it is so much more than that and if you are not aware of all (or most) of its potential, it is time for you to become educated about all that LinkedIn has to offer. The fact is that everyone needs to manage their clients, whether you use some sort of sophisticated tool to accomplish that or not. LinkedIn can definitely do that for you. You just need to figure out how to make it work for your business.

When it comes to online social networks, LinkedIn is the one to use for professionals. You probably have all sorts of valuable connections that you may not even be aware of. One of the great things about LinkedIn is that after a person has created a profile, they are generally reachable at that particular URL for eternity. You will most likely find that to be a really great (and helpful) feature. In fact, not only does that information stay the same but it also gives you other valuable information that you will undoubtedly find useful. It tells you when your LinkedIn connections are having birthdays, work anniversaries, etc.

You may be surprised at how far a simple birthday or anniversary wish will go in your relationship with the other person when it comes to your solidifying your relationship with that person. You have probably noticed that there are two versions of LinkedIn: one that is free and one that costs money. In some cases, the one that costs money is superior to the free one. However, in the case of LinkedIn, the free version is perfectly acceptable and the chances are really good that you can get everything that you need from the free version without missing anything.

Turning to your LinkedIn connections for help

You may experience many times when you have a question that plagues you. You may not have the resources for that particular issue and you are not sure where to turn. Well, LinkedIn can certainly help. If you have a question without an answer, all you need to do is post it to your LinkedIn connections. The chances are really good that at least one or two people will respond to you. You may not get the answer that you are looking for but the responses that you do receive may bring you closer to the answer that you need.

You will see that people are generally willing to help you if you need them to. All you need to do is ask. Of course, there will be many people who just don’t know the answer to your question. However, there will also be many people who can offer their help to you. Having a robust network is a wonderfully supportive thing. You can thank LinkedIn for that.


LinkedIn is not only an amazing social network but it is also a wonderful way to manage your customer relationships and it has tremendous capabilities that can really bring your business to the next level. It allows you to connect and stay connected with your valuable online connections. It not only helps you to gather valuable information but it also allows you the ability to make the most of that information and to use it effectively for your business. You should learn about all that it can do and take advantage of all that LinkedIn has to offer.

Who is the writer ?

Michael Cohn is the founder and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of CompuKol Communications. He has over 25 years of experience in IT and web technologies. Mr. Cohn spent a significant amount of time at a major telecommunications company, where his main focus was on initiating and leading synergy efforts across all business units by dramatically improving efficiency, online collaboration, and the company’s Intranet capabilities, which accelerated gains in business productivity. He also reduced company travel and travel costs by introducing and implementing various collaboration technologies.

His expertise includes business analysis; project management; management of global cross-matrix teams; systems engineering and analysis, architecture, prototyping and integration; technology evaluation and assessment; systems development; performance evaluation; and management of off-shore development.

Mr. Cohn earned a Master’s degree in project management from George Washington University in Washington, DC; and a Master’s degree in computer science and a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, NJ.

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Small Business Marketing - The Basics Small business management

Small Business Marketing – The Basics

Small business marketing is increasingly complex. The online environment changes rapidly so it is important to remember the basics of marketing. That is focus on the needs of the customer.

Profile Your Target Customer

Who is your ideal customer, what do they buy, why do they need those products or services, and why do they buy from you? Most businesses serve several market segments, each with different requirements. So it is important to identify those segments and build a customer profile for each.

Decide How To Reach Your Customer

What are the best ways to reach identified customers and market segments? It may be the best route is offline but more likely the most efficient and cost-effective method will be online marketing. Research what methods target customers use to source information. It may be via search engine queries, or possibly social media, or online publications. Whatever route is best, target your efforts on those mediums.

Be Found

There is little point in having a website if it is not found when a prospect types a relevant search term into one of the major search engines. Statistics show that over 90% of prospects never go beyond page 1 when looking for information. The same argument applies to social media. With any online marketing tool, the objective is to be found.

Build A Relationship

Once found, only a small percentage of prospects will make an immediate purchase. A much larger proportion will keep coming back to learn more and will buy in the future. Once a prospect lands on an online communication channel the objective is to start to build a relationship and credibility to achieve a sale in the medium to long term.


A relationship is of little use if it does not ultimately convert to a sale. So it is important to lead prospects down a path and specifically tell them what you suggest they do (calls to action). The process may include securing a prospect Email address (perhaps in return for a valuable download) to facilitate ongoing dialogue.

The key to small business marketing success then is to start with the customer. With the customer defined, deliver the information they need and develop a relationship that ultimately results in a sale. It is important to make sure the message goes out via a method that is most likely to be read and engaged with. Don’t be invisible, forget the marketing hype and focus on the basics.

Read more on common marketing myths you should ignore here

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Earn money from social media

6 ways to earn money from Social Media

If you love spending time on social media, why not get paid for it? Here are a few ways you can earn money from social media:

1- Sell products or services:

    If you have your own business or sell products or services online, you can use social media to promote your products or services and earn money.

    2- Be an affiliate.

    You can promote products or services for other businesses and earn commission on each sale.

    Top affiliate programs from here:

    3- Create sponsored content.

    Many brands are willing to pay influencers to create sponsored content, which is basically advertising for them.

    4- Teach others.

    If you’re an expert on social media, you can make money by teaching others how to use it effectively.

    5- Sell your own content.

    If you create original content, such as videos or articles, you can sell it online and earn money.

    6- Manage social media accounts.

    Many businesses are willing to pay someone to manage their social media accounts

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    Mars EC contact center blog - Sales Marketing - Economy

    What Might Be Next In The Economy?

    Since, we don’t have a crystal ball, it is impossible to predict, accurately, the future! This is especially true, when, it comes to economic issues, including investment, real estate, interest rates, inflationary pressures, government actions, international factors, etc. What are the ramifications of inflation, recession, interest rates, Federal Reserve Bank decisions, etc.? How can one, hedge – his – bet, in order to minimize unnecessary risks, while receiving a quality return, also? There is no simple answer, because so many factors, have significant influences. With, that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly, consider, examine and review potential factors, in order to help readers, have a more – complete understanding of the possibilities.

    1) Interest rates:

    We have experienced a prolonged period of historically – low – interest rates. This has created easy money, because the cost of borrowing is so low. Both individuals and corporations have benefited, at least, in the immediate- term, permitting home buyers to purchase more house, because their monthly charges, are low, due to low mortgage rates. Corporate and government bonds, and banks, have paid low returns. It has stemmed, inflation, and created a rise in home prices, we haven’t witnessed, in recent memory. The Federal Reserve Bank has signaled they will be ending this propping – up, and will also raise rates, probably three times, in 2022. What do you think that will cause.

    2) Auto loans, consumer loans, borrowing:

    The auto industry has been, significantly, impacted by supply chain challenges. When rates rise, auto loans and leases, will be more costly.

    3) This pattern began after the Tax Reform legislation:

    Passed at the end of 2017, which created the initial, new, trillion dollars deficits

    4) Government spending:

    Caused by the financial suffering and challenges, because of shut downs, etc, because of the pandemic, created trillions more in debt. Unfortunately, debt must be eventually addressed.

    5) Perception and attitude:

    The past couple of years,apparently, created a public perception, plus many fears, with a crippling economic impact.

    Either, we begin to plan, effectively, and with common sense and an open – mind, many will be at – risk. Wake up, America, and demand better leadership, service and representation.

    Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook

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    Mars EC contact center blog - Sales

    The Easiest and Hardest Part of Phone Sales

    The Ask. Yes… both the easiest and hardest part of the phone sale. Quite an interesting enigma, right? Yes again, but let’s unpack this further. Phone selling is both an art and science and it follows a logical path (maybe a little nonlinear at times, but nonetheless there’s an end goal). Depending on the solution you’re offering to the prospect, there’s usually a lead up to the Ask.

    Present the Purpose of the Call Clearly and Directly

    For starters, remember to accomplish (when and if possible) the goal of making the call. This can be to set up an appointment, to introduce yourself, your business, and product and / or service, or to speak with the Decision Maker. By stating the purpose of the call (and thus moving toward the goal of the call), you minimize wasting time with uninterested and unqualified prospects and you maximize your ability to make more calls, reach more people, and close more sales. Here’s some great advice: it often helps (actually, the value of having this is more than I can put into words) to have a script available during the call just in case you get off track. Scripts aid you in staying focused and moving the call forward.

    Listen Prior to Making the Ask

    Unless you’re a telemarketer and are intent on blasting your prospects with a “canned” message regardless of their responses, then by all means, spray on. OK, kidding aside, prior to making the Ask, listen… listen… listen. Here’s the key in listening when conducting a sales call: don’t, I repeat, don’t answer the prospect in your head while they are talking. Don’t do it. Here’s why: you’ll learn that by keeping your mind still and clear without interrupting the prospect in your head or verbally, you’ll have given the prospect something that will often be reciprocated to you in full measure: “uninterrupted time for response”. Sounds weird… yes, but does it work? oh yes. I learned this technique from Stephen Schiffmann and it really works.

    Remember, plan the call (set a goal and use a script), initiate contact, state the purpose of your call directly and clearly, and listen. After listening both consciously and subconsciously, if and when appropriate, make the Ask.

    Jericho Business Advisors provides value added consultation and advisory services for small business owners / operators in the areas of accounting, taxation, and financing.

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    What are Google Ads ? Learn how it works and what’s new

    Google Ads is a web advertising platform developed by Google, wherever advertisers bidto show temporary advertisements, service offerings, product listings, or videos to web users. It will each display ads in search engine results  like Google search and on non-search websites, mobile apps and videos. Services are offered below a pay-per-click rating model.

    Google Ads is that the main supply of revenue for Alphabet Inc, contributory US$168.6 billion in 2020.In 2021, Google Ads generated $257.6 billion.


      Google launched AdWords in 2000.

    The AdWords system was at the start enforced on prime of the MySQL database engine. once the system had been launched, management set to use Oracle instead however was eventually reverted to MySQL after the system became a lot of slower. Eventually, Google developed a custom distributed electronic information service management system called Google F1 specifically for the requirements of the Ad business. The interface offers program Editing, Search question Reports, associated conversion metrics.

    In 2008, Google launched the Google on-line promoting Challenge, an in-class educational exercise for tertiary students. Over 8,000 students from forty seven countries maleficiated within the challenge in 2008, over 10,000 students from fifty eight countries took part in 2009, regarding 12,000 students in 2010, and virtually 15,000 students from seventy countries in 2011. The challenge takes place every year, approximately from January to June.

    In April 2013, Google declared plans to feature enhanced campaigns for AdWords to help with campaign management catered to multiple-device users. the improved campaigns aimed to incorporate advanced reports regarding users. This move was disputed among advertisers. In July 2016, Google released “Showcase Shopping” ads. With this format, retailers will prefer to have a series of pictures that seem in search results involving numerous search queries and keywords.

    In October 2017, Google revised AdWords’ daily budget caps, that were antecedently set at a most of 120% of predetermined daily budgets, to a maximum of 200%. this modification was extended on a similar day it had been declared, prompting criticism from paid search professionals, although Google later processed that this change would have an effect on solely short campaigns of lower than thirty days which for campaigns running quite 30 days, old charges would be refunded.

    On twenty seven Gregorian calendar month 2018, Google announced a rebranding of Google AdWords as Google Ads as of July 24, 2018.

    In 2018, Bloomberg News according that Google had paid millions of greenbacks to Mastercard for its users’ Mastercard information for advertising purposes. The deal had not been in public announced.


     Sales and support for Google’ Ads division within the us relies in Mountain View, California, with major secondary offices in Hyderabad, Dublin, Singapore, city and ny City. The third-largest U.S. facility is that the Googleplex, Google’ headquarters, that is found in Mountain View, California. Google AdWords engineering is based at the Googleplex, with major secondary offices in l. a. and New York.


     Google Ads’ system is based part on cookies and partly on keywords determined by advertisers. Google uses these characteristics to position advertising copy on pages wherever they suppose might be relevant. Advertisers pay once users divert their browsing to click on the advertising copy. Adverts may be enforced locally, nationally, or internationally. Google’ text advertisements mimic what the common search result feels like on Google.

      Image ads can be one in every of the many totally different standardized sizes as selected by the Interactive Advertising Bureau. In might 2016, Google proclaimed enlarged Text Ads, permitting 23% additional text. Besides the Google search engine, advertisers even have the choice of enabling their ads to indicate on Google’ partner networks, as well as AOL search,, and Netscape, who receive a little of generated income.


     The Keyword Planner provides information on Google searches and different resources to assist arrange advertising campaigns.

      AdWords specific may be a feature aimed toward little businesses that makes an attempt to cut back the issue of managing ad campaigns by mechanically managing keywords and ad placement. Google Ads Editor is a downloadable program that permits users to create bulk changes to ads and edit ads offline. It additionally allows users to ascertain ad performance, just like the dashboard. Google Ads Manager Accounts “) allows users to manage multiple accounts from one login and dashboard. this can be most commonly employed by selling and Advertising agencies who manage an outsized portfolio of shopper accounts. The Reach Planner permits users to forecast the reach and extent of their video ads across YouTube and Google video partners. The tool allows users to decide on their audience, then recommends a mixture of video ads that facilitate reach the user’ objectives, and see the reach of their ads. additionally to location and language targeting, advertisers will specify net Protocol addresses to be excluded. Advertisers can exclude up to five hundred informatics address ranges per campaign. Google Academy for Ads provides a qualification to purchasers who pass a Google Ads Fundamentals communicating and one Advanced AdWords exams on search, display, video, shopping, or mobile advertising, or Google Analytics. Google Partners should maintain a minimum pay threshold of US$10,000 over ninety days, with a better spend threshold for Google Premier Partners. Placement-targeted advertisements places adverts supported keywords, domain names, topics, and demographic targeting preferences entered by the advertiser. If domain names are targeted, Google additionally provides an inventory of connected web sites for placement. Advertisers bid on a cost-per-impression or cost-per-click basis for site targeting. The minimum cost-per-thousand impressions bid for placement-targeted campaigns is twenty five cents. there’s no minimum CPC bid. Remarketing permits marketers to indicate advertisements to users that have antecedently visited their web site, and enables marketers to make totally different audience lists supported the behavior of website guests. Remarketing Lists for Search via Google Analytics became offered in Google Ads in early Gregorian calendar month 2015, permitting the employment of ordinary GA remarketing lists to arrange ancient text search ads. Dynamic remarketing will show past visitors the precise product or services they viewed. whereas common, some users might realize to a fault overt use intrusive. Ad extensions allow advertisers to show additional data with their ads, corresponding to a business address, phone number, links to an internet page or app, prices, or sales and promotions. Google Ads may additionally show machine-driven extensions such as shopper ratings once the system predicts they’re going to improve performance. The Google Ad Grants program provides eligible nonprofits US$10,000 per month in Google Ads credits, and has served over 100,000 nonprofits and charities worldwide since its launch in 2003. Google Ads introduced increased conversion to create conversion mensuration additional correct.

    Restrictions and ad content:

     The “Family status” of an advertisement is set by a Google reviewer and indicates what “audiences the ad and web site are applicable for”. This affects once and where, as well as during which countries, an advertisement will appear. As of April 2008, Google AdWords not permits for the show address to deviate from that of the destination URL. before this, paid advertisements might feature totally different landing page URLs thereto of what was being displayed on the search network. Google explained that this reversal stems from each user and publicize feedback. the priority prompting the restriction change is believed to be the premise on which users clicked advertisements. In some cases, users were being misled associated more targeted by AdWords advertisers before this change. As of Gregorian calendar month 2010, Google AdWords attenuate restrictions over sales of arduous alcohol. It currently permits ads that promote the sale of hard alcohol and liquor. this can be an extension of a reversal that was created in December 2008, that permissible ads that promote the stigmatization of hard alcohol and liquor.

    Some keywords, adore those relating to hacking, aren’t allowed at all. From Gregorian calendar month 2007, Google illegal AdWords adverts for student essay-writing services, a move that received feedback from universities. Google includes a sort of specific keywords and classes that it prohibits that modify by kind and by country. For example, use of keywords for alcohol connected product are prohibited in Asian nation and Turkey; keywords for gambling and casinos are banned in Poland; keywords for abortion services are banned in Russiaand Ukraine; and keywords for adult  services or products have been banned worldwide since June 2014. In Early 2022, Google has paused all ad sales in Russia in response to the continued crisis in Ukraine.

    In March 2020, at the start of the Coronavirus crisis, Google blocked all face masks keywords from being eligible for ad targeting as a part of a policy to stop corporations from AN attempt} to make the most the pandemic.


    each time a user conducts a groundwork on Google, Google Ads runs an auction in real time to see that search ads are displayed on the search results page in addition because the ad’ position.  the value of a Google Ads campaign thus depends on a spread of factors, as well as the most quantity Associate in Nursing publicize is willing to pay-per-click the keywords being bid on, and also the quality score of the ad.

    though a complicated bidding strategy are often wont to mechanically reach a predefined cost-per-acquisition, this could not be confused with a set certified public accountant evaluation model.

    Law suits:

    Google Ads are the topic of lawsuits regarding trademark law, fraud, and click on fraud.

    Overture Services, Inc. sued Google for violation in Apr 2002 in reference to the AdWords service. The suit was settled in 2004 once Yahoo! noninheritable  Overture; Google united to issue 2.7 million shares of common shares to Yahoo! in exchange for a perpetual license underneath the patent.

    In 2006, Google settled a click fraud proceeding for US$90 million. In May 2011, Google disabled AdWords advertising purchased by a national  sex workers’ rights group called “Turn Off the Blue Light”, claiming that it delineate Associate in Nursing “egregious violation” of company ad policy by “selling adult sexual services”.  However, TOBL could be a noncommercial campaign for sex worker rights and isn’t advertising or commerce adult sexual services. once TOBL members held a protest outside Google’ European headquarters in national capital and sent in written complaints, Google reviewed the group’ website. Google found the web site content to be advocating a political position, and fixed the AdWords advertisement.In the Gregorian calendar month 2012, Google rejected  Australian Sex Party ads for AdWords and sponsored search results.for the Gregorian calendar month twelve by-election for the state seat of Melbourne, speech communication the Australian Sex Party broken its rules that stop solicitation of donations by a web site that didn’t show tax exempt  though the Australian Sex Party amended its website to display tax deductibility information, Google continued to ban the ads. The ads were reinstated on election eve once it absolutely was reportable within the media that the Australian Sex Party was considering suing Google. On Gregorian calendar month 13, 2012, the Australian Sex Party lodged formal complaints against Google with the USA Department of Justice and also the Australian competition watchdog, accusatory Google of “unlawful interference in the conduct of a state election in Victoria with corrupt intent” in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

    In December 2019, France punished Google €150 million for publicizer suspensions on Google Ads, contestation it had “abused its dominant position by adopting opaque and hard-to-grasp rules “which he was absolutely  liberal to ‘interpret and modify’ as he pleased.


    proprietary keywords

    Google has come back under attack for permitting AdWords advertisers to bid on trademarked keywords. In 2004, Google started allowing advertisers to bid on a large sort of search terms within the USA and Canada, as well as emblems of their competitors and in could 2008 expanded  this policy to the united kingdom and Ireland.  Advertisers are restricted from mistreatment alternative companies’ trademarks in their advertising text if the trademark has been registered with Advertising Legal Support team.

    In March 2010, Google was involved a trademark infringement case involving 3 French corporations that own Louis Vuitton trademarks. The proceeding involved if Google was liable for advertisers buying keywords that violate trademark infringement. Ultimately, the Court of Justice of the eu Union dominated that Google AdWords were “not a breach of EU trademark law, however that the content of some advertisements that are joined by Google keywords could be in breach relying upon the actual facts of the case. Additionally, in some Yankee jurisdictions, the use of a person’s name as a keyword foradvertising or trade functions while not the person’ consent has raised Right to Privacy concerns.

    In 2013, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals control in 1-800 Contacts, Inc. v., Inc. that on-line lens marketer Lens.he did not commit trademark infringement after buying AdWords Associate in alternative research from Nursingdadvertisements mistreatment contestant 1-800 Contacts’ federally registered 1800 CONTACTS trademark as a keyword.  In August 2016, the Federal Trade Commission filed an body criticism against 1-800 Contacts alleging that its search advertising trademark social control practices have immoderately restrained competition in violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act.  1-800 Contacts has denied all wrongdoing and is regular to look before Associate in Nursing Federal Trade Commission law decide in Apr 2017.

    Computer Support Ban:

      In 2018, Google implemented a change that limits technical support advertising to buyers, including “troubleshooting, security, virus removal,connectivity, online account, or package install,” David Graff, director of global product policy at Google, said the policy should “address abuse.”and “fraudulent activity” from third-party technical support suppliers, which a verification program for legitimate providers would be extended “in the approaching months”.  this can be however to manifest, leading to a good ban on all IT support and repair connected services on the Google Ads platform. Commentators have expressed issues that this can be a shot by Google to stifle consumers’ right to repair electronic devices.

    Use by fuel corporations for greenwashing:

    fuel companies, funders and PR agencies as well as ExxonMobil, Shell, Aramco, McKinsey, and Goldman Sachs are among the biggest customers of Google Ads. One in 5 Google Ads for climate-related terms were acquired by fossil fuel companies. A study by The Guardian and InfluenceMap found that Shell’ ads appeared on 86% of searches for “net zero”. Over [*fr1] of users in a very 2020 survey couldn’t tell the distinction between a standard Google result and a Google Ad. one amongst the study’ authors, InfluenceMap expressed “Google is lease teams with a unconditional interest within the continuing use of fossil fuels pay to influence the resources individuals receive after they are attempting to teach themselves.  The oil and gas sector has rapt off from contesting the science of global climate change and currently instead seeks to influence public discussions concerning decarbonization in its favor.”

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    How To Video Marketing

    With the growth of the internet and technology, videos have increasingly become a more powerful tool in getting more leads and growing one’s business.

    The commercialization of video editing tools and ease of sharing videos via video sharing sites such as YouTube has made the growth of the video industry explode rapidly.

    Currently, it doesn’t matter if you are a small-time marketer or a corporate giant, you stand lots of gain through leveraging on videos to grow your business.

    The trends of internet marketing have always been evolving. Back then, it was article marketing. Then came the paid advertising era of PPC and PPV. Today, we have Video Marketing.

    What is video marketing? Video marketing is the art of using videos to market and grow your business. This could be in the form of using videos for getting leads, building traffic or selling a video product.

    Video marketing is great because it has the ability to grow virally. Viral marketing as in it spreads as fast and as widely as a biological virus, but in the marketing sense. This can help you reach a wide audience in a short amount of time and at a low cost.

    People love watching videos, so much more because you can incorporate visual and audio elements which can excite emotions and make content interesting. E-books are so yesterday and have a hard time keeping up with videos which have been getting better and better.

    One of the most useful sites out there is YouTube – The world’s largest video sharing site. We shall look into the power of YouTube in the next section.

    The Power of YouTube

    As mentioned earlier, YouTube is the world’s largest video sharing website. Why are they called video sharing sites? It’s because everyone who uploads videos are like a TV channel of their own – You can get subscribers and people who watch your videos can freely share it with others through a wide variety of social media sharing tools available.

    The popularity of YouTube has exploded, and businesses, big or small stand a lot to gain by tapping into this phenomenon.

    YouTube allows you to upload videos for free, and if your videos meet their standards they will offer you a director’s status, where you can post up videos longer than 10 minutes.

    One good thing about YouTube, is that you can post descriptions down at the bottom box of your videos. This allows you to draw traffic to your website and write descriptions about your videos.

    YouTube also has that added benefit of being owned by Google, the largest search engine in the world. Because of that, YouTubes videos rank highly on Google, and you can draw tons of traffic by targeting keywords with high search volume and are related to your niche.

    We have seen the potential of YouTube – Huge user base, easy to upload videos and easy to share them as well.

    Here’s how you start marketing your business using YouTube:

    1) Create a video worth of valuable content related to your niche

    2) Make sure there’s a call to action at the end of the video

    3) Upload your video to YouTube

    4) Add a description below each video

    5)Be sure to include a link to your website (traffic drawing purposes)

    6) Share your videos with your target audience

    Remember, a very important part of video marketing is the sharing component. Get your subscribers or followers to share your videos with others to get more views. The more views you get, the higher your video will be ranked.

    Videos with higher rank will usually be featured in YouTube’s channel listings and this will further garner you more views.

    Basic Tools For Video Marketing
    Let’s look into some simple tools for creating videos for marketing purposes. One of my favorite combinations is Microsoft Powerpoint + Camstasia.

    Microsoft Powerpoint allows you to create video content through slides, animations and sound effects. Camstasia allows you to record a screen capture, so when you play your slides in real time, you can record every single thing that is happening.

    Combo-ed with some cool music, you can make powerful informative videos which your customer base will like.

    Camstasia also allows you to edit your videos with basic features such as audio editing, slide transitions etc. Post video production is followed by uploading to YouTube, all can be done instantly via Camstasia.

    Last but not least, you will need to sign up for a YouTube account before you can start uploading videos.

    In short, these tools will help you create simple yet powerful videos for getting traffic and customers, as long as you have good content that your target market would enjoy.

    Videos are a great powerful tool for helping you grow your online business in many aspects.

    Rome wasn’t built in a day, the same way traffic doesn’t happen in an instant. However, if you diligently practice these video marketing methods, your business will surely have a lot to gain.

    The best way to build a budding business online is to leverage not just on videos, but on as many marketing methods as well such as article marketing, SEO and paid advertising.

    Once you have found what works best for your business, replicate and multiply your efforts and in no time you’ve built yourself a solid business empire streaming with thousands of followers.

    I wish you all the best in your video marketing, and your online business journey!

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    Video Marketing – How to Promote Your Business With Video

    With the popularity of videos and how they have been used to market many different kinds of products, including mobile phones and digital cameras, it is safe to say that video marketing is an important part of any business plan.

    The use of video on the Internet has grown tremendously in the past few years, and with the use of sites such as YouTube, video has become an essential aspect of the marketing process for businesses. But just how do you begin to incorporate video into your business marketing plan?

    Before you turn to YouTube for help, take a look at the following tips:

    1.) Begin by deciding what you want your video to accomplish. The easiest way to determine this is to do a research search on YouTube. Find out what the most popular videos in your niche are. The best videos tend to fall into one of two categories: educational or entertainment.

    2.) Choose the type of video you want to make. There are many different types, and you can choose the type that most closely matches your business or product. These can include how-to videos, reviews, testimonials, or what-to-say videos.

    3.) Decide where you would like to set up your video. Would you like to use your own, external microphone? Do you want to outsource this task or will you do it yourself? There are also many different resolutions and frameruns to consider.
    4.) Choose your topic. There are many different possibilities here, from health issues to celebrity gossip, to current events. You will definitely want to be careful when writing your topic, as videos that are too topical may lose their interest factor with time.

    5.) Once you have chosen your topic, have you decided upon your topic Writer? Are you going to write a description of what your video is about, or will you want to create a custom summary? If you are going to create a custom summary, you need to make sure that it is compelling, and that it contains all the information that your viewers need and want to hear. And, of course, it must be written by you. There are also many different resolutions and frameruns to consider.

    6.) Now that you have chosen your topic, have you decided upon your format? Are you going to use standard YouTube formatting, or do you want to create your own? If you plan on creating your own, take a look at many different types of videos on YouTube. You may find that you can accomplish what you want to accomplish more easily with one type of format, than with another. For example, short promotional videos tend to utilize shorter 30 second format videos, whereas, long instructional or tutorial videos utilize longer 60 second format videos.

    7.) Once you have decided upon video format, have you decided upon your Title? Have you decided upon your description? Are you going to use standard YouTube formatting for your Title, or do you want to create your own? If you want to create your own description, you need to make sure that it is compelling and that it contains all the information that your viewer will need and want to hear.

    8.) Once you have decided upon your format, Title and description, have you decided upon your Message? What does your video message consist of? What is the point of your video? Have you decided upon the length? Are you planning on including Music? Have you chosen a mood?

    With all these decisions made, you will want to go to the Create Video section of your YouTube account and now you can begin the editing process. Have you chosen Music? You will want to make sure that each music selection you use is appropriate. Do you wish to use Background sounds? Have you chosen a Mood? Have you chosen a Feel? How about a Expression? How about a Clarity? Have you chosen a Spacing? Have you already added any transitions? Have you decided upon the Focus? Have you already added any Effects? Have you already inserted any narration? Have you chosen an Audio format? Do you wish to add narration? Have you chosen your Video length?

    9.) When you are finished with the Video, have you added any annotations? Have you added any credits? Have you added any Notes?

    10.) Have you added any communication after you have uploaded your Video? If you have added any communication, have you chosen your language? Have you added any Language Settings? Have you chosen your Status?

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